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(19.25 KB 360x267 GEHebWHWUAAT4_H.jpg)
Does anyone know where to get a enormous fake pregnant belly like in this pic? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 22:35:37 Id:82f635 No. 5380
As title says. I've been looking for one of a similar size but the largest i could find was twin sized. Any ideas on where to get one?
>>5380 You could always ask Swollen-Ksenia where he got his.
>>5380 I think she got it from Roanyer
>>5382 >She Oh you.
>>5382 i dont think so, royaner, the largest size royaner has is twin sized, all though they might do a triplet sized soon from what i heard, either way still not as large as in the pic tho sadly.
>>5384 It probably is the twinner Roanyer, you have to realize that he's like under 5 feet tall and built like a twink so the belly is going to look super big like that.
(178.84 KB 1280x720 F-Y-2ugXoAEnC8y.jpg)
>>5385 I dont think so, they have other pics/vids showing a even larger belly also she doesnt seem to be a guy, i mean not that igaf about gender lol, plus im not the tallest and tried making diy fake bellies so ik it defo aint a twin size
>>5385 >no visible adams apple >female fat distribution im confused, why do you think shes a dude? genuinely curious what prompted you to think that
>>5387 A lot of people are still stuck in the "no girls on the internet" mentality, combined with a now omnipresent trans-panic on imageboards.
>>5385 I think she's legit, but I've been wrong before... >>5388 >omnipresent trans-panic on imageboards Not everyone likes looking at trans porn. It's that simple.
>>5398 cant even indulge in a kink smh, what a faggoted snowflake
>>5387 I'm not really seeing that female fat distribution and the face is kinda sus Not trying to be mean...just answering the question
It is either the roanyer belly or that triplets sized one you see on the various resellers. Either way, the size is more than likely from inflating it with air.
>>5387 And then there are people like Ember Bastet that are women but look like men. It would be nice to see her wearing men's clothing.
>>5390 And they react to the existence of these people by flooding the boards with gore and retarded wojaks.
