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(213.29 KB 1278x971 1611004695603.jpg)
Pregnancy in Western Comics Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 06/21/2022 (Tue) 14:39:53 Id:4a8f57 No. 32
American and European comics featuring pregnancy.
(596.19 KB 1337x1205 megalex.jpg)
>Archived versions of previous threads? https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://pregchan.com/d/res/104609.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://pregchan.com/d/res/84204.html https://web.archive.org/web/20210217173819/https://pregchan.com/d/res/63669.html https://web.archive.org/web/20191006152613/https://pregchan.com/d/res/49996.html https://web.archive.org/web/20171114072947/http://www.pregchan.com/d/res/24132.html https://web.archive.org/web/20171127033526/http://www.pregchan.com:80/d/res/608.html Thumbnails and links in archived threads will likely be broken. Read filenames before begging for source. >Where can I find western comics online (fo free)? readcomiconline.li libgen.lc comicslady.com viewcomiconline.com viewcomics.me >How do I find source for a picture? Sacrifice a virgin goat during the full moon.
(1.06 MB 2015x3056 dry-1-1.jpg)
(800.97 KB 1927x3056 dry1-2.jpg)
Dry #1
(499.32 KB 1137x1600 SH5.jpg)
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
(477.74 KB 1280x1986 friday13pamelastale-1-1.jpg)
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Friday the 13th: Pamela's Tale #1
(571.29 KB 1053x1600 RCO072_1655704977.jpg)
(553.77 KB 1053x1600 RCO074_1655704977.jpg)
(572.85 KB 1053x1600 RCO090_1655704977.jpg)
From Deadskins
(137.31 KB 839x1080 LAR 36.jpg)
(315.38 KB 842x1180 LAR 36 - 1.jpg)
(391.39 KB 851x1080 LAR 36 - 2.png)
Love and Rockets #36
(545.06 KB 1297x1600 3 S - 1.jpg)
(428.27 KB 1297x1600 3 S - 2.jpg)
Three Sisters: The Love and Rockets Library
You know for a comic book series about big busty women having sex, there is surprisingly very few moments of pregnancy, at least from what I've seen.
(278.78 KB 1200x1842 thefirst-20-24.JPG)
(329.15 KB 1200x1837 thefirst-20-25.JPG)
>The First #20 >>174 Ironically, the more explicitly "erotic" and "for grownups only" a comic advertises itself, the lower the chance that it will actually feature pregnancy in an erotic manner.
(429.53 KB 1000x1557 negation-10.jpg)
(430.16 KB 1000x1550 negation-10-11.jpg)
>Negation #10
(1.28 MB 1988x3056 scalped-39.jpg)
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(2.46 MB 1988x3056 scalped-41-6.jpg)
Scalped #39, #41
(441.81 KB 1332x2048 frankenstein alive alive.jpg)
Frankenstein Alive, Alive
(554.51 KB 1297x1600 HD 1.jpg)
(611.57 KB 1297x1600 HD 2.jpg)
(490.43 KB 1297x1600 HD 3.jpg)
Human Diastrophism: A Love and Rockets Book
(555.93 KB 1297x1600 HD 4.jpg)
(426.12 KB 1252x1600 HD 5.jpg)
(506.72 KB 1252x1600 HD 6.jpg)
(676.55 KB 1297x1600 HD 7.jpg)
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(676.59 KB 1297x1600 BP 1.jpg)
(694.25 KB 1297x1600 BP 2.jpg)
(731.58 KB 1297x1600 BP 3.jpg)
Beyond Palomar: A Love and Rockets Book
(664.58 KB 1297x1600 BP 4.jpg)
(431.34 KB 1297x1600 BP 5.jpg)
(513.50 KB 1041x1600 GotG 1.jpg)
(374.51 KB 1041x1600 GotG 2.jpg)
(543.76 KB 1041x1600 GotG 3.jpg)
(520.72 KB 1041x1600 GotG 4.jpg)
(519.27 KB 1041x1600 GotG 5.jpg)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #21
(353.84 KB 1041x1600 GotG 6.jpg)
(505.87 KB 1041x1600 GotG 7.jpg)
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Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #22
(585.72 KB 1041x1600 GotG 11.jpg)
(653.73 KB 1041x1600 GotG 12.jpg)
Supposedly the "baby" evaporates from inside her because the Universal Church of Truth lose faith in whatever it is she is carrying.
>>891 Wish we got to see her wear the outfit in the comics
>>894 That was pretty odd that it was only the front cover. Then again, Marvel and DC have had a history of misleading comic book covers.
(627.64 KB 1332x2048 kong.jpeg)
One of the King Kong comics.
(172.88 KB 174x515 Kera 1.png)
(180.92 KB 230x576 Kera 2.png)
(149.98 KB 157x465 Kera 3.png)
(142.91 KB 174x395 Kera 4.png)
(62.17 KB 194x261 Kera 5.png)
I am obsessed with this alien from "Spider-Woman" (2016). She only a few lines and is mostly in the background, but she already has made a impact of sorts because of her striking appearance. A Deviantart user has named her Kera Swyzjen and everyone seems to agree that she is a Kree.
(97.51 KB 130x352 Kera 6.png)
(76.39 KB 128x314 Kera 7.png)
(93.35 KB 177x360 Kera 8.png)
(43.40 KB 95x195 Kera 9.png)
>>992 There are actually more images of her. I just wanted to get the ones that have her pregnant belly visible.
(220.53 KB 1104x1600 In Vitro.jpg)
From the very end of "In Vitro".
(1.11 MB 1987x3056 Skyward RCO003_1556119553.jpg)
Skyward #12
>>992 She’s a strontian. One of Gladiator’s (from the shi’ar empire’s) people
>>1101 Ah, I see. Their ears are supposed to be pointy and they are not as blue, but that does make more sense, based on her hair and clothes.
(598.29 KB 1007x1600 tmnt 1.JPG)
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1984) #56
(254.58 KB 981x1504 TGA 01.jpg)
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(260.56 KB 981x1504 TGA 03.jpg)
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(263.98 KB 981x1504 TGA 05.jpg)
From the co-creator of the Gorillaz, "Tank Girl: Apocalypse"
(359.31 KB 979x1600 TGA 06.jpg)
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>>1242 Yep, she has a tank.
(431.34 KB 1041x1600 Fissure 1.jpg)
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(540.02 KB 1008x1600 Fissure 3.jpg)
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Fissure, a four issue miniseries.
(478.03 KB 1041x1600 Fissure 6.jpg)
(514.14 KB 1041x1600 Fissure 7.jpg)
(475.91 KB 1041x1600 Fissure 8.jpg)
(504.95 KB 1041x1600 Fissure 9.jpg)
>>1432 I love the fact she just has her belly out
The Children's Crusade
>>1616 wuuuut
>>1616 I’m not even sure if this counts as “pregnancy”. It’s more like mitosis.
>>1638 I was thinking vore
>>1649 But she didn't eat anyone. She's literally splitting a clone from her body.
(416.88 KB 1024x1584 TAoLA 1.jpg)
(655.50 KB 1014x1600 TAoLA 2.jpg)
The Adventures of Luther Arkwright #7-8
(398.79 KB 1041x1600 ward 1.jpg)
(557.23 KB 1600x1230 ward 2.jpg)
(413.65 KB 1041x1600 ward 3.jpg)
(448.07 KB 1041x1600 ward 4.jpg)
(511.67 KB 1041x1600 ward 5.jpg)
The Ward #2
(351.53 KB 1137x1600 Waves 1.jpg)
(447.58 KB 1137x1600 Waves 2.jpg)
(505.49 KB 1137x1600 Waves 3.jpg)
(458.72 KB 1137x1600 Waves 4.jpg)
>>2143 Source?
>>2178 Seriously? It's on the fucking picture!
>>2143 alot of people forget vampirella is an alien
how do you guys got these images any web or app please let me known
(418.93 KB 975x1526 SD 1.jpg)
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The Savage Dragon #32
(326.09 KB 987x1522 SD 4.jpg)
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(317.35 KB 972x1504 SD 6.jpg)
The Savage Dragon #33
Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters
(839.42 KB 2470x1586 1509132839137.jpg)
(950.05 KB 2470x1586 1509126938679.jpg)
(1.03 MB 2470x1586 1509129347702.jpg)
"Monroe" from Mad Magazine #390~410 approx.
(481.26 KB 1235x1586 1549144745734.jpg)
(1020.05 KB 2470x1586 1549144171417.jpg)
(1.14 MB 2470x1586 1549144235349.jpg)
>>2522 >>2523 Frick, I thought I was the only one who remembered that. I usually hated that comic, so much so that I remember stapling blank pieces of paper on top of some of the ones I liked the least so that I wouldn't have to see them when browsing my mags. But those entries, for a randy teenager back in those days, especially the labor one... Well. You get the idea.
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(537.24 KB 986x1492 hellstorm-2.jpg)
(794.57 KB 1310x2027 the_wanderers-1.jpg)
Arak: Son of Thunder #8 Grimm: April Fools #1 Hellstorm #2 The Wanderers #1
(571.29 KB 1074x1650 ssa.jpg)
(366.92 KB 1074x1650 ssb.jpg)
Suicide Squad (2011) #2
(556.47 KB 1468x2035 britcitnoir-1.jpg)
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Brit Cit Noir
(653.48 KB 1041x1600 TT 3 8.jpg)
Teen Titans Vol 3 #8
(674.52 KB 1008x1600 8BG 4 1.jpg)
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(611.69 KB 1041x1600 8BG 4 3.jpg)
Eight Billion Genies #4 This is a really cool comic. I hope it gets adapted into a miniseries.
(4.75 MB 3840x2952 teen-titans-v4-23-1-3.jpg)
(2.09 MB 1920x2951 teen-titans-v4-23-1-1.jpg)
(2.21 MB 1920x2951 teen-titans-v4-23-1-2.jpg)
Teen Titans, volume 4, issue 23.1 >>2781 >Trigon Thanks for reminding me about that dude. He really gets around.
>>2829 A cool, sexy, pregnant punk and she offs herself because someone freaked out over her baby having wings. Sad.
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Crossed: Badlands #8-9
(445.27 KB 1041x1600 crossed 6.jpg)
(589.90 KB 1041x1600 crossed 7.jpg)
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Vertigo: Winter's Edge #1
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(270.04 KB 900x1436 UM 2.jpg)
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Mantra #18
(135.53 KB 900x1336 UM 6.jpg)
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(1.76 MB 2184x3375 redfork.jpg)
(1004.67 KB 1292x1996 forgotten_blade.jpg)
>Forgotten Blade >Redfork >TKO Presents
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(1.20 MB 2184x3375 thesevendeadlysins-3.jpg)
(1.59 MB 2184x3375 thesevendeadlysins-2.jpg)
(1.32 MB 2184x3375 thesevendeadlysins-4.jpg)
The Seven Deadly Sins
(1.41 MB 1988x3056 07.jpg)
Vampirella: Year One (2022) #2
yall got den kel's curse? ive been looking for it for years and a google search didnt help
(565.39 KB 1024x1669 legend2005.jpg)
Legend (2005)
(425.76 KB 970x1410 Labor RCO010_1469395127.jpg)
(471.21 KB 970x1404 Labor RCO011_1469395127.jpg)
(2.32 MB 2650x4075 myopia-b.jpg)
(2.56 MB 2650x4075 myopia-a.jpg)
(1.64 MB 1800x2505 076.png)
(1.81 MB 1800x2505 084.png)
(1.58 MB 1800x2505 089.png)
(1.63 MB 1800x2505 083.png)
(1.54 MB 1800x2505 088.png)
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(529.96 KB 2014x3056 RCO022_1663650594.jpg)
The God Child
>>4816 Please don't tell me those are the only times she shown pregnant
>>4817 no, there are more, and comic is ongoing or will continue with a sequel series overall: not great, not terrible
(486.20 KB 978x1503 Supergirl RCO012_1469463705.jpg)
(619.53 KB 1041x1600 8BG 5 1.jpg)
(511.27 KB 1041x1600 8BG 5 2.jpg)
(596.31 KB 1041x1600 8BG 5 3.jpg)
(633.23 KB 1008x1600 8BG 5 4.jpg)
>>2820 Eight Billion Genies #5
(610.72 KB 1008x1600 8BG 5 5.jpg)
(640.75 KB 1041x1600 8BG 5 6.jpg)
(646.88 KB 1041x1600 8BG 5 7.jpg)
(1.21 MB 1988x3056 king-conan-chronicles-2.jpg)
(1.56 MB 1988x3056 king-conan-chronicles-3.jpg)
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(1.37 MB 1988x3056 king-conan-chronicles-5.jpg)
(1.34 MB 1988x3056 king-conan-chronicles-1.jpg)
from "King Conan Chronicles"
(1.34 MB 1988x3056 king-conan-chronicles-6.jpg)
(1.06 MB 1988x3056 king-conan-chronicles-7.jpg)
(670.22 KB 1280x1983 RCO014_1583539970.jpg)
(639.45 KB 1280x2083 RCO015_1583539970.jpg)
Lord of the Jungle #1
>>5712 Found the culmination of the Witchblade pregnancy arc. Fair warning, it's a bit shit. The art looks like more detailed AI art. The alternate covers are alright.
(426.60 KB 586x782 19.jpg)
(408.42 KB 585x784 17.jpg)
(449.82 KB 585x789 18.jpg)
La Philosophie dans le Boudoir
>>5875 Time for another game of "What's up with the French?"
Dose anyone Remember a comic where a guy travels through different dimensions and meets an alternate version of himself as a woman and pregnant?
>>5912 "The Authority". I can't remember the issue, but I know what you are talking about.
(446.06 KB 1041x1600 The Authority RCO012.jpg)
(574.82 KB 1041x1600 The Authority RCO013.jpg)
The Authority #19 Vol 1
(510.78 KB 1041x1600 The Authority RCO009 (1).jpg)
(483.04 KB 1041x1600 The Authority RCO010 (2).jpg)
The Authority #22 Vol 1
(548.98 KB 1280x1971 RCO002_1583780219.jpg)
I do not know if this is a real comic or not but if anyone does know please tell us more
>>6316 It's real. She's pregnant for most of the series, gives birth in issue 11. You never see a naked belly.
>>6317 What a rip off
(319.95 KB 982x1507 namor-submariner-54-1.jpg)
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(310.62 KB 987x1514 namor-submariner-54-3.jpg)
Namor: Sub-Mariner #54
>>6316 It was 2011 version issue 3
(663.49 KB 1041x1600 Spider-Man RCO048_1567001176.jpg)
Marvel Comics #1000
>>6371 That's wholesome as fuck.
Belit and Veleria: Swords versus Sorcery #5
(1.26 MB 1988x3156 unsacred6-1.jpg)
(1.24 MB 1988x3056 unsacred6-2.jpg)
(1.27 MB 1988x3056 unsacred6-3.jpg)
(942.51 KB 1988x3056 unsacred7-1.jpg)
(1.07 MB 1988x3056 unsacred7-2.jpg)
Un/Sacred #6, #7
(452.16 KB 1440x1869 a womans voice.jpg)
(453.16 KB 1440x1869 a womans voice-2.jpg)
A Woman's Voice
(1.15 MB 1988x3056 wd39.jpg)
(1.05 MB 1988x3056 wd35.jpg)
Walking Dead #35, #39
>>6585 Doesn’t the baby die like right that after that lol
(709.49 KB 1041x1600 Chrononauts RCO009_1467107872.jpg)
Chrononauts #1
(1.06 MB 3500x2400 1586779954582.jpg)
>>6593 Off to save Anne Frank.
>>6593 >>6599 ...oh bloody hell.
>>6601 Someone's got to do it.
(403.87 KB 1179x1546 1.jpg)
(427.70 KB 1190x1544 2.jpg)
(364.82 KB 1211x1546 3.jpg)
(340.33 KB 1193x1582 4.jpg)
Alien Abductions
>>6620 Wished they did bursting
>>40 Actually the 104609 threads still can use in https://mail.pregchan.com/d/res/104609.html
(1.26 MB 2500x3458 mandalay1.jpg)
(1.10 MB 2500x3458 mandalay1-2.jpg)
(1021.60 KB 2500x3458 mandalay1-3.jpg)
Mandalay #1
>>6603 If that were the case someone would've done it better by now, at least make her an adult. Like if they were really interested in the AU where she escapes the nazis and has babies they would've actually made something interesting by now
(1.06 MB 2500x3458 Mandalay2.jpg)
(938.18 KB 2500x3558 Mandalay2-2.jpg)
>>6714 Mandalay #2
Spider-Man The Lost Hunt #1
(324.28 KB 1066x1600 KT 1.jpg)
(322.94 KB 1066x1600 KT 2.jpg)
(309.51 KB 1066x1600 KT 3.jpg)
Keeping Two
(405.21 KB 1066x1600 KT 4.jpg)
(374.70 KB 1066x1600 KT 5.jpg)
(416.58 KB 1066x1600 KT 6.jpg)
(358.38 KB 1280x916 phjnnc02_007.jpg)
Nani - Queen of the Jungle
(782.62 KB 1700x2200 RCO039_1669599497.jpg)
(856.63 KB 1700x2200 RCO040_1669599497.jpg)
(815.33 KB 1700x2200 RCO041_1669599497.jpg)
Trapped on Zarkass #3
>>7395 Hope that's not the last of her
>>7397 I just looked, that's the last page of that particular comic, but maybe a follow-up will happen.
>>7401 It'll be probably be her with a baby
(610.30 KB 1143x580 image_2022-12-02_193831798.png)
This is from an old thread but I'm not sure the original source
(641.50 KB 1600x2197 40.jpg)
>La Malediction de Zener, v02
(750.63 KB 1800x2400 19.jpg)
(989.13 KB 1800x2400 175.jpg)
(680.70 KB 1800x2400 18.jpg)
(3.56 MB 3164x4200 90.jpg)
(3.89 MB 3164x4200 91.jpg)
Les Fils d'El Topo #3
(399.51 KB 1200x1570 Circus102.jpg)
(1.11 MB 1920x2601 Le.vent.des.dieux.-.16.jpg)
(458.60 KB 1200x1593 Les Eaux De Mortelune-T08- 014.jpg)
(470.29 KB 1200x1593 Les Eaux De Mortelune-T08-046.jpg)
>Circus #102 (or 103) >Le Vent des Dieux #16 >Les Eaux De Mortelune #8
(1.93 MB 1920x2724 orcgob11a.jpg)
(1.94 MB 1920x2701 orcgob11b.jpg)
Orcs & Goblins #11
>>7850 Where can get it?
>>7850 will be amazing if u have a source to read this! looks interesting
(951.70 KB 1988x3056 02-01.jpg)
(1.25 MB 1988x3056 02-02.jpg)
(879.86 KB 1988x3056 02-03.jpg)
Bloodshot Unleashed #2
>>7869 Thanks
(599.34 KB 1008x1600 RCO019_w_1658357957.jpg)
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(526.63 KB 1041x1600 RCO027_1658357957.jpg)
(597.64 KB 1041x1600 RCO028_1658357957.jpg)
Skybound Presents: Afterschool #2
(534.43 KB 1120x1600 RCO096_1670982767.jpg)
(412.49 KB 1120x1600 RCO098_1670982767.jpg)
(595.09 KB 1120x1600 RCO051_1670982847.jpg)
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(551.46 KB 1084x1600 RCO003_w_1670982929.jpg)
(590.70 KB 1084x1600 RCO076_w_1670983006.jpg)
>>7961 That's actually an amazing horror concept. I'm surprised no one's done that before.
>>8046 There is a movie already with the same name based on this comic. It was released between 2021 and 2022.
>>8070 Looked it up, can't find what you're talking about...
(1.32 MB 1988x3056 RCO031_1658357957.jpg)
>>7961 great find
>>8073 Wrong one. Ultrasound was the one adapted to a movie, not Skybound.
(511.48 KB 1280x1995 Aquaman RCO017_1583596779.jpg)
(602.83 KB 1280x1975 Aquaman RCO018_1583596779.jpg)
Merry Christmas
(398.55 KB 904x1364 Willow RCO003_1565339547.jpg)
Willow #1 1988
(602.86 KB 1041x1600 Avatar RCO012_1670371158.jpg)
Avatar: The High Ground
(1.25 MB 1988x3057 preg joker (1).jpg)
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(1012.35 KB 1988x3057 preg joker (3).jpg)
Figured I'd share that "Pregnant Joker" comic people have been talking about.
(989.56 KB 1988x3057 preg joker (4).jpg)
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(1015.48 KB 1988x3057 preg joker (8).jpg)
>>9369 Here's the rest of it. Not the worst thing I've ever read, and certainly not the death knell of western comics.
(24.31 KB 480x346 FB_IMG_1673584134997.jpg)
Here's a video from Casually Comics on it. The host does a great job breaking down the absurd response to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udUJELqvIyE
(1.45 MB 1988x3056 MJ RCO012_1671666156.jpg)
(1.40 MB 1988x3056 MJ RCO013_1671666156.jpg)
Spider-Man The Lost Hunt #2
(1.16 MB 1988x3056 MJ RCO015_1674077137.jpg)
(1.19 MB 1988x3056 MJ RCO016_1674077137.jpg)
Spider-Man The Lost Hunt #3
(401.12 KB 1280x1958 Sarah RCO006_1469333913.jpg)
(483.79 KB 1280x1974 Sarah RCO023_1469333913.jpg)
The Terminator: 1984 #2
(461.49 KB 1280x1960 Sarah RCO005_1469333968.jpg)
(484.24 KB 1280x1969 Sarah RCO006_1469333968.jpg)
(460.42 KB 1280x1965 Sarah RCO007_1469333968.jpg)
(485.65 KB 1280x1964 Sarah RCO008_1469333968.jpg)
(470.09 KB 1280x1959 Sarah RCO009_1469333968.jpg)
The Terminator: 1984 #3
(407.26 KB 1988x3056 alien.jpg)
>Resident Alien: The Book of Love #3 Nothing concrete, but last page is a big hint that the main girl is going to be having an alien baby with the MC. Worth keeping an eye on.
>>10004 May I know where can read it?
>>10013 libgen.lc
>>10066 Thanks
(641.17 KB 1041x1600 Black Panther RCO013_1469422087.jpg)
Black Panther (vol. 3) #50
Black Panther (vol. 3) #52
(616.58 KB 1033x1600 Black Panther RCO005_1469636949.jpg)
(653.72 KB 1042x1600 Black Panther RCO018_1469636949.jpg)
(609.08 KB 1035x1600 Black Panther RCO019_1469636949.jpg)
Black Panther (vol. 3) #54
(549.93 KB 1033x1600 Black Panther RCO022_1469637094.jpg)
Black Panther (vol. 3) #56
>>10189 *Waves Doom Flag*
(1.14 MB 1988x3056 RCO014_1675290617.jpg)
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Star Wars: Sana Starros #1
>>10301 I still have no idea why they keep Sana around. She basically contributes nothing.
(1.53 MB 1988x3057 Lois RCO006_1663838277.jpg)
Superman: Son of Kal-El #1
>Celle qui fit le bonheur des insectes
does anyone know the french comic from old archive the page ia shown woman bathing naked
i forget the title i think is from 2018 archive
>>10652 >>10653 That's pretty vague, can you be more specific?
>>10649 Do you have a source to read this?
i think its about maid who work at the bar i lost the image file but i think she wearing a stripe dress with white and black color
(257.36 KB 1500x1500 Tempus_fugit.jpg)
Latest Beelzebubs had a flashback.
>>10743 Is that all we get?
>>10747 Yep. Unless they do another flashback or she gets pregnant again, and I wouldn't hold your breathe for that.
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Animal Man #88-89
>>10743 Literally had an idea for a comic strip Lucyfer: Sløth! Come quick! The baby's kicking *next panel shows Lucyfer's bare belly. The next one then shows the baby pushing it's hand and face through her belly hissing at Sløth* Sløth: *teary eyed* It's... so beautiful
>>90 Nothing gets a hot blond pregnant woman horny like burning tens of thousands of German civilians alive lol
(1.22 MB 2006x3056 RCO199_1469289942.jpg)
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Prometheus: The Complete Fire and Stone >unused concept art
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The Goddamned: The Virgin Brides #1
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2020 Visions #11-12
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Curse of the Blood Clan #3 (gore warning)
>>11533 HOLY SHIT!
(37.68 KB 298x400 revenge09.jpg)
>>11533 She had a Muslim baby in there.
>>11535 sexy
>>11535 That is easily one of the finest shitposts I've ever seen.
(610.01 KB 1988x3056 RCO024_1676508762.jpg)
>>9864 >>11558 Pregnancy confirmed as of issue #4. I am prepared to be disappointed though.
(1.65 MB 1987x3056 RCO013_1475087512.jpg)
Generation Zero #2 https://valiant.fandom.com/wiki/Gamete_(Valiant_Entertainment) >unborn psychic fetus that possesses its comatose mother's body
>>11594 OMG, this is (kinda) my fetish
>>11594 This would definitely get a show on Amazon Prime
>>11594 The character doesn’t last long. They get killed via a shotgun to the stomach, of all things.
>>11605 Damn, that's brutal
>>11594 That idea alone should have it's own comic book
>>11606 And the way it happens is stupid too. The cast is being chased by two guys and Gamete is like, "I can end this", but then gets blasted and that's that. What a waste of a character.
>>11615 Never got to see the full extent of their power, for all we know they could a fetal version of Jean Grey
>>11615 >What a waste of a character. That's comics for you.
>>11615 Especially considering the insane shit psiots can do. https://valiant.fandom.com/wiki/Psiots#Psionic_Abilities
Sort of have an idea for a series centered around her. >>1189
>>11606 That's kinda how the Valiant universe works. It's a early one of those "Hey guys superpowers would actually be shitty and everyone is terrible" settings. What if. Hear me out. What if superman were evil. Groundbreaking.
>>12015 Wow, an evil Superman, how so original
(196.87 KB 670x1024 File_005.jpeg)
(582.60 KB 1365x2048 Korra RCO070_1582353025.jpg)
Nickelodeon The Legend of Korra – Turf Wars
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The Maxx 14-15
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>>12790 More of 15
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>>12791 The Maxx 17-20
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>>12792 More of 20
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>>12793 The Maxx 23, 26
>>12790 Remember when The Maxx had an animated series?
>>12797 Yeah, it unfortunately never got up to this point. It was on MTV which, back in the mid-90s, were going through some things.
>>12790 The longest comic book pregnancy to my knowledge.
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One-Hit Wonder #4
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Action Comics (2016) #1044
>>13064 Reads like a machine translation over at Sad Panda.
(1.35 MB 1988x3056 Lost Hunt RCO004_1679515609.jpg)
(1.48 MB 1988x3056 Lost Hunt RCO016_1679515609.jpg)
(1.63 MB 1988x3056 Lost Hunt RCO017_1679515609.jpg)
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(1.15 MB 1988x3056 Lost Hunt RCO021_1679515609.jpg)
Spider-Man: The Lost Hunt #5
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A Woman's Voice
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>>13414 why would you upload this
>>13414 I can't even discern a message. I guess anti-abortion, but then the fetus is "stealing" the mother's heart so..
>>13414 WHAT THE FUCK!!!
lmao lol
>>13414 My half-sis said my Mom's heart "got bigger" and when I wasn't born yet "shared" my heart with hers. She was 8 or 9 back then in the early 1980s. It's cute, dear and lovely. My half-sis named me Michael after herself Michele. Just posting an ironic comment, not sure medically, a pregnant person's heart grows to support an unborn baby until it's due date, it seems worth telling a child about that.
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False Positive #7
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The Sandman #12
I remember first finding this little gem of a comic way back in the day about 20 years ago on a really good website called Del Ken's Pregnant Comic Reviews that sadly is no longer active http://web.archive.org/web/20081011064831/http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Omega/2976/ and sadly you need to find the issue on ReadComicsOnline https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Adventures-of-Superman-1987/Issue-584?id=29651 because R9K refuses to let me post any of the panels on the site for some stupid reason
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Cheryl Blossom (1997) #1
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in the Digital comic "i'm a mom" by daycomics there is pregnancy in the very first issue here in the link https://daycomics.com/content/102007/126309 sadly i can't get the pages with the pregnancy so the link will have to do but maybe someone can get the pages.
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Roadkill du Jour #1-4
>>14299 Man, this paneling is a fucking mess.
>>14302 I thought was only one. I was so confused on what’s happening because it was a lot stuff going on. Yeah panel is a mess
>>14299 I'm so lost on what's going on
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>>14121 >>14122 I made crops.
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Crossed: Mimic #1
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>>14671 >>14672 A gun wielding pregnant woman... yes please
(91.31 KB 820x1061 peng.jpg)
>>14672 " I didn't know if those thugs wanted money or something more sexual so anyways I start blasting. But yeah moral of the story: Don't be a victim. It's time to fight back." -Danny Devito
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Dune - House Harkonnen (2023) #4
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Conan the Barbarian Annual #8
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Bingo Love
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My Boyfriend is a Bear
>>15264 Why couldn't the comic be about the pregnant redhead? lol
(705.19 KB 1280x1956 talesfromnottingham-01.jpg)
Tales from Nottingham #1
Anybody know what became of the sister thread for comic strips?
>>15995 They either pushed it out, or deleted for some dumb reason.
>>15264 Well that comic was really cute, but unfortunately that is the one panel with a pregnant character in the entire series.
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>What's the Furthest Place from Here? #12 Comic seems to be doing a flashback to the pregnancy bits that got timeskipped.
>>15999 If it's the latter, I'll never understand why...
>>16006 Weirdly cute/hot/mysterious. Like it a lot. Plz tell me the preggo girl(?) doesn't die
>>16010 She lives, but I think the baby gets taken away.
>>16006 It's like they remembered they had a pregnant character.
Star Wars: Sana Starros #2
Star Wars: Sana Starros #3
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We Don't Kill Spiders #2
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Star Wars: Sana Starros #4
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>Oscar Martin's Solo: The Survivors of Chaos spoiled for anthro characters
(938.26 KB 1600x2294 D-Day Issue #1 RCO029_1582512396.jpg)
D-Day Issue #1
(83.00 KB 711x1000 no_kidding.jpg)
(166.46 KB 1050x1500 NO-KIDDING_US_5-5.webp)
The definition of the Holy Grail of pregnancy-centered comics. While the story does critique the decision of actually wanting a child IRL, the front cover alone is enough to urgently reach down to your pants.
(491.25 KB 998x828 NoKiddingPromo.png)
>>16489 There's also this image.
>>16489 Wow I didn't even know something like this existed. I wonder if there's a PDF file to load in.
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The Amazing Spider-Man #263
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Star Wars: Sana Starros #5
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>>16489 Also, there is this slice-of-life comic by Lucy Knisley that chronicles her pregnancy and the struggles she went through. I couldn't find a decent scan of the last one, but I posted it because I thought it was really funny.
>>16813 I'd totally read a comic about that last panel.
(1.77 MB 1988x3056 Linda RCO016.jpg)
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The Flash #225
(1.80 MB 1902x2587 no kidding squatter.jpg)
(1.54 MB 1252x1791 no kidding preg planet.jpg)
>>16489 Doesn't really have much in terms of belly content outside from the aforementioned pages and these.
(459.68 KB 1146x1800 Wolverine RCO004_1664858138.jpg)
What If? Wolverine: Father
(219.83 KB 1024x1568 Wolverine RCO022.jpg)
Wolverine (2003) #9
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Wolverine (2003) #10
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Wolverine (2003) #11
>>17096 dont worry, the baby lives, she gets adopted by the sister of the dead woman
>>17097 I remember someone posting this on the old pregchan and someone commented, "poor lady". Everyone was like, "She's a murderer."
>>17096 "Baby is born, we no longer have use for this woman."
(1.02 MB 1440x2232 Alien RCO017_1466123270.jpg)
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Alien: labyrinth #3
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>>32 The Alien Pregnancy PV
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Alien (2023)
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Wolverine & the X-Men #4-5
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>>17783 Wolverine & the X-Men #6-7
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>>17784 Wolverine & the X-Men #7
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The Savage Dragon #209. I didn't pull any from 210 because even though Maxine is present throughout the issue, it's like the artist does everything he can to avoid drawing her body. She even wears a one piece bikini and he somehow draws around showing her figure.
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>>18203 The Savage Dragon #211
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>>18204 The Savage Dragon #212-213
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Dark Ride #5
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The Savage Dragon #231, 233
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Blossoms in Autumn. A story about two senior citizens who meet and fall in love. Yes, they become pregnant at the end.
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(724.63 KB 1920x1476 03.jpeg)
Alien (2023) #4
>>18471 They will show the men burst open but not the female?
>>18471 Does anyone have any other similar stories?
>>18471 damn that kid looks fucked up
>>18475 She didn't even really burst so much as gushed a bunch of blood out then croaked randomly
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"The Most Important Comic Book on Earth: Stories to Save the World"
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"Porcelain: Bone China"
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(416.52 KB 700x1050 asy_oom_vol1_cover.png)
Does anyone know where I can read this comic?
>>18488 At least her belly didn't burst open. Maybe they didn't want to piss off (almost) everyone on preg-chan like what happened in 2007?
>>18884 What happened in 2007?
>>18884 I'm so lost and I was around in 2007
>>18885 AVP: Requiem
>>18883 https://web.archive.org/web/20060903000749/http://www.hauntedpixelstudios.com/asylumantics/?date=20060227 Looks like a lot of the strips are archived, but you'll have to dig through them one by one.
>>18921 Wait, nevermind. It seems as if the webcomic's URL and hosting changed so much that they're mostly lost to time.
I did some looking around and I think that i found a place that has the whole comic but it's sadly not free https://www.hauntedpixelstudio.com/product/the-asylumantics-repressed-memories/
(514.84 KB 1041x1600 night-club-5-1.jpg)
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Night Club #5
>>18949 Preggo Cowgirl Vampire.
>>18950 Her name is Sadie Buckets and her description is "[She] was a farmer's wife who made the mistake of checking what was spooking her cows one night. She's been pregnant for almost eighty years and something's still alive in there, believe it or not."
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JLA: Tomorrow Woman
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Under #2
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Elephantmen and it's various spinoff series revolve around the plot of evil organizations using women to incubate animal-human hybrids. There's pregnancy bits every five or so issues.
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>>18979 Okay maybe I'm fucking autistic but I finished reading both issues of this series and it felt extremely disjointed
>>19052 What does that have to do with being autistic? Do you mean dyslexic?
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"Who Will Make the Pancakes?" first story, "Watergate Sue"
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>>19438 No, it means there are systemic and structural issues of racism and oppression in the US society and the need to mitigate and reconcile with them (paraphrasing) any other attempt to define 'woke' is waffling chud-speak, his Excellency DeSantis himself gave the above definition of 'woke' as his administration's official position of that word.
>>19502 >>19435 Can tell me the source please
>>19518 I can’t remember the exact titles of said comics, but both are from DC: I believe the first ones are from one of the 1993 Robin issues >>19518
>>19040 Do you know more comic like this
(624.33 KB 1041x1600 Daredevil 020-006.jpg)
This infamous moment from Daredevil Vol. 3 #20
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(432.73 KB 1024x1374 RCO014_1692593321.jpg)
(417.51 KB 1024x1374 RCO016_1692593321.jpg)
The Shadows of Thule
(396.15 KB 992x1499 RCO008_1476263143.JPG)
(382.46 KB 995x1502 RCO009_1476263143.JPG)
(355.07 KB 991x1502 RCO010_1476263143.JPG)
(397.91 KB 990x1500 RCO022_1476263143.JPG)
Spider-Man: The Finale Adventure #1
(344.57 KB 984x1507 RCO010_1476263194.JPG)
(343.12 KB 982x1503 RCO011_1476263194.JPG)
(325.55 KB 978x1502 RCO024_1476263194.JPG)
(326.81 KB 983x1504 RCO025_1476263194.JPG)
(360.38 KB 983x1503 RCO031_1476263194.JPG)
Spider-Man: The Finale Adventure #2
(313.85 KB 980x1498 RCO016_1476263243.JPG)
(370.06 KB 984x1500 RCO029_1476263294.JPG)
Spider-Man: The Finale Adventure #3
(326.35 KB 992x1502 RCO003_1476263355.JPG)
(353.50 KB 990x1506 RCO004_1476263355.JPG)
(325.61 KB 988x1500 RCO005_1476263355.JPG)
(351.74 KB 996x1501 RCO032_1476263355.JPG)
(339.16 KB 990x1499 RCO033_1476263355.JPG)
Spider-Man: The Finale Adventure #4
(220.48 KB 852x890 DP.JPG)
Sorry can i ask the people here? I want to ask did somebody have na lache pas main by didier cassagrain If somebody have it please put it in this thread i cant donwload it in libgen thank you
Just put in mega or we transfer thankyou very much if somebody have it and upload it here
Thanks man
Hello i want to ask if someone have les fable de l'humpur I cant donwload it at any site If somebody have pls send link thankyou ver much
(167.94 KB 981x1600 RCO175_1591188884.jpg)
(190.90 KB 900x1393 01.jpg)
(205.72 KB 900x1393 02.jpg)
(191.85 KB 900x1393 03.jpg)
Night Wolf #1
(622.48 KB 1280x1972 RCO020_1663930644.jpg)
(546.61 KB 1265x2048 RCO021_1663930644.jpg)
Be warned the second page is pretty messed up
Where can i donwload french comic for free
(98.15 KB 768x1165 Poison-Ivy-18-WIP.webp)
Apparently this december Poison Ivy will be pregnant or something in issue 18 >The victims of Pamela Isely’s parasitic outbreak have returned home to her. As she faces off against her own undead body count, she makes a horrifying discovery about her own strange new body.
>>21299 First Harley Quinn, then Catwoman, now Poison Ivy. The Gotham city sirens have now all been pregnant.
(737.30 KB 1249x1920 earthdivers 10.jpeg)
Earthdivers #10
>>21299 >belly veins excellent >>21324 *brap*
>>20621 Can someone explain the relation with the topic? I've read the whole issue, and aside from a vague mention that the main character is pregnant at the end, there's no pregnancy of any sort in it ^^'
Movie Poster for French Short Film The Miracle of Life - The Pregnancy Plague (Le miracle de la vie)
(1.28 MB 2560x3930 Sid RCO003_1695996242.jpg)
(1.41 MB 2560x4030 Sid RCO014_w_1695996242.jpg)
(1.62 MB 2560x3930 Sid RCO017_1695996242.jpg)
(1.86 MB 2560x3930 Sid RCO018_1695996242.jpg)
(1.94 MB 2560x3930 Sid RCO019_1695996242.jpg)
What's The Furthest Place From Here? #14
>>19503 I care 🥺
>>22010 Love her face when she realizes the water is cold. Also, I now want a comic where it's just a pregnant woman in her underwear and bra running around with a gun on her hip.
(543.11 KB 1050x1600 city of others - 1.jpg)
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(536.24 KB 1022x1600 city of others - 3.jpg)
(451.98 KB 1050x1600 city of others - 4.jpg)
City of Others #1
>>22163 Technically a stomach burst
Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Jackpot #1, #3 Female Furies #6
(291.90 KB 1124x1600 RCO081_1583393198.jpg)
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(372.31 KB 1085x1600 RCO085_1583393198.jpg)
5,000 km Per Second
(544.98 KB 1476x1448 12316.png)
Does anyone have mad magazine comic this saburox sketch is based on? I literally can't find it anywhere
>>23067 I don't recall exactly which one but its a small comic about King Kong. "The woman who was abducted by King Kong 7 months ago will be here for her appointment shortly." "How will I know her when she arrives, doctor?" "You'll know. You'll just know."
>>23069 Here’s a weird fact, Gorillas have tiny penises in comparison to the rest of their body So scale that up to Kong size and have fun putting 2 and 2 together
(1.84 MB 2752x3685 androids 5.jpg)
(1.47 MB 2282x3056 androids 1-1.jpg)
(1.53 MB 2282x3056 androids 1-2.jpg)
(2.10 MB 2282x3056 androids 2.jpg)
(2.52 MB 2282x3056 androids 2-2.jpg)
Androïds #1, #2, #5
(572.97 KB 1024x1575 killraven.jpg)
(606.89 KB 1024x1575 RCO006_1668762537.jpg)
(593.62 KB 1024x1675 RCO009_w_1668762537.jpg)
(590.88 KB 1024x1575 RCO079_1668762484.jpg)
(611.64 KB 1024x1575 RCO089_1668762484.jpg)
Killraven Epic Collection, originally printed in Amazing Adventures, vol 2 (#26-31)
(97.31 KB 360x326 Madmg.jpg)
>>23074 Nice. MAD had a lot of pregnancy gag comics IIRC
>>23075 Pretty sure it was in the Mad ripoff, "Cracked."
>>21942 ppfftt the Dutch what's the f-k wrong with German people? I like to eat people and I like to drink pee, the French, the French, the French... A country where it's not PC moral puritan SJW: an appreciation of the beauty of pregnancy, thats all.
>>19503 Not even a joke. I had MAD mags of pregnant women appear in em all (check it out on google search). MAD magazine's Family Ties parody is worth a collectible from 1983 (about 4 decades ago).
>>23078 Would be nice to see some of them, 'cause Google ain't exactly much of help.
>>19503 Tagging something with "nobody cares" is how you know you pissed somebody off
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Pretty much anything worth posting from the “clone” series.
Tomb of Dracula (1972) #13 Beyond Palomar 2 MODERN FRANKENSTEIN (2021) #05 Y: The Last Man (2002) #40 Spectacular Spider-man #240 Archie (1960) #602, 605, and 633 Squadron Supreme (1972) #8 Adventure of Superman Annual #3 (1987) One of Those Days comic Olympic Dames webcomic JLA: Created Equal (2000-) #1 Wonder Woman vol.4 #51 Watchmen (1986) #2 Guardians of The Galaxy annual #4 Titans Hunt #8 X-Men: Grand Design (2017) #1 X-MEN: GRAND DESIGN (2018) Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1 (Vol. 3) Extreme Justice #11 X-Factor Vol.1 #210 X-Factor #224 Justice League (2011) Issue #47 and 49 Fight Club 3 EARTH 2: WORLD'S END #1 Planet of The Apes (2011) #1 Spider-Gwen Vol.2 #3 Earth 2: World's End #4 Zero Hour #2 (1994) Detective Comics #1004 THE SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN (1996) #11 Batman One YEAR #3 Marvel two-in-one #71 THE VISION AND THE SCARLET WITCH (1985) #10 Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher # 3 FANTASTIC FOUR (1998) #49 Black Panther Annual # 1 (2016) FANTASTIC FOUR Vol 3 #50 Smallville Season 11 Ii Tpb 8 X-Factor (2005) #259 Batman: The Killing Joke Guardians of The Galaxy (2008) #22 DC Rebirth: Raven #1 CATWOMAN 80TH ANNIVERSARY 100-PAGE SUPER SPECTACULAR #1 Batman: Curse of the White Knight #2, 3 Miles Morales: Spider-Man #10 Spider Man The Clone Saga #04 DC COMICS PRESENTS (1978) ISSUE #97 SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF STEEL (1991) #0 Aquaman (2016) #57 DCU Aquaman Holiday Special - “Somewhere Beyond the Sea” - https://why-i-love-comics.tumblr.com/post/638506775528767489/dcu-holiday-special-somewhere-beyond-the-sea The Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #67-68 AGE OF X: UNIVERSE ISSUE # 1 Uncanny X-Men # 200 X-Factor Vol 3 #32 The Avengers #199 The Flash (1987) comic - Issue #140 Guardians of the Galaxy (2017) #147 Ultimate Comics: New Ultimates #3 THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL 1 #598 SECRET ORIGINS 80-PAGE GIANT UNCANNY X-MEN #428 THE TERMINATOR 1984 #3 Invincible #110 Bomb Queen: Volume 6 #2 (November 2010) Convergence Superman #2 Supertryst 9 Super Man Spider-Man: Life Story #3
(1.87 MB 1988x3056 savage dragon - 246.jpg)
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(1.58 MB 1988x3056 savage dragon - 247-3.jpg)
(4.40 MB 3976x3056 savage dragon - 247.jpg)
Savage Dragon #246-247
(505.72 KB 1281x2020 savage dragon 152 - 2.jpg)
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Savage Dragon #152
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(543.42 KB 1054x1600 RCO062_1698463198.jpg)
The Forever Maps
>>7639 Bumping a request on the source if there happens to be more
(1.28 MB 2090x3056 RCO026_1698968752.jpg)
(1.08 MB 2090x3056 RCO027_1698968752.jpg)
Beyond Lovecraft
(400.53 KB 1280x1896 RCO081_1663845631.jpg)
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(794.83 KB 1920x2953 RCO017.jpg)
(1.61 MB 3840x2953 RCO021 (2).jpg)
Queen Sonja
(1.91 MB 1988x3056 RCO015_1471399834.jpg)
(914.20 KB 1920x2957 RCO021 (1).jpg)
(2.10 MB 1988x3056 RCO010_1471399834.jpg)
>>24794 Queen Sonja, cont. one page is failing to upload for some reason
(1.47 MB 1920x2951 RCO010x.jpg)
>>24794 >>24796 Chapter?
>>24794 can offer the link to see the full story with chapter?
(569.14 KB 1041x1600 RCO003_1700121061.jpg)
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(409.33 KB 1014x1600 RCO034_w_1700121061.jpg)
Wonderland: Child of Madness #1
(531.51 KB 1986x3056 RCO084_1700295655.jpg)
(1010.78 KB 1986x3056 RCO043_1700295655.jpg)
(620.12 KB 1986x3056 RCO044_1700295655.jpg)
(825.09 KB 1986x3056 RCO045_1700295655.jpg)
(492.09 KB 1986x3056 RCO090_1700295655.jpg)
Brutal Nature
(510.49 KB 1104x1530 RCO010_1497420882.jpg)
(439.71 KB 1104x1530 RCO076_1497420882.jpg)
Judge Dredd: America
(1.28 MB 1988x3056 RCO008_1658968391.jpg)
(1.32 MB 1988x3056 RCO008_1675893625.jpg)
(1.33 MB 1988x3056 RCO025_1680107728.jpg)
(2.22 MB 1988x3056 RCO026_1680107728.jpg)
>>2143 more Vampirella: Year One
(708.74 KB 1472x2039 judgedreddTPB29-01.jpg)
(2.80 MB 1988x2753 judgedreddTPB28-01.jpg)
(767.03 KB 1472x2039 judgedreddTPB29-02.jpg)
from the Judge Dredd TPBs #28 and #29
(543.96 KB 1040x1600 jennifer blood battle diary.jpg)
(503.04 KB 1040x1600 jennifer blood battle diary 2.jpg)
Jennifer Blood: Battle Diary #1
(436.71 KB 1041x1600 furthest - 1.jpg)
(483.96 KB 1041x1600 furthest - 2.jpg)
(240.47 KB 1041x1600 furthest - 3.jpg)
What's The Furthest Place From Here? #16
(649.57 KB 1280x1968 Sid RCO005_1701309272.jpg)
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(706.33 KB 1280x2068 Sid RCO007_w_1701309272.jpg)
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(594.93 KB 1280x1968 Sid RCO011_1701309272.jpg)
What's The Furthest Place From Here? Issue #16
(587.42 KB 1280x1968 Sid RCO014_1701309272.jpg)
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(614.00 KB 1280x2068 Sid RCO017_w_1701309272.jpg)
(541.04 KB 1280x1968 Sid RCO023_1701309272.jpg)
(558.72 KB 1280x1968 Sid RCO024_1701309272.jpg)
(726.25 KB 1280x1968 Sid RCO025_1701309272.jpg)
(476.35 KB 1280x1968 Sid RCO026_1701309272.jpg)
(591.60 KB 1280x1968 Sid RCO028_1701309272.jpg)
(593.05 KB 1280x1968 Sid RCO029_1701309272.jpg)
(542.29 KB 1280x1968 Sid RCO030_1701309272.jpg)
(570.21 KB 1280x1968 Sid RCO031_1701309272.jpg)
(651.48 KB 1280x1968 Sid RCO032_1701309272.jpg)
(317.92 KB 1280x1968 Sid RCO035_1701309272.jpg)
X-Men Blue: Origins
>>25544 This seems like queer baiting.
>>25572 Yeah, I'm bating alright
(39.04 KB 400x400 20220617_230300.jpg)
>>25585 What did he mean by this ???????
it’s not baiting… mystique “fathered” the child
(582.59 KB 1265x1920 Doctor Who RCO022_1658629436.jpg)
Doctor Who: Origins #2
Birthright (2014) 5, 7-10, 12-18, 20-25 and 50
>>26597 Any bare belly?
(1.20 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO023.jpg)
Birthright #5
(1.57 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO015.jpg)
(2.84 MB 3976x3056 Birthright RCO016 (1).jpg)
Birthright #7
(1.52 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO001.jpg)
(1.61 MB 1988x3156 Birthright RCO011_w.jpg)
(1.71 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO013 (1).jpg)
(1.76 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO015 (2).jpg)
(1.36 MB 1988x3156 Birthright RCO016_w.jpg)
Birthright #8
(1.53 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO021.jpg)
Birthright #9
(1.23 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO003.jpg)
(3.96 MB 3976x3056 Birthright RCO004.jpg)
(1.38 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO005.jpg)
Birthright #10
(1.30 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO010 (2).jpg)
(1.81 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO012 (2).jpg)
(1.57 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO013.jpg)
(1.97 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO014.jpg)
Birthright #12
(1.85 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO001 (1).jpg)
(1.68 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO003 1.jpg)
(1.91 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO004 1.jpg)
(1.74 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO015 (3).jpg)
(1.83 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO016 (2).jpg)
Birthright #14
(1.56 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO003_1469388616.jpg)
(1.73 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO005_1469388616.jpg)
(1.60 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO006_1469388616.jpg)
Birthright #15
Birthright #16
(2.05 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO012_1468420261.jpg)
(1.63 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO013_1468420261.jpg)
Birthright #17
>>21299 This comes out in a week so we'll see if it actually has anything
(1.98 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO006_1470867592.jpg)
(1.65 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO007_1470867592.jpg)
(1.88 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO008_1470867592.jpg)
Birthright #18
(1.72 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO015_1477503023.jpg)
(1.84 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO016_1477503023.jpg)
Birthright #20
(1.77 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO019_1484274444.jpg)
Birthright #21
Birthright #22
Birthright #23
Birthright #24
(1.79 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO004_1497466256.jpg)
(1.58 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO012_1497466256.jpg)
(1.48 MB 1988x3056 Birthright RCO017_1497466256.jpg)
Birthright #25
Birthright #50
(369.67 KB 1041x1600 Image_1703943532624.jpg)
(506.33 KB 1600x1227 Image_1703943535022.jpg)
Lady Death Cataclysmic Majesty
(466.78 KB 1013x1600 Image_1703943540069.jpg)
(616.25 KB 1600x1227 Image_1703943537207.jpg)
>>27037 any later for birth pls
(441.07 KB 1040x1600 RCO001_1704216968.jpg)
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Poison Ivy #18. Not much belly content, which sucks because I love the art style and what she's wearing.
>>27211 Close on bursting
Anyone have that comic panel, where a bunch of alien pods crashed into a civilization like asteroids, then proceeded to impregnate the women by the groin. Digging the archives, can't find the page or the name.
Final Incal Issue #2
(1005.66 KB 2325x3056 charly 9 -25.jpg)
(1.13 MB 2325x3056 charly 9 -46.jpg)
(1.21 MB 2325x3056 charly 9 -47.jpg)
Charly 9
Cybersix comic #19-22
(549.56 KB 1066x1750 RCO087_1583389547.jpg)
(376.67 KB 1066x1650 RCO088_1583389547.jpg)
(412.37 KB 1066x1650 RCO089_1583389547.jpg)
(359.70 KB 1066x1650 RCO096_1583389547.jpg)
(408.45 KB 1066x1650 RCO098_1583389547.jpg)
Smut Peddler #2. A softcore porn comic.
>>28697 Ah yes. Explicit sex. My favourite kind of softcore.
>>28697 👃
>>28697 I used to follow this artist's webcomic. Seems like some schedule slippage happened due to life stuff, as it happens online, but they fucking started a PREGNANCY plotline. Man, I was so pissed when the updates dried out after that.
(614.03 KB 1041x1600 RCO025.jpg)
(615.06 KB 1041x1600 RCO027.jpg)
(624.92 KB 1041x1600 RCO028.jpg)
Punk Rock Jesus
(32.32 KB 350x441 cover.jpg)
>>29352 This section is for comics, not this. I think this goes here: https://pregchan.com/d/res/13354.html
(1.96 MB 793x1133 Pirate 1.PNG)
(2.11 MB 817x1168 Pirate 2.PNG)
(1.97 MB 817x1170 Pirate 3.PNG)
>>23268 The Campbells issue 4
(1.35 MB 815x1172 Pirate 4.PNG)
(1.40 MB 816x1163 Pirate 5.PNG)
(1.62 MB 816x1162 Pirate 6.PNG)
(1.04 MB 816x1162 Pirate 7.PNG)
(1.21 MB 786x1122 Pirate 8.PNG)
>>23268 The Campbells issue 5
>>29354 That ain’t worm. That’s Jake
>>27037 >>27036 anything new on lady death?
(334.78 KB 1040x1600 RCO006_1707791878.jpg)
"In Utero". Despite the title, this is the only time you see any pregnancy. The rest of the comic is actually about a giant monster egg.
(1.18 MB 755x636 Great 10 1.PNG)
(904.97 KB 872x472 Great 10 2.PNG)
Great 10 #9
>>29598 oh hey the mother of champions i remember he, man DC comics needs to bring her back and do more with her.
Indiana Jones and the Golden Fleece
(1.98 MB 1555x775 Queen.PNG)
Lanfeust of Troy #5-6
Hey does anyone remember a comic where that was kinda like the x-files and had an alien that would impregnate people through human suits? It had both mpreg, fpreg, and bursting.
>>29940 I remember my elementary school library having both parts of that comic as a kid. I don't recall ever checking it out, but I sure as hell remember flipping through it on accouple occasions.
(3.77 MB 1988x1215 Helen.PNG)
Issue #0 of Boom! Comics The Incredibles
(547.54 KB 1041x1600 RCO047_1585240306.jpg)
(541.18 KB 1041x1600 RCO063_1585240306.jpg)
"No One Left to Fight"
Harley Quinn Black + White + Red
Tank Girl Apocalypse. Rapid growth and some birth. All viewable here: https://www.zipcomic.com/tank-girl-apocalypse-issue-1
>>31089 We already posted it here. >>1241
>>31091 Oops must have missed that. You get the full comic and some build up this way
Superman & Batman: Generations #1
I have tried posting some pages from Superman & Batman: Generations #1 all day but for some reasons the only thing that gets posted is the message and not the pages has this happened to anyone else?
>>31221 so far, despite the max image per reply is 5 you can only post/attach 1-2 images at a time. its seems there still problem with the image posting
Superman & Batman: Generations #1
>>31221 there's a 10 mb limit on top of the 5 images per post. you can hit the former quite easily if you uploading large uncompressed images
(1.44 MB 670x1047 Archie 1.PNG)
(1.50 MB 671x1044 Archie 2.PNG)
(1.44 MB 642x997 Archie 3.PNG)
(1.40 MB 641x997 Archie 4.PNG)
(1.45 MB 672x1042 Archie 5.PNG)
Archie (1960) #602
(1.51 MB 673x1044 Archie 6.PNG)
(1.52 MB 675x1047 Archie 8.PNG)
(1.49 MB 677x1043 Archie 9.PNG)
(1.42 MB 676x1049 Archie 10.PNG)
(1.55 MB 683x1049 Archie 11.PNG)
>>31816 Archie (1960) #605
(1.02 MB 686x1044 Archie 12.PNG)
(971.69 KB 687x1048 Archie 13.PNG)
>>31816 Archie (1960) #633
(1.98 MB 2709x3597 snow-orig-1.jpg)
(2.06 MB 2709x3597 snow-orig-1-2.jpg)
Snow Origins #1
>>31818 >>31816 I know Archie's very old with multiple iterations, but there's no way any of these are from 1960. Any more detail on the years?
(284.36 KB 1024x1568 RCO001_1477363987.jpg)
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(405.27 KB 1024x1542 RCO005_1477363987.jpg)
(689.06 KB 1600x1247 RCO017_1477363987.jpg)
Avengelyne (1996) #2
(582.18 KB 987x1600 RCO018_1477363987.jpg)
(379.37 KB 1024x1551 RCO020_1477363987.jpg)
(397.56 KB 1024x1572 RCO021_1477363987.jpg)
(484.96 KB 1005x1600 RCO003_w_1477364067.jpg)
(320.33 KB 1024x704 RCO004_1477364067.jpg)
(361.42 KB 1024x779 RCO005_1477364067.jpg)
>>32551 Avengelyne (1996) #3
Harley Quinn #16
(604.89 KB 1040x1600 RCO007_1712789314.jpg)
(591.91 KB 1040x1600 RCO009_1712789314.jpg)
(620.93 KB 1040x1600 RCO015_1712789314.jpg)
jennifer blood battle diary #5
(423.39 KB 1280x1968 RCO007_1663927712.jpg)
(418.26 KB 1280x1970 RCO008_1663927712.jpg)
Spartacus #2
Little Black Book #1
(456.33 KB 1191x1600 RCO102_1713137238.jpg)
(499.68 KB 1191x1600 RCO103_1713137238.jpg)
(488.71 KB 1191x1600 RCO105_1713137238.jpg)
(440.51 KB 1191x1600 RCO106_1713137238.jpg)
(449.11 KB 1191x1600 RCO107_1713137238.jpg)
Star-Crossed (2024)
(1.60 MB 1989x3060 born of blood.jpg)
Born of Blood #1
(451.14 KB 1030x1600 RCO054_1583604506.jpg)
(427.68 KB 1036x1600 RCO055_1583604506.jpg)
hack slash trailers
>>33543 Good Find
(1.33 MB 2048x1559 RCO020_1583529515.jpg)
(2.85 MB 1987x3056 RCO007_1691880521.jpg)
Creature from the Depths Vampirella/Dracula: Rage #1
(668.12 KB 1104x1455 IMG_1279.jpeg)
Nävis #2
