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Pregnancy TTRPGS? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 03/17/2024 (Sun) 00:51:58 Id:88a55c No. 2946
Y'all got any good pen-and-paper stuff for us analog fuckers who don't trust these goddamn machines? Looking for pregnancy mechanics in RPG's, porn ttrpg's, y'alls retrofits, that sort of thing. Autistic as hell but it's weirdly hot to see pregnancy gamified
(871.35 KB 1721x1289 Screenshot 2024-03-16 205317.png)
I took this little 1-page RPG called Pocket Delver and tried giving it a pregnancy spin. Instead of having plot points like normal, have 6 stages of pregnancy: Fertile, Knocked Up, Showing, Ready to Pop, Water Break, and Birth. Set the plot point die to a 6 or 7 and instead of finishing a plot point, add progression with every birth. Roll a d6 for the number of babies. (1-3 one, 4-5 twins, 6 triplets.) My heroine of choice ended up getting raped left and right and gave birth 3 times to 7 babies throughout her little trek.
we had a thread on Pregur for D&D based pregnancy traps/magical items and a few monsters. think i can remember bits of it.
>>2946 Go try maiesta rpg, it's preg focused RPG that is also good RPG
