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Outing Incidents/ Outing Plans? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 01/08/2024 (Mon) 00:29:52 Id:a0d735 No. 4546 [Reply]
So this is one of my biggest fears, and I'm sure it's many others' as well: family and loved ones finding out about your fetish(es). If it's ok, I'm curious to hear yall's stories about when you were found out. Did anything ever come of it? Was it a big deal? Did people cut you off? Second question for those who haven't been caught yet: what's your plan if you do? Delete everything? Pass it off as a joke? Be unashamedly honest? Again if you feel uncomfortable you don't need to tell, I just wanna know what other people went through.
>>4546 My dad found out about it nothing big happened he just asked me why do i like and moved on but i felt so fucking embarrased
I told my friend over text and he seemed alright with it. But we both kinda made the mistake of talking about it out loud. One of my other friends told his friend circle and people kinda joked about it but I was so fucking mortified I thought my life was over. Funnily enough barely anyone remembers it, and even less people besides three or four of my friends really know its true. I joke about it occasionally to hide the fact that it's true. My family hasn't found out yet, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
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OHOHOHO BOY, I went about revealing my kinks in the WORST possible way when I was younger, BUCKLE IN. So basically, back when I was in high school, I was a miserable lonely creep who had no idea how to manage relationships in a healthy way, and was absolutely desperate for any form of intimate human connection. In a VERY misguided attempt to deepen my bonds with my friends, I thought, "Hey... what if I told them big weird secrets about myself? Close friends share secrets with each other, after all!" Completely unprompted, I then went around to like TEN friends and acquaintances over the course of a week or two, asked if they wanted to hear a secret, and whispered about how I liked drawing pregnancy and vore art. Precisely two people thought it was funny and were cool with it, everyone else was just like "Um... okay? Why did I need to know this???" My dumb ass was riding the adrenaline, like "Hehehoo!!! I'm so quirky and weird!!! I draw porn!!! I'm a weirdo!!! Your reactions are funny!!!" without a care in the world. Obviously, behind my back, several of the people I told this to talked about it with their friends... I have no idea how many people ultimately found out, but I definitely garnered an unspoken reputation of "weird porn-addicted guy." I then kept acting like a massive creep in a bunch of different ways for a couple years (e.g. crushing on one of my best friends for a year even though I knew she was already taken), and this all culminated in me (rightfully) being exiled from like two different friend groups! It sucked! Went through a bunch of depression and self-loathing about it that ended up spilling in to adulthood, but I eventually made peace with it. A couple of my current friends already know about my fetishes (one of whom was a friend who stuck with me even through the above-mentioned CRINGE) and they're chill about it. Pretty sure my family already knows about it as well (I was bad at hiding it when I was younger), but they don't mind, and never really mention it. As long as you're NOT being creepy, and all parties involved are consenting to talking about it, discussing your kinks with your friends CAN be a fun goofy secret-sharing experience. I did not fulfill either criteria when I did this! Jesus christ!!! So if any of you are insecure about getting found out, don't worry! Whatever happens, your experience will, hopefully, never be as utterly cringe-worthy as mine was, lmao.
>>4555 You're a weird autist, in no way is outing yourself as a weird porn addicted hentai drawer a good social cue. The fact you are even outreaching to others about this shows younare trying to make yourself feel normal about your disgusting addictions. Speak to a real woman. There ain't nothin wrong with finding an above age woman/man attractive. Why the frick would think it would be acceptable to bring it up in front of a group of ten people. There's no adrenaline there you're just a perv. Im surprised you managed to type this since you clearly got your dick in your hand that much. If that makes you all depressed that you can have the luxury to jork it n goon all day than whatever man, change yourself dont wallow in ur weird masturbatory self hatred..self hatred is masturbation too.
>>4556 nice bait and nice reading comprehension! the entire story is about how i was a huge weird shithead in the past, if u think i'm "trying to make myself feel normal" about it, then, uh... very interesting interpretation? lmaooo

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0 0 01/09/2024 (Tue) 20:49:44 Id:673a05 No. 4554 [Reply]

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Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 01/08/2024 (Mon) 20:59:47 Id:d57f98 No. 4552 [Reply]

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Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 12/02/2023 (Sat) 16:24:44 Id:7015ef No. 4380 [Reply]
1 post omitted.
>>4380 She's on Onlyfans.
>>4380 Her name is callme_k_mellons
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Creating an account 01/03/2024 (Wed) 19:52:41 Id:e6524e No. 4518 [Reply]
Hi, long time user of the site but mostly a lurker because I can't figure out how to properly make an account, and the account section only lets you log in or recover an account, any help on creating one?
>>4518 look everyone, the journalist is trying to write an article!

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Hidden Maiesophiles? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 08/29/2023 (Tue) 22:03:45 Id:0045a7 No. 3401 [Reply]
Who are some celebrities, directors, writers, etc. who you think have a secret pregnancy fetish? Vernon Chatman is my personal pick. One of his shows, Xavier Renegade Angel, has a whole episode about a strip club that exclusively hires pregnant women as dancers. Wonder Showzen has a whole episode about birth, as well as the D.O.G.O.B.G.Y.N. segment where a dog helps women give birth. The Shivering Truth damn near features pregnancy and birth in every episode. It just makes sense to me.
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>>3408 Episode one: A man impregnates a mirror (or his own reflection) and it gives birth to a mirror baby. Episode two: A woman visits a store that sells panties that sneeze, menstruate, and in this case, give birth. She's held at knifepoint by the storeworker to "give birth" as she gets sexual gratification from it. Episode three: A flashback is shown of a woman giving birth to a "dirty pig" (baby with a cop hat) in a hospital. Episode four: A giant Abraham Lincoln head pulls his hand from the ground, which has a wound give birth to an enslaved man. Episode eight: The show's logo gives birth to a smaller baby version of itself.
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>>3432 I'm sorry is Miranda Cosgrove sticking her foot in a cum jar wearing a hula skirt?
>>3415 Just watched it. Okay, you might have a point. lol
Wow thats a really weird show.
Hope this thread will make a return

New Artist Spotlight Thread Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 12/07/2023 (Thu) 18:32:15 Id:56df26 No. 4401 [Reply]
Simple enough concept, post art of your favorite new artists(folks who’ve been drawing for 5 years and under)
Guess y'all just like artists who've been around the block for a long time, no shame we all have preference And maybe the header turned some people away idk
Word of advice, OP. When you start a thread on a topic, it's a good idea to provide some examples in order to get the conversation going. And yeah, no shit using a picture of a real life child as the header on a porn board is in extremely poor taste. No matter how innocuous a stock image is.
>>4404 I’ll keep that in mind
>>4401 Some examples Bundle-Of-Kinks, made famous, or maybe infamous for a certain someone’s containment thread, mostly draws characters from Cookie Run but can draw non CR Characters for 10 bucks: https://www.deviantart.com/bundle-of-kinks Brocolees, has only done a few preg pics but they are good: https://www.deviantart.com/brocolees BELL-on-SUPREMACY, they have about equal parts vore and hyperpreg but the hyper is good: https://www.deviantart.com/bell-on-supremacy

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Anyone know any text games like Skycorp The Underworld? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 11/22/2023 (Wed) 17:26:04 Id:4f9b5c No. 4302 [Reply]
I know that Skycorp Underworld is a transformation text game but it has multiple pregnancy and pregnancy adjacent chapters in it What I ask of ya'll are text games similar to Skycorp but more pregnancy focused I'll take some transformation sprinkled in aswell, but I'm not picky Here's the link to the website with the demo for The Underworld for those wondering, the full game is pay to play https://skycorp.global/game-content-and-chapter-summaries/

cookie run kingdom Latte cookie 05/24/2023 (Wed) 06:27:14 Id:b52a27 No. 1827 [Reply]
1girl,brown hat, brown eyes, short skirt, pregnant , sexy
i want to put a baby on that cookie.
>>1827 This isn't an AI prompter bud

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Sensory Deprevation Pitfalls Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 10/29/2023 (Sun) 22:03:05 Id:99961b No. 4114 [Reply]
A very brief trend that exploded a few months ago, but that no one in English agreed upon a name for. Can find a bunch of stuff by Japanese artists by searching 感覚遮断落とし穴 on Pixiv (or kannkakushadann otoshiana) a.k.a. "Sensory Deprivation Pitfalls (that breed their victims) Hard to find a lot of the english stuff, despite how much of it there was circulating not that long ago. Posting in /b/ for the anarchy. furry, mpreg, loli, whatever - all allowed here. just put em half way into a seedbed.
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@Tach8sosakU on Twitter
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this is all of the 9 images @Tach8sosakU made available for free on this series
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