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Hiding latest images on the front page. Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 06/27/2022 (Mon) 19:29:09 Id:34fd40 No. 26
On the old site when you'd hide a thread the images would stop showing up on home page's recent images. This doesn't seem to be the case with the new site. Is there a setting I have to turn on or is it something Couchy has to impliment?
Yah, I noticed this and was curious about this as well.
>>35 same, stuff that should be hidden, or should simply NOT BE is showing up on home page.
Any timeline on a fix? Or alternatively, just removing the recent images until a fix is found?
If you want to browse all the boards at once, don't use the front page. Use the overboard. That's what it's for.
>>45 what if I want to use one board only, and see all of the recent updates from this board on the front page? it was possible on the old site, but here's only all-or-nothing. also please at least make the filtering hide the filtered threads from the main page
