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Potential problems ahead? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 03/25/2023 (Sat) 01:31:51 Id:4b1f38 No. 424
So, this obviously isn't guaranteed to happen or anything, but it turns out Kisame has nearly hit the post limit on his thread on lolcow. I see this going one of two ways: one, the fuckwit finally settles down a bit. Two, without the distraction offered by lolcow, he starts shitting up more threads here. Just figured it might be a good idea to keep an eye out for him starting extra shit in the near future.
Easy way to fix it: Shoot the fucker
>>425 Believe me, I've fucking thought about it now and again. However, I'd prefer not to throw my life away over that pathetic schizoid fuckwit.
let me guess, at least half of the comments in lolcow are from him
I say ignore him, don't engage with him, and hopefully Couchy will just delete his messages eventually. I'm not a mod so I don't know if there's a way to permaban him, but if there is, go for it.
>>427 Oh absolutely lmao; they autosaged his thread ages ago because the fucker was talking to himself and kept bumping the thread.
