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Labor in nineteenth sentury hospital, drawn by DALL-E Sonia 04/22/2024 (Mon) 08:25:00 Id:629189 No. 33680
Hai! Feeling birthing throes always was my only fetish, so when I discovered DALL-E, the very most pictures I ordered to create-was about them. I liked the style of microsoft AI so much that deceided to share created picures with my own thread here!
Fantasy number one, when the first contraction comes
Number two: light, but annoying contractions
Usually pain during childbirth increases gradually, but sometimes it rises sharply on the next contraction
Asking DALL-E to draw birth pangs after this moment
Think that I`ve posted enough pictures for today.. Sso, feel free to post something if you have the same fetish too! For example, share an idea what kind of pictures would you like to create.
Dude, I want to produce this image in Copilot but what happens is that the resulting image always ends up being blocked.How do I ensure that the image results are not blocked by Copilot?
Neat. I generated a ton of hospital pics in Dall-E way back, but they were modern and mostly hyper and supernatural. Here's a few that were kind of... adjacent?
>>33687 Try this prompt: "Romantic parturient having contractions in nineteenth sentury hospital anime" There is a few secrets with DALL-E: -Dont use words that can be used in porn or something bad. For example, dont use "pregnant", "parturient" is much better. Also type "having contractions" instead of "in pain", etc -Connect words into meaningful sentences, using them separately will give worse results. -In most cases you will get blocked results and hyper and supernatural pictures, so try https://www.bing.com/images/create in several separate tabs to generate 3-5 pictures at the same time. -Try "Romantic" in the beginning of prompt. The number of generated images compared to those that were blocked will be noticeably higher. -Download audiobook to listen. Clicking on "try again" button in separate tabs to get result that you want can take some hours
>>33689 Sounds wonderful! Can you share more of them?
Thank you for the advice
>>33712 https://mega.nz/folder/3y4iEAyA#G88qfMN6vEO-W_pTntvLog Here's the complete collection. I picked those out of the "hospital" and "noblewoman" folders.
First contractions (2)
Fantasy number three - to be glad of a new contraction, despite it is painful.
Could you give me more ideas?
