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Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 14:24:59 Id:0ad840 No. 33315
Does anyone have images of this author?
It's just that for some reason I can't find these images by this author anymore
Does anyone have any images that have been saved from this author?
I was just going to download the images when I discovered it was here but now I can't find them and it tells me error 404
These are one of the images that I was able to recover
>>33315 ay yo, is dat Yukiko??? good shit
the author is papaC
Does anyone know what happened to these images?
I have tried to find it but I only get a 404 error
90% sure this is by the same artist
Does anyone have more images of this artist?
(278.91 KB 609x857 unknown-284.png)
(236.43 KB 595x609 unknown-104.png)
(97.99 KB 418x719 image0-64.png)
(156.85 KB 647x763 image1-7_bfb18f.png)
(199.06 KB 662x1173 unknown-313.png)
Does anyone have more images of this author?
>>33357 I always said Emperor Kuzco was the best Disney princess, but he really drank the wrong (right?) potion this time.
(I don't know if this is from the same author) Does anyone have more images of papaC?
There were no more images of the author related to her?
>>33378 Their skins make them very cute!
>>33316 Name of the author?
is this
>>33497 That black girl reminds me of a black girl that was my classmate and she got pregnant at the age of 17, I once gave her a fake pregnancy test and nearly 2 years later she got pregnant. Seeing her becoming a mother was cute because I was dreaming about seeing her pregnant.
For an artist whose work keeps getting reposted on this site it's a shame that there's no character names or lore associated.
I love seeing girls of other races, each one has their own beauty!
