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Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 21:26:55 Id:4b4bcc No. 5256 [Reply]
Hi! I'm looking for the full version of this comic. Does anyone know where I can find it? Thanks in advance!

Lost art Anonymous 04/01/2024 (Mon) 11:02:18 Id:2f1228 No. 5231 [Reply]
Seems we lost the "Lost Art" thread, and sadly, no, I'm not joking; I'm starting a new "Lost Art" thread on the Random board so that "Drawn" and "Furry" art can be put here. Last pic is spoilered because of bukkake.
Does anyone have the comic of the drawn girl named Emily that was heavily pregnant, but her babies got turned to bugs and she gave birth to them, then like a month later gave birth to bigger bugs? She was a bimbo and her back was WAY too arched
Looking for who the fuck made this and where are the other pieces
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I saw a guy in other thread asking for the complete picture and more of this artist or something like that i nderstand from his thread

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YouTube clickbait/Elsagate thumbnails Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:06:46 Id:7074f6 No. 4322 [Reply]
This should be... interesting. https://youtube-thumbnail-grabber.com/
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>>5024 I believe the second one is stolen from GPrime85. Does anyone have the original?
>>5024 What is Jerma doing here
>>5024 The second one is literally a meme: >Man looks like a soyboy >Woman is doing the "gaping mouth" face popular with soys >The man takes the white kids and leaves the black ones What were they trying to tell?
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>>4336 Sadly you are correct

Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 03/22/2024 (Fri) 03:38:47 Id:6147a6 No. 5198 [Reply]
Does anyone have any of this artist's art?
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I hate to burst your bubble, but just because YOU do not like it does not mean that others do not or that their interests are of less worth than yours. If you do not like something that is posted, please be nice and ignore it politely without posting anything detrimental. I would remind you of the following internet rules; Rule 34: If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions. Rule 35: If there is no porn of it, porn will be made of it. Rule 36: No matter what it is, it is somebody's fetish.
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>>5206 If I had to guess, it's probably the wojak-spamming faggot who trashed /f/ the other day. Fucker is clearly still around because he started another TND thread in /c/, and is just as clearly obsessed with trannies.
>>5208 They're probably closeted or in denial of an attraction. That's how it usually goes with homophobes, at least.
>>5206 On the other, we all have a right to say we don't like something. Guy didn't pick the right words, but he can say that he doesn't like something and you shouldn't like ot either, opinions and all that. >I would remind you of the following internet rules; Nobody cared about these in like 10+ years besides bitter oldfags.

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Gumroad Purge Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 03/16/2024 (Sat) 03:18:43 Id:11d48a No. 5134 [Reply]
Gumroad will remove every NSFW posts from their site in 1 day. archive anything you can get.
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>>5145 I'd ask you to be more creative with the rage bait, bit it seems to work
>>5156 That's my exact issue with it, it's lazy as fuck lmao
>>5134 I am an uninitiated. Is gumroad some sort of 3d assets website?
>>5166 Gumroad is an online storefront for independent creators. It has the option to sell downloads. For the rest of you, stop responding to the soyjak poster. You are only feeding the troll.
>>5167 Well, considering the events of last night...not sure that last part aged too well.

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Gender Transformation + Pregnancy Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 01/20/2023 (Fri) 22:15:51 Id:012d2c No. 1004 [Reply] [Last]
Males being turned into pregnant females through various shenanigans. English tags: TSF, TG, TF, rule63, genderswap, crossgender, bodyswap. Some Japanese tags to help you search Pixiv and Twitter: TSF = sex transformation 女体化 = female-ification 入れ替わり = bodyswap 性転換 = sex change 性転換過程 = sex change process 妊娠 = pregnant woman 妊婦 = pregnancy ボテ腹 (or just ボテ) = pregnant belly 孕ませ = conception 受精 = fertilization
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>>5099 The second picture isn't working.
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>>5169 Normally I don't care for this Rule 63 revenge-boner stuff, but he deserved that just for ending seven consecutive sentences with "lol."

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Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 23:34:07 Id:0a74eb No. 4954 [Reply]
There is literally no arguing with this
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>>5147 Chicano virgin :-P racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, classist and ageist...IDC that's only a joke. would a queer AMAB person relate better to women twice their age (i.e. 18 and she's 36?)
>>5149 You sound like a faggot
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>>4954 Drawings don't have ages retard
>>5143 Vaush?

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WEBRING WEBRING 08/03/2023 (Thu) 07:04:03 Id:de8223 No. 2820 [Reply]
LET'S BUILD A WEBRING PREGNANCY pregchan.com <-- You are here preggophilia.com bbw-chan.nl/preg g.hyperpreg.com extreme-board.com/forumdisplay.php?f=22 sexfetishforum.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=1025bb96000bfbdea7526a8acbf0dc34&board=105.0 forumophilia.com/tags.php?tags=pregnant EXPANSION AND TRANSFORMATION process-productions.com/forum/ forum.bearchive.com bodyinflation.org metamorphose.org thechangingmirror.com

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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let's see https://sexfetishforum.com what is all about
Do they work? What’s the quality?
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>>3030 >1 year later >0 posts

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Gallery-dl Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 03/06/2024 (Wed) 13:40:07 Id:fa6611 No. 5060 [Reply]
anyone know how to download gallery from e-hentai using gallery-dl? i'm keep getting SSL certificate verify failed, hostname mismatch etc
>>5060 Can you post the error?
>>5070 issue has been resolved somehow, but is there a way to allow gallery-dl to download original image files size from e-hentai? (i already have e-hentai account)
>>5105 You can use a config. Check out https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl?tab=readme-ov-file#configuration for the overview and https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/blob/master/docs/gallery-dl.conf for possible options. In particular, you want to add settings for the exhentai extractor with user/pass as well as set original to true

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Is it possible to get a permanent pregnant belly with surgery? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 08/02/2023 (Wed) 12:34:30 Id:5cd1ef No. 2811 [Reply]
Just a shower thought. There's breast implants, butt lifts, etc, but nothing for a making a belly look pregnant. There's enough risks to fill a novel, but I'm still curious.
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To be fair, I though so strange this topic and no one talking about the TNT-3D's OC Harley.
>>4409 Sounds interesting. Tell us more.
>>4516 Well, sorry about the delay, I'm new on this blog, well, this is an Deviantart artist (TNT-3D), and to give a summary Haley (I write wrong her name) are the follow: After she give birth ti triplets she liked the idea of having the pregnant belly and with an experimental srgery she put sylicon implants on her uterus and, from time to time, she puts more on their implants. https://www.deviantart.com/tnt-3d/art/Haley-Gets-Blown-Up-Expansion-Animation-860877637
That may cause serious health problems, some thing safer might be fake belly that made with rubber or something like that. But if we really talk about the possibilities of using surgery to do it, it would be possible, but market for it is small/non-developed, so it will be very custom kind of plastic surgery that need to deal with more trouble than any other plastic surgery
hmm, what if a pregnant woman has her cervix sutured?
