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Drawthreds Dead Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 10/26/2022 (Wed) 02:52:49 Id:5ff9a1 No. 297
Well, both of the drawthreads are dead because people are dipshits are too impatient and now AI is taking over.
Perhaps that's a good thing. The impatient dipshits weren't fun to draw for in the first place.
Hopefully the edit threads follow suit
Well thanks a lot Anon You opened your big mouth and some fag bumped the worst threads in existence Maybe when the drawthreads die, you keep quiet so they stay dead
>>300 5 bucks says it’s Fossil
>>300 Seethe
>>301 Cope fag
Why the fuck do people have such a hate boner for the draw and edit threads? Sure there are impatient dickweeds, but what else is fucking new? Some of us actually genuinely appreciate the work that gets done there, by actual human beings.
>>304 If you appreciate their work, fucking pay for it
(793.12 KB 2668x4478 annie1.png)
>watching Batman: The Animated Series or whatever they called the third season >see Annie >immediately think of this I like the drawthreads, even though I've never had a request of mine drawn in them.
>>305 I have requested a total of one edit on this site, and thanked the editor profusely. Not everyone is a greedy insatiable fuckwit. If I were asking for shit on the regular I'd absolutely go for a commission, but I'm not looking for custom stuff all that often. It's just nice to pop in every once in a while, see something cute or hot, and save it. Like, I can sort of understand the issue with drawthreads, but the edit threads are just nice for people like me who, once in a blue moon, might ask for someone with better photoshop skills than them to maybe edit a pic if it's not too much trouble, if they have time, and if they're willing to.
(11.26 KB 201x219 heart.jpg)
>>306 You're welcome bro :) t. original requester of that pic
AI is going to do a way better job than anyone else could, all of the artists are just butthurt that they're going to be out of a job soon lmao!!
>>310 >- coombrains who compulsively jerk off to anything vaguely woman-shaped.
>>310 The only thing more cringe than requestfags are AIfags
(78.16 KB 800x533 alf.jpg)
>>312 What's wrong with Alf?
>>313 AI Fag, never heard of Alf
>>310 obvious bait
(21.71 KB 480x360 thatsthejoke.jpg)
Like, don't get me wrong, the AI shit is neat and all, but it's absolutely flooding the hentai scene. It can easily crowd out other content and I can completely understand how it annoys people.
Agree, drawthreads fucking suck and need to be deleted, you want art, pay for it
>>432 Lol, someone’s salty that their request didn’t get filled
>>433 I have never stooped to such desperation, I’m not a requestfag
>>434 you sure sound like a fag tho
