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Vent Thread belliesrlovely 02/18/2023 (Sat) 20:51:33 Id:96b862 No. 1173 [Reply] [Last]
Wanna get something off your chest? Let it all out.
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>>2967 Bullshit, politspergs are simply a minority of really loud tards.
>>2969 Not that anon but let ask you this: How many people can take a shit in a swimming pool before you decide to get out?
There is a narcissistic sense of entitlement that comes with expecting others to care about your boner being killed. If you feel the need to whine about it, then you deserved the boner death.
why are most of the pretenders either crossdressers or trans i wanna see a sexy woman with a fake belly, not a man.
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>>2967 You came to a fetish imageboard filled with mentally ill degenerates wanting and expecting to have a meaningful discussion about anything? Why?

Ideas for Pregnant Episodes or Movies Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 06/25/2022 (Sat) 03:57:57 Id:3b1a8e No. 70 [Reply] [Last]
This is for those who have an idea for a pregnancy themed episode or arc for pre-existing television show or movie. Live-action or animation. This is basically fan-fiction, but I think it would be nice to see ideas for what could have been or what could be done.
283 posts and 14 images omitted.
Had this idea for an animated sitcom, while it's not pregnancy based it does have a pregnant character in it. "Creeptown, USA" Takes place in a small American town where the supernatural and paranormal are common to the point where they co-exist with the mundane (basically Gravity Falls meets Ugly Americans). One of the recurring characters is a woman named Alicia Cruz, a heavily pregnant woman who owns a bakery/diner. There's a running gag where she's obviously pregnant with a demonic entity but she's completely oblivious.
Idea for a Two and a Half Men episode. An alternate take on the episode "Repeated Blows to His Unformed Head" where Berta's heavily pregnant daughter Naomi shows up at the house to clean, except in this version her unborn baby can physically talk.
"Hailey's On It!" - "Midwife Hailey" Beta reminds Hailey that one of her list items is "Help deliver a baby". Hailey tells Scott that when her mother was pregnant with the twins, she admired baby delivery and added it to the list, only to see the pain and suffering that she went through. Nevertheless, Hailey must complete it... somehow. Hailey and Scott end up in an elevator with single-mom-to-be Marsha who claims that she is due in a week. This turns out to be wrong and she goes into later, forcing Hailey and Scott to help deliver Marsha's baby.
Bluey (in light of episode The Sign) Very Special full lenth (or longer) episode where Chili gets pregnant and Bluey is happy.. till its revealed Chili having twin boys and the Family then plan to move to a bigger house... one far away. ends with them finding a nicer house thats much much closer but still having to move and the stinger ending is Chili going into labor.
>>2999 How about instead, Hailey and Scott get visited by the Professor who is heavily pregnant, leading to this exchange: Hailey: "You're back again, I was going to ask - Woah!" Professor: "Yeah, I just needed a place to... what are you guys staring at?" Hailey: "You're pregnant!" Scott: "Like really pregnant!" Professor: "Huh? Oh yeah, I got knocked up." Hailey: "I didn't even know you were married." Scott: "Who's the lucky guy?" Professor: "I'm not married! I'm carrying this for someone! Why are you guys shocked? You've seen me pregnant before, haven't you?" Hailey: "Nope." Scott: "Never." Professor: "Oh... right, time travel."

SubscribeStar Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 03/31/2024 (Sun) 02:52:16 Id:eb89be No. 2981 [Reply]
There was nowhere more appropriate for me to post this. Feel free to delete this thread, Couchy. I asked Cigusa for permission to advertise his SubscribeStar account like this. It can be found here: https://subscribestar.adult/cigusa I pay for his highest tier, Congressman, to make recommendations, but those are put up for a vote. Currently, there are two people in the similarly-limited Voter tier. So far, there's been one vote, which went in favour of someone else's suggestion. I strongly recommend joining the Voter tier so that pregnancy can win the next poll, coming up in a few days. If just a few of you can pay $12 to vote, we should be able to win. For those unfamiliar with him, here's some of his gallery: https://derpibooru.org/search?q=artist%3Achigusa%2C+human%2C+-edit This thread can be used to discuss SubscribeStar in general, I guess. I don't trust Patreon.
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>>2983 Yeah, but with me at the highest tier always suggesting pregnancy, no one here necessarily needs a slot in the highest tier. The congressmen can be relied upon to always vote for their choice, meaning the voters really decide what goes through, so I can't win it alone. I really want to see how he draws Adagio Dazzle, the character in both of these images, pregnant.
my mans assembling the coomer cadets to rig the vote
>>2997 Cigusa told me it was fine to do this. He wins either way.
She won the poll, by one vote. If anyone here joined to vote, thank you. I'll post the image here when it's ready. I won't leak anything from his SubscribeStar, but he'll publicly post at least one version of the image I can post here.

Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 22:58:42 Id:0abb94 No. 3012 [Reply]
What do you think of people that think pregnancy and pregnant bellies are disgusting
accept that not everyone finds the ultimate expression of being female attractive like i do and move on with my life. and mock them if they are overtly vocal about it like every other one who makes being vocal about their dislikes and hates makes them a special somebody who needs to be treated as special person entitled to a audience and power.
Well, they are not wrong. We have a "unique" fetish afterall. Just ejoy our weirdness alone and don't try to bring other people to our kink. It is better for everyone
>>3012 Everyone got their own taste. Just keep it to yourself if uncomfortable. Don't ask don't tell and all at

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Does anyone else worldbuild in their stories? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 19:28:16 Id:2d4fe1 No. 2991 [Reply]
Hey, everybody. I'm getting into writing pregnancy related stories, although I don't have much to show off yet. What I am doing, however, is worldbuilding. Setting up different characters, ideas, groups, etcetera that I like to add to give my stories an extra flare. So I want to ask a question: does anyone else do this? I wouldn't expect it, given that horny people probably wouldn't care to jerk off to extensive magic systems and whatnot, but I'm still curious. Is it rare, common, or am I just weird?
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I use an AI story generator for inspiration.
>>2991 I have some worldbuilding, but it's important to distinguish between fetish stories taking place in a normal world and normal stories taking place in a fetish world. I write the former, some people write the latter.
>>2991 I want to say I do - it's pretty much why I've been off the radar over the months. I want to be recognized outside commission artworks; at the end of the day, it's still someone else's vision I'm paid to draw. And frankly I only learned to draw so I could flesh out my own imagination - whether safe or lewd. Preferably safe but I know where I am. It's a matter of taste. Some people prefer stuff at face-value where they just get to the good parts and go about their day. But there are others who'd love to lose themselves in a world centered on their pleasures, interests and more. And the more detailed, the better. Then you have HR Giger levels of detail I'm guilty of. One say convoluted, another says intricate. It's like a recipe - how well it turns out depends entirely on what you use to make it. Critical writing in general really rest on 2 things: If you actually want to, and if you absolutely love to. Everything has an audience and if you enjoy lore-building and world-building, may as well go for it.
Imagine the fantasy world where there is only Female in every race. But because there is no Male they all can get pregnant without the need of other people, if they realy want it then can just being pregnant whenever they want
Or make an RP community of your own and see if other people bite. For instance, my Disboard server - Tales of Fecundia.

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PregCow Thread belliesrlovely 01/19/2024 (Fri) 22:50:59 Id:568cee No. 2730 [Reply]
If there are any lolcows in the Pregnancy Fetish Community™ or other lolcows with a pregnancy fetish, discuss them here.
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>>2755 I remember him making weird comments in the teen thread on Preggophilia. Stuff like "Oh, it'll be so hard pushing that huge baby out of her tiny body!" He's a creep, and he's got the nerve to act like an SJW? Sounds like a lolcow to me.
>>2757 It was more like "it'll be so hard pushing that little life ruiner out of her body". Dude seemed to get off on pregnancy as "punishment".
>>2755 I'm not one to judge interests, but his entire story catalogue is pregnancy as a result of rape and getting off to how much the mothers life has been ruined by it. It's really worse than it sounds, you just have to read it to know how bad it is. A lot of the characters are teenagers, and in fact he's got a whole Google drive of "forbidden" stories which are the same except it happens to actual children. Lot of burst preg (something I like I admit) in addition to his usual, but he also shoves it in to the stories of kids. I know, it's not real children but there's just something wrong about the intensity to which he fantasies about it. He's gone off on tangents about how he was definitely a rape victim and that's totally why he fetishizes it as some form of therapy - but that sounds like absolute bullshit. There's no way someone feels better about rape by jerking off to it 24/7, and even if it was true thats a terrible way to get past it. On TOP of that he's a moral busybody who will, at the same time, come into the teen pregnancy threads and lecture people on how wrong they are to be attracted to it. It reeks of insecurity because he knows he's far worse, classic projection. His extreme leftism just seems to me to be a cope because he knows how twisted his desires are and he's guilty.
>>2759 Hmm, seems pretty accurate. I remember reading his stories and recalling just how repetitive they became. It’s pretty much always the same slog of “I got raped, nobody likes me, I give birth, I be sad” THE END Pretty sure I could count on my hands the number of times someone had a happy ending
Why does he insist on spamming the webcomics threads?

Pregnant story recommendations Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 01/20/2023 (Fri) 18:17:54 Id:af0e76 No. 1031 [Reply]
Looking for good pregnant stories (preferably on deviantart but from wherever is good). No specifics on what about or what not about, just in general preg fetish stories
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Okay maybe weirdly specific request but does anyone have any good recommendations on preg stories that take place in an office setting? Preferably on DA but other places can work
>>1172 If you're looking for a writer who specializes in this particular area, then you could go with Muchbirth. Be warned, though, most of her stories include birth and usually end badly for the child mother. I would also avoid interacting with the author, since she seems to be using these stories as some form of weird therapy to work through, what appears to be, a past trauma. She seems pretty unhinged, to be honest. Anyway, if you're curious, you could give these two a try: Forbidden Story Archive: Mostly loli impreg, pregnancy, and birth; sometimes with gruesome ends... https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bz4KudAKhIGyR0sxOUp3TW9JVDg?resourcekey=0-DklYQCf5TPmGmiEQI7asCA The author's pixiv profile: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/21297458 Good luck with your search!
>>1687 Well, they live up to their screen name. Too much focus on birth for my tastes, not enough story or buildup. I'm also fairly vanilla in my tastes outside of impregnation. I appreciate the effort though. Thanks, friend!
There's something I'm curious about that won't leave my mind lately. An idea about eggs and sperm being represented by human forms. But I'm wondering how to anthropomorphize the sperm. The eggs would be represented with females, and the Y chromosome sperm with males, but my question is about the X chromosome sperm. The easy answer is to have them also represented by women, and they have a lesbian session with the egg-woman to fuse with them. But biologically speaking, a sperm has to penetrate and deliver DNA into the egg to start conception. So I was thinking maybe having the X chromosome sperm represented by shemales. Also, it would be helpful to differentiate the sex cells. There's no right or wrong answer to this since it's just a theory for a story idea, but I'd like to get some opinions.
Im looking for a particular story that was posted way way back. Pretty sure it was on Deviantart? It was about a girl who found a a recipe online for a formula that would induce pregnancy. She wanted to use t but didn't want to get in trouble for using it so she spiked the punch at a party with it and got all the girls in her class pregnant as well as herself so she'd have deniability. Story was mostly about her enjoying the changes to her body but also some about the rest of her class. Is that ringing enough of a bell with anyone so they could post a link?

Mpreg Ideas Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 10/15/2022 (Sat) 20:23:54 Id:93e444 No. 718 [Reply]
Ideas for Mpreg stories, movies, episodes, comic books, manga, etc.
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>>3015 I'm interested, what's your gallery?
>>3016 https://www.fimfiction.net/user/464822/Kassaz Here's the only human story I've written so far, but I have a second one in the works: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/520221/eight-inside-enquire-within In this story, she's having octuplets, but that's due to the cover art which served as inspiration. Still, if you like the idea of bigger pregnancies, you should probably enjoy it. Let me know your tastes, and I can make a better recommendation. Do note that the newest story has nothing to do with pregnancy, so just ignore that one.
>>3017 I've read your stories!!
>>3018 I hope you enjoyed them. Did your ID change, are you the same poster as >>3016?
>>3019 Nope.

Your Biggest Turn Offs In Preg Stuff Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 06/16/2023 (Fri) 13:15:59 Id:e7d136 No. 1763 [Reply]
Pretty self explanatory, when looking at preg art what kills your boner almost as soon as you see it For me it’s looking at pregnant Pokemon girls and turns out the father is a shitting Hypno-
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Bad dialogue can absolutely ruin even the hottest pregnant art for me. Bland dialogue is fine, but what really bothers me is when the grammar is awful. I get it, some artists are ESL but please just pass off the dialogue to someone who can use grammar correctly so I don't feel like I'm reading broken machine translation. Also I hate it when artists write dialogue for a character that's completely out of character for their personality, turning them into mindless sluts etc. I can find an infinite amount of random hentai whores, if I'm looking at art for a character I want them to be depicted in a way that is accurate to the character that they are
Honestly, I hate seeing pregnant women getting showered in cum. Or seeing them in hardcore pornographic situations. I don't mind seeing them nude or rubbing themselves, but when they are interacting with some other guy, it turns me off quickly. Ironic, huh?
You know those x-ray arts where the dick goes through the mom into the baby? At that point just burn the fucking thing. Full flacid, like what the fuck was the artist ODing on when they sat down to make it?
These have been mentioned before, but morally fucked shit like gore, rape, and loli/children involvement. Scat and watersports are also a turn off, but I do like some water breaking. Excessive pubic hair and stretch marks I also don't tend to care for.
Gore, abortion, snuff, amputation, ntr, mpreg, mind break unless it's a temporary thing where her partner screwed her senseless for a few minutes, scat, parasite pregnancies (if the girl is gonna get impregnated by a monster it's more interesting if the child's some kind of hybrid), bursting.

Ideas for Pregnant Comics and Graphic Novels. Cheshcat2 08/09/2023 (Wed) 03:06:09 Id:d027a1 No. 1976 [Reply]
This thread is for those who have ideas for a comic book or graphic novel series involving pregnancy. Wither it be a pre-existing series, I think it would be nice to see ideas for what could have been or what could be done.
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"Maternity House" Six pregnant women, or rather five women and one trans person, attend the mothers-to-be getaway Maternity House, owned by the kind and compassionate Miss Lithia, herself also a mother to be. Lithia, turns out to be the Greek goddess Eileithyia, and has brought all six people together so that they can fully embrace their motherhood and have their child blessed with greatness. All six are destined to birth a child that will change the world, but first, they must know what it means to be a mother in this funny, yet dramatic comic. Miss Lithia / Eileithyia - The Greek goddess who runs the Maternity House to help those who are in the throes of becoming parents. She is always depicted being pregnant, though she supposedly actually isn't. She is tasked by Zeus with blessing mothers to be so that their children can achieve greatness. She genuinely cares for the people she is to look after and occasionally displays a ditzy, yet aloof demeanor, yet is actually much wiser than she lets on. Grace Lawton - An attorney who had no desire to settle down or have children, until a one-night stand resulted in her becoming pregnant. She came to Maternity House thinking that they would take the baby from her, but learns the truth. She comes to embrace her motherhood after realizing that she held onto the fear of being a parent due to her own mother's situation. Stella Abara - An African-British actress and singer who became pregnant via artificial insemination. She came to Maternity House to get away from the public eye. She admits that she is insecure about being a mother due to her star status, but wants to do everything she can to love and raise her child. Rory Watson - A trans, non-binary person who neglected to remove their uterus and became pregnant from a one-night stand. They get the sense that everyone is out to get them and their unborn child, but forms a friendship, and later full on relationship with Olive, whom they find much in common with. Teagan Kane - A punk rock girl who wanted to be a musician until her pregnancy put an end to her plans. She claims that she had no idea what she is doing at Maternity House, but slowly admits that she actually likes the idea of being a mom, but frets that her style with clash with her baby's upbringing. Olive Estevez - An MMA fighter who is anxious to get back into the ring. She had hoped to give her baby up after giving birth, but decides to keep it when she becomes concerned over it eventually tracing its parentage. She forms a close relationship with Rory and eventually falls in love with them. Millie Tamada - A internet vlogger and gamer who became pregnant from her boyfriend, who she later found out was cheating on her. Now single and ready to be a mom, she comes to Maternity House in the hopes of getting help and finds herself surrounded by friends.
I would love to see an alternate earth in Marvel comics where Electro is a female African-American superhero named Maxine Dillon and Francine Frye is her pierced up, punk girlfriend who is pregnant with her baby. Because she is covered in piercings, when they make out or have sex, Francine absorbs the electricity. When she gives birth to a girl named Allison, the baby is born a Mutant also with electricity powers.
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Guys do you know where to read Nisioisin novel with the tittle "Delivery Room" ? That sound fun to read
>>2971 I bought it on Cmoa but I still can't find a way to rip it text only. I've been hoping for a translation for so long.
I have a lot of fantasies that I'd like to see turned into graphic novels but I'll just go into the one I've been running through recently. Small town, USA. A girl is constantly bullied by her fellow classmates, although she still has some friends. After walking home, she's suddenly visited by a ghostly presence, a womanly figure who describes herself as a guardian angel. In reality, this entity is actually a demigodess, capable of controlling belly-related stuff, but more commonly pregnancy. Behind the girl's back, she starts wrecking havoc (making everyone pregnant and/or fat). Eventually, the Demigodess's mother (The Goddess of Pregnancy) visits her and explains her disappointment in her daughter due to her not using her power for good, and punishes her by making her pregnant (don't worry it's not incest, just magic), so a majority of the story is just going into depth between the relationship between the girl and the pregnant demigoddess. I'm considering writing an outline/ establish some worldbuilding, but this is all I have so far.
