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ATTN: VPN USERS Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous Board owner 11/30/2023 (Thu) 15:51:44 Id:57110a No. 557 [Reply]
This thread is for VPN users affected by the ban on VPN posting which was implemented to (hopefully) put an end to the CP/spam problems that have plagued the site for years. *Please read the entirety of this post before replying.* If you use a VPN and want to regain the ability to post, you may post in this thread (which will be exempt from the VPN block) with a brief explanation/justification and SET A PASSWORD IN THE PASSWORD FIELD when you make the post. If approved, this password will be whitelisted and allow you to bypass the VPN block. There are no specific requirements for password complexity, but obviously retarded passwords like "password" will be denied. Any misused passwords are subject to revocation.
40 posts and 1 image omitted.
I wanted to ask something in the /d but it says I can’t because of my VPN, I don’t even have a VPN.

Someone got doxxed on /f/ Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/08/2024 (Mon) 21:45:54 Id:c3f8b6 No. 826 [Reply]
Someones doxx is in the Cookie run thread on /f/ video unrelated, i just thought it was funny
Yeah someone doxxed fossil I don't like him either but what he does isn't doxx worthy

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The Texas Age Confirm Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 03/30/2024 (Sat) 23:13:49 Id:4a1598 No. 708 [Reply] [Last]
I loved the questions, but maybe dropped the pass / fail rate down. No funkin way zoomers have ever been exposed chocolate rain or O RLY? Those two alone would suffice.
90 posts and 15 images omitted.
At what point will the questions be removed? It won't let me get past the second question.
next time trial test it to make sure that it works on mobile instead of being terribly formatted and being unable to scroll to be able to click "next"
Desktop mode It exists Try it you fucking dumbass faggots It doesn't fucking hurt
>>804 Oh I do realize it’s an April Fool’s Joke. But boy is it an obnoxious one. And since it’s still here I’m wondering if they locked themselves out with it.
Sorry boys and girls. Pool was closed because of Baby Shark apparently.

Can't access the site Andree 03/31/2024 (Sun) 06:43:45 Id:8bd3ab No. 739 [Reply]
Need answers or make it easy goddamit I hardly know any answers
6 posts omitted.
>>740 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 4, 1, 3, 4, 2
Since everyone else wants to be bastards about it heres a guide
well deserve my respect

Soyjak spam Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 03/23/2024 (Sat) 20:02:50 Id:e1aa46 No. 684 [Reply]
another spam in /d/
17 posts omitted.
>>697 >We're an easy target because we don't really have jannies. What's needed most of all is the ability to lock the boards for some set period of time. Having a janny online doesn't matter if they swarm him with posts.
>>696 Take your coal elsewhere, brainlet. You're the retard who thinks you're actually accomplishing something in life by spamming gore and soyjaks on a niche imageboard lmao
>>700 Except Couchy hasn't approved a user since early January...
>>704 Because it has been just request beggars and AI shitters since then. You can always turn off the VPN to post unless your country/ISP is blocking the site for some reason.
>>703 Don't give them the dignity of a repsonse.

Fuse Drawn and Furry boards? Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 16:12:20 Id:359f09 No. 633 [Reply]
I remember years ago when furry content shared the same board as the drawn content on this site; I believe having a separate "Furry" board is pointless. The way it was back then, having that content on the same board was simple and effective, and that's not even mentioning the fact that there are fanfictional scenarios that involve both a furry and a non-furry, like a human and anthro couple, for example. Furthermore, catgirls and other kemonomimi do not belong on a "Furry" board, despite having animal like features, which usually involve just a pair of ears and a tail. What do you think, though?
3 posts omitted.
>>633 You sound like a cancerous faggot who demands your furshit be in direct proximity to everything else Why must subhumans like you exist
I think it’s good to keep them separate for peoples taste reasons y’know (aka if they’re a furry or not one) Plus I think it’d be a fight for space in thread slots but idk
No. Furry art kills my boner. Making me see more of it will not change my mind. You have /f/ for furry art. And /f/ isn't new. It's been there since at least 2016. Come on.
>>633 I post humanizations in the My Little Pony thread, but it's really not a big deal, and the boards should remain separate. Besides, I don't think it costs anything to duplicate files between the two, outside of network traffic, because of the deduplication LynxChan performs.
Well with what just happened today, thats definitely a huge no and never will be.

Images not posting Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 03/09/2024 (Sat) 17:12:51 Id:d8b63d No. 624 [Reply]
Is anyone having trouble posting photos? The thing will get to 100%, only for a sign to pop up saying connection failed. Commenting still clearly works.
3 posts omitted.
Yeah I'm also experiencing this
I've also been experiencing this. If a post a batch of 5 I can usually get 3 to post and the other 2 just get lost somewhere.
i assume the server/database connection problem we had earlier is the maintenance to fix this problem?
nope, there still problem posting images
Now I get this thing where it says connection failed. I then refresh the page and some of the images actually get posted.

Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 03/02/2024 (Sat) 07:49:18 Id:483914 No. 623 [Reply]
Why is the volume of videos so fucking loud by default?

AI Board Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 00:48:47 Id:26e662 No. 617 [Reply]
I think that in the coming years (or possibly months) that AI generated work will have enough content to warrant itself a new board. I am definitely not saying that this should be a first priority right now, but I just wanted to get the ball rolling on that train of thought.

aristocrat 01/14/2024 (Sun) 12:47:12 Id:c22001 No. 595 [Reply]
Is it possible to increase the amount of posts that are shown under "Latest Posts"? In older iterations of pregchan, it was thirty posts shown. In the new one, it is ten. With how fast AI art is being posted, it feels like older notifications drop off the board immediately. I admit, I have a bias. If the list is increased, it's more likely people will realize a Impregnator Kings update has been added and potentially be enticed to read it and use their one vote. With the sporadic nature of my updates the past few months (which I am improving for the new year), it would make casual users more likely to see the story is active. At any rate, it's just a request. Thank you.
The volume of AI is a bit concerning, but in the case of Impregnator Kings, I assume everyone following it already has it bookmarked.
>>596 At the risk of sounding a little contrarian, Impregnator Kings does acquire new readers. At least, there is no gate keeping people away from reading only recent chapter and voting, or even voting based on what they see at that moment. Only that people use one vote. At any rate, I do my best to consistently state when there's an update and to check the thread with a status report on my DA. artistocrat-mae. That detail's been hidden before, so I'll list it again.
