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Halo Thread Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 05/09/2023 (Tue) 12:07:04 Id:b58b58 No. 15316
baby halo
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>>15735 Holy shit that's good
>>15769 I didn't pick such a specific theme for a thread, but I can have fun with it.
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>>16123 source?
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>>16499 Source?
>>16500 Loolks like ThirtyEight.
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>>16499 goddamit you should put a spoiler since its involved scat
Best of both worlds
>>16513 sorry
Imagine getting born onto a pile of your mom's shit...
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>>18822 This is clearly out of topic
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>>15316 >27 authors >all Blue Archive >all pregnancy themed
>>19939 Yeah it's a real treat. Holy cow. For little animu girls I am a fiend
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"When you first saw [the halo on this loli body] were you blinded by its majesty?"
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>>20146 Oh nice, it's out and scanned now
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>>22632 Little bro was listening from the inside kek
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>Lolishit >Pedo Archive gachashit game Where are the jannies? Why is this on the site? You delete RL pedo shit, why is drawn pedo shit allowed? >inb4 those are le drawn lolis therefore it's okay, it just is okay?!!
>>23510 It's ok grandpa, lets get you back to bed.
>>23510 Bro forgot to take meds
>>23510 Actual CP is fucking illegal, of course it gets deleted, you fucking brainlet.
>>23511 >>23512 >>23514 It's pretty telling how much of a hypocritical hell hole this place is when people are jerking off to images of children but think they aren't pedophiles.
>>23515 It's pretty telling that someone can't tell the difference between real life CP and a drawing of someone who isn't real
>>23515 You realize you can find a drawing cute or attractive while also being utterly disgusted by the thought of a real child being abused, right? I'll admit to thinking there's something appealing on some level about a woman with a smaller frame, but the thought of a child who doesn't know any better being taken advantage of is absolutely sickening. There is very much a distinction to be made.
>>23516 You do realize that even if the images aren't real you're still getting off to children right? That by definition makes you a pedophile regardless of whether its real or simulated. Would you also argue that people on this site jerking off to drawings of pregnant women aren't maiesiophiles? No because that's fucking stupid.
>>23516 cockroaches will hump a brown beer bottle because they think it's a giantess cockroach lady, so I assume if you're jacking it to lolis it's because they look like kids.
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>>23518 Then you're one too, since all pregnancy involves a child.
>>23525 >Jumping through this amount of hoops to justify his pedophilia Typical Nonce behavior
>>23528 This motherfucker really can't comprehend that people can be attracted to a drawing but not the real deal. There's a reason why actual CP is basically universally illegal, while loli art is in more of a gray area, you dense bastard. It's because people can fucking distinguish between fiction and reality. Someone can be attracted to loli art without ever once in their life considering doing it to an actual child.
>>23523 I hate that I actually know what this is referring to. If memory serves though, they weren't cockroaches, but some type of Australian beetle. It's still wild to think about though.
>>23530 Yet you can't comprehend the basic fact that being attracted to children makes you a fucking pedophile. What else are you you stupid faggot? It doesn't matter if the image is fake or not you're still jerking off to kids!
>>23537 If the character is portrayed as mentally immature, then I'm not attracted to it. I like adults that are capable of goddamn consent, that happen to have a smaller build. I don't like actual children. There's a HUGE difference there.
>>23538 Then why the fuck are you so defensive of Loli if you're just into shortstacks you fucking dip?
>>23542 Well, for one, shortstack tends to imply also having huge tits, which aren't really my thing. Two, a fair bit of loli content actually falls within that "adult that happens to look like a child". There's a reason the "actually a 5000 year old dragon" trope is so prevalent; a lot of people genuinely aren't comfortable with a character that doesn't know any better being taken advantage of. You're applying a blanket statement to a situation that is much more nuanced than you're making it out to be.
i think you should all kiss and make up :3
>>23544 Sage goes in the email field, bud
>>23537 Somebody took the short schoolbus when they were a kid
I love how in the end the whole argument amounted to nothing. Everything was pointless from the start.
>>23511 >>23512 >>23514 >>23516 >>23525 >>23549 >>23571 >t. Self admitted kid diddlers I'm 100% sure that you're jerking off to realistic drawings of children too. "They're not real", "I like adults that look like children, but I'm not a pedo, I would never ever ever ever EVER fuck a child, I pinky promise!", "actually they're 30 years old, they just look like they're 10" yeah right, what other mental exercise you're going to show to prove you're totally not pedos?
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Motherfucker, even the original dude arguing fucked off. Enough with the shitty baiting attempts. I'm like 95% sure you're the same fucking retard who tries this type of low-effort bait in every other political discussion that's popped up, because your manner of speaking is practically identical. Go troll somewhere else, you troglodyte.
>>23686 The irony is that there's literally a loli thread and for some reason they decided to start an argument here. A thread for girls with halos.
>>23700 Tbf this thread might as well be the Blue Archive thread, and most of the girls posted here are lolis, so. Personally, I wish there were more preg drawing of the hotter underrated ladies like Saori at >>16499 or Aru like in the tankoubon at >>19939. Fuck, the 5 page Saori comic where she gives birth is hot af, can't believe that's the best Saori preg content I'll get.
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>>23676 Bro, stop ruining my favorite fucking thread with your deluded namecalling.
>>24523 Sauce?
Tbh Loli stuff is weird imo
>>24786 Looking for who asked.
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>>23704 What Saori comic
>>23686 If you don't want people to laugh at you then go somewhere you can block them. Now, any of you child predators have a coherent answer for why you're totally not diddlers? "They're emotionally mature 50 year olds who just so happen to look like preteens" and "I beat my meat to lolis but I would never rape a child" aren't arguments.
Just ignore em, they make their own fair points. But i doubt it changes anything anyways. If whatever we say cannot constitute as an argument then it's pointless to deliberate further.
>>25385 Like a normal pregchan conversation
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Keep em coming
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>>26227 I thought this was Amiya from Arknights
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>It's 2024 >There are still CP threads on the site (including this one) So the thing I'm supposed to take from this is that pregnancy fetishists are also child molesters lol.
>>27125 anything that helps you sleep at night bud
>>27125 It's still 2023 where I am fuckhead. 2D lolicon does not equal fucking hurtcore rural Philippines rape/murder camps genius.
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>>30212 The only flaw here is that Saori isn't in her original outfit which would've made this hotter, but I get it. The world needs more pregnant Blue Archive women, especially Saori.
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Seeing many halos on a belly is pretty hot
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Sleep paralysis demon
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Mari in her athletic uniform
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>>16499 English version
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