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Furry and anthro art

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helluvaboss 2 Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/09/2024 (Tue) 14:13:05 Id:36c153 No. 8512
last thread was lost due to a twat spamming
also mpreg is allowed
Need more mpreg
mpreg stolas is adorable
>>8554 Yes he is
>>8554 I want to tame his promiscuity and turn him into the shy, gentle, and caring male-wife he's meant to be so bad >wake up from your peaceful sleep to a groggy Stolas gently prodding you >one hand is on his belly trying to calm either a furious or a rather playful baby using his insides as a boxing ring; you have no idea which >his soft voice meekly asks you if you can get out of bed to go get some midnight snacks and a hot water bottle for him >return and come across him whispering to the baby while delicately rocking his gravid middle, watching the swollen mass sway back and forth with a definite heft to it >you help lift him up from his pillow mountain and slide the bottle behind his back before letting him settle against it >the tub of ice cream, jar of pickles, and various other bizarre snacks rest on a tray that he can't really reach around, owing to his tummy, so you just give him what he wants when he asks >once his meal is over, he burps softly and apologizes fervently for being so impolite >you put the tray on the bedside table and slide in next to him to poke a little fun at him by complimenting how motherly he looks >when he starts melting from your teasing you ease up and alternate between stroking his head and giving his chin a little scratch >lean right into his middle and give his sensitive gut a stern but mostly playful talking-to and some much-needed massages until it stops deforming from stray somersaults, as by this point the little tot's in a food coma >kiss his feathery belly and Stolas himself goodnight before going back to sleep
