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anime edits 2 Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 01/20/2023 (Fri) 11:53:17 Id:7a8171 No. 9704
guess the other one was lost so lets remake it
(383.39 KB 1019x570 Juju.png)
(120.43 KB 1280x720 Dz3tnhqX4AA3VJy.jpg)
Got some
(42.35 KB 1315x739 Isekai-Ojisan-04-08.jpg)
Well, here you have a very good one to edit. Thanks in advance!
>>9713 Only cowards avoid pregging Kanna.
Nah, that’s commen cense
Lolicon is disgusting
>>9728 >>9729 You always take everything some rando online says at face value there, buddy?
>>9704 Glad to see my edits being shared
(397.60 KB 1984x1090 bote_collage201110-14.jpg)
(609.44 KB 910x1654 bote_collage210103-18.jpg)
(27.75 KB 495x580 bote_collage1708022.jpg)
(202.12 KB 1440x810 bote_collage1708023039.jpg)
>>9735 LOVE IT! The beauty of the body, esp when she is pregnant. Very good in artistic detail.
>>9851 Walking from a Lamaze class, the girls hang out and talk about their differences in being preggo. - on the right, Mio is about to drop. Imagine I was the token man with my galpals, but Mio is muh waifu - and her friends realized Mio despite her appearance is acting slutty lately. Yui: "I wish my husbando get off at the sight of us pregant, they do love us, but why is it they don't wanna get near us, even if we want it sometimes". Mio replies "I know my hubby and esp I just grind each other nightly...my hormones, I'm like the only kinkster fetishist in the Lamaze class and of all the men with us, he shares my sexual fascination". Yui shakes her head with a smile. "your hubby is cool in my book" and looks at me "In class, you seem unafraid to ask about us and the babies, touch and hold our bellies, and listen to mine kick with a heartbeat. You're one of my bump buddies...even without being pregnat". All the preggant friends laugh with me while I blushed "I love you, Mio".
(254.86 KB 2560x2462 botekora01100.jpg)
(347.27 KB 875x480 EJZnLbdWwAE-hUI.png)
>>9855 This is like she asking him to make a clothes that fit her preggo belly lol
>>9878 THIS ... IS ... THE.BEST.JPG.EVER.
>>9729 Don't kinkshame a brotha. As long as I ain't raping babies or fappin to real kids, I sleep like a log.
>>9880 Welcome to 2023: nothing is immoral, offensive or tab00 anymore. 1ncest is a common theme on Pregchan (more like momxson kind). Furries taught us z00philia is OK. & CA legalized h00kers, they can repeal the anti-necr0philia law too enacted in the 2000s. kink shaming like h0m0ph0bia has became unacceptable in the 2010s for most of the USA.
>>9932 >anti-necr0philia law t00 I don't want to turn this into 4chan /pol/, they joke about it was illegal to marry black ppl to marry white ppl til 55 years ago in 16 southern states. the use of the word negr0. *FAIL* at humor.
(1.57 MB 330x186 t187130_1288626068471.gif)
>>9933 You're replying to yourself. Again. Do you need help, sir/ma'am? Somehow in the minute and 54 seconds after you posted >>9932 you forgot it was you and self-rebutted? Also are you somehow confusing necrophilia, having sex with corpses, with anti-miscegenation, not allowing interracial relationships and marriage?
>>9940 Don't bring attention to it. It might go away then.
>>9932 why are you using 0s for o? are you afraid of triggering some kinda automod?
Pregchan having a normal one
all strange things here are considered not strange.
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(1.56 MB 1920x1080 98.png)
Here you have some Before & After images. I like this kind of images.
>>10502 While imagining being given a leg kick from the fetus is definitely more exciting.
>>10503 I support your opinion
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(1.03 MB 1920x1080 Morph 510.png)
(1.77 MB 1920x1080 Morph 465.png)
(1.12 MB 1920x1080 Morph 517.png)
>>10502 >>10502 >>10507 Like this? Some more edits for the thread too
>>10583 That first picture is already very good, Thank you.
(531.28 KB 604x579 unknown-4.png)
would someone be willing to edit tohru and kanna to both have big bellies?
i dont think any of those will fit
>>12115 She finds maternity lingerie or undies on E-bay (problem solved).
where do yall find these?
>>12533 Nice. I did isolate the petite one and AI upscaled it, in case anybody wants to clean it up a bit.
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(3.01 MB 1920x1080 yor1.png)
(2.12 MB 1920x1080 yor2.png)
found these on DA i like em a lot
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(1.32 MB 1920x1080 Morph 834.png)
(1.26 MB 1920x1080 Morph 868.png)
(1.99 MB 1920x1080 Morph 869.png)
>>9704 >>16077 >>16063 >>16078 i'm glad people like my edits
>>16115 These are great!
>>16115 would it possible to give yor a outie?
(3.18 MB 1920x1080 Morph 869.png)
>>16121 of course
>>16122 utter perfection
>>16191 Where is the original image of the second one?
>>16122 >>16191 Not realistic. Many Americans in their 30s can't own homes, cars, 2 low-wage jobs can't support, and even have a wedding, kids and savings. They have to be bobo yuppie hipster types. (I wish she was my wife) :-(
>>16241 OK sorry for that. SpyxSpy is a damn good show. A waifu of my dreams that is lovely huge w/ baby.
(233.26 KB 640x480 Morph 896.png)
(1.21 MB 1920x1080 Morph 889.png)
(517.10 KB 920x520 Morph 887.png)
(1.51 MB 1920x1080 Morph 890.png)
>>16256 keep them yor marin and osono edits coming there amazing
(214.40 KB 640x480 Morph 913.png)
(579.11 KB 1280x720 Morph 908.png)
(828.37 KB 1920x1080 Morph 912.png)
(1.41 MB 1920x1080 Test image.png)
(1.57 MB 1920x1080 Morph 903.png)
>>9704 >>16288 thank you
(817.80 KB 1280x720 Morph 934.png)
(1.62 MB 1920x1606 Morph 928.png)
(1.89 MB 1920x1080 Morph 932.png)
(4.70 MB 1920x1808 Morph 924.png)
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(1.16 MB 1920x1080 Morph 949.png)
(236.14 KB 720x480 Morph 956.png)
>>16767 I like how these are done.
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(1.92 MB 1500x1900 IMG_4520.png)
(1.50 MB 1920x1080 Morph 967.png)
(1.54 MB 1920x1080 Morph 958.png)
(1.07 MB 1920x1080 Morph 966.png)
(2.32 MB 1920x1080 Morph 971.png)
>>9704 >>16770 amazing job on these
(1.58 MB 1920x1080 ShiguAni2.png)
(2.46 MB 1920x1080 ShiguAni1.png)
Requesting an overdue belly for her please.
was wondering if someone could edit outies onto these two?
(629.22 KB 1450x1800 2023_06_19_0nb_Kleki.png)
>>17038 its somethin
>>17040 very nice job but i was hoping the leggings? if thats what they were to still be there
>>16767 who's the girl on the bed and what's she from?
(260.09 KB 720x480 Morph 984.png)
(1.34 MB 1920x1080 Morph 977.png)
(1.34 MB 1920x1080 Morph 987.png)
(1.71 MB 1920x1080 Morph 985.png)
>>17043 She's Maya Kumashiro from Occult Academy >>9704
(165.85 KB 364x480 Morph 996.png)
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(2.43 MB 1967x2667 zc3(4).jpg)
>>18424 Very cute.
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(1.61 MB 1440x1080 Edit 45.png)
(2.47 MB 1920x1080 Edit 37.png)
(2.69 MB 1920x1080 Edit 33.png)
(681.03 KB 1200x1690 710.jpg)
>>18423 canonically preg in a spinoff manga :3
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(1.91 MB 1920x1080 Edit 88.png)
>>19045 That Marin it's really cute!
>>19046 thank you editing Marin has been a pain but it's been worth it
>>18542 Is that correct?, Please source too!, And thanks.
>>9723 Hi! Don't forget to edit this one! Thanks!
>>19054 Im curious do you upload else where? I could have sworn there was a Preg Edits account on twitter but I cant find it.
>>19095 i have both a deviantart and a twitter i post more on deviantart than on twitter https://www.deviantart.com/morphtothetop https://twitter.com/Morphtothetop
(1.31 MB 1920x1080 Edit 101.png)
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(1.30 MB 1920x1080 Edit 97.png)
(1.69 MB 1920x1080 Edit 105.png)
>>19159 Not my first choice for a witch from mercury pregnancy, but a welcome one. I hope someone does more, the show isn't lacking options
>>19055 Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon: Lucoa Is My xx Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: Lucoa Is My ×× its a spinoff series with Shouta and Lucoa
>>18537 Where is the original image of the last one? I mean, the girl in blue? Thanks!
>>19192 She's Kanamori Sayaka from the anime "Keep your hands off Eizouken!"
(1.74 MB 1920x1080 Edit 118.png)
(1.30 MB 1920x1080 Edit 114.png)
(1.24 MB 1920x1080 Edit 116.png)
(2.02 MB 1920x1080 Edit 117.png)
>>19206 Ok. I wanted to say the original screenshot. From the previous imagen and this last one >>19209
(399.93 KB 782x1021 Edit 123.png)
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(685.23 KB 1920x1080 Edit 122.png)
(928.64 KB 1280x720 Edit 120.png)
>>19228 https://catbox.moe/c/qdlb42 use this link, it's where i got them from
>>19230 Thanks!
>>19230 The ultrasound is a nice touch.
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(1.75 MB 1920x1080 Edit 141.png)
(1.02 MB 1920x1080 Edit 144.png)
(1.15 MB 1920x1080 Edit 115.png)
>>19263 Thank you
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>>19609 >>19821 yooo, what's the source on the fio pics you edited? (and good edits they are!)
>>19609 Since when did Metal Slug have an anime?
>>19821 I wanna know if they really had aquariums like that in the 60's (SpyxFamily)
>>19832 The first public aquarium to open was the London “Fish House” in the 1800’s, though it really wasn’t until after WWII that advancements in filtration and heating made it possible to keep the most sensitive marine species alive and well, breed.
>>19824 >>19826 it's from the Metal Slug Tactics trailer
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>>20098 >that first one excellent
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(2.13 MB 1920x1080 Edit 245.png)
>>20098 If that Nessa screencap was a bit higher res, I would be dead with pleasure.
(1.20 MB 1920x1080 Edit 277.png)
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(1.10 MB 1280x720 Edit 306.png)
>>21854 So you’re the one I saw with some decent MHA edits. Nice stuff. Hope you wind up doing more.
(2.32 MB 1920x1080 Edit 309.png)
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(2.21 MB 1920x1080 Edit 311.png)
(1.06 MB 1920x1080 Edit 312.png)
>>21965 thank you
>>22191 >>21854 Chie is nice and all... but you got any Yukiko??
>>22207 these were requests
>>22212 Good enough, thanks!!
(1.89 MB 1920x1080 Edit 331.png)
(601.19 KB 1920x1080 Edit 327.png)
(1.10 MB 1920x1080 Edit 329.png)
(1.29 MB 1920x1080 Edit 332.png)
>>22268 The MHA edits are adorable. You take requests? Wouldn’t mind seeing more of Tsuyu or Jiro. But if not, then good show regardless! You got skill.
>>22277 i take requests either on deviantart or twitter
>>22281 Twitter is is, then. DeviantART is a bit too inch of a cesspool, haha.
>>16242 you mean spyxfamily. mid-life crisis much?
(1.51 MB 1920x1080 Edit 334.png)
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(1.55 MB 1096x1188 Edit 345.png)
>>22291 if you haven't found it, it's @morphtothetop same username for deviantart
>>22281 Interesting, do i need to send note to you or just message/chat directly?
(917.34 KB 1024x576 Edit 344.png)
(293.69 KB 640x480 Edit 336.png)
>>22359 both are fine
>>22895 Great works, Morpho. Random question: Why did you start doing these edits?
(15.37 KB 320x320 gplus1576995081089035522.jpg)
>>22895 HIMENO
>>22896 i felt like it
>>22899 Ok then, still your work is amazing
>>22899 >literal best preg editor >started cuz they felt like it Anyways yeah, you’re stuff is great keep up the good work
>>22895 Medabots Morph detected.
(866.56 KB 1920x1080 Edit 352.png)
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(323.77 KB 1280x720 Edit 284.png)
>>22906 >>22908 i'm not sure i'm the best preg editor, but thank you thank you both
>>22940 No problem dude, just keep doing your work hehe
Hey Morpho, do you think you can do some from Reincarnated as a slime please ?
>>22958 if you have a good screencap i could try
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>>22962 OK, here a few ones if you're good to edit Milim (she's +2000 years old). Complicated to find a site with screenshots of the best quality, and to screenshot myself directly from Crunchyroll.
(1.19 MB 1280x720 Illustration3.png)
(1.41 MB 1280x720 Illustration5.png)
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>>23025 Noice
>>23025 Good stuff.
>>23025 great work on these edits
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(1.14 MB 1920x1080 Edit 367.png)
>>23357 God-tier edits.
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(1.01 MB 1366x768 fetish anime.png)
Yayoi is, umm, INTENSELY studying Eiko's virgin pregnancy for purposes NOT SEXUAL, only for spiritual research. Just like the rest of us here.
(119.88 KB 1920x1080 dg.jpg)
Start fapping ~
>>23613 >virgin pregnancy >voiced by HanaKana She almost fucking exploded and so did I
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>>23967 >>24056 >>24131 >>24131 I have to say it Morpho I'm in love with your edits of Yor, Robin, Marin You are doing a great job!
>>24131 You're doing the lord's work.
(904.08 KB 1280x831 Edit 435.png)
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(1.08 MB 1920x1080 Edit 429.png)
(1.68 MB 1920x1080 Edit 431.png)
>>24136 >>24142 thank you both, i had to go back to episode 2 since there were a lot of Marin frames i skipped
There's pregnancy in Myu-Po on Hitomi.la please put it up.
>>24174 Even more perfection!
>>24174 Let's go!
>>24174 >Even more of the MHA girls Fantastic. I was gonna send you some Tsu or Jairo pics on Twitter, but I got banned for bullying boomers again :/.
(192.58 KB 563x832 Edit 415.png)
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(773.38 KB 1920x1080 Edit 432.png)
>>24245 you can send me screencaps on deviantart or discord Morpho#2106 >>24198 >>24203 thank you both
>>24270 You got any more Nessas? Love her. Amazing work, btw
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(1.16 MB 1920x1080 Edit 467.png)
>>24274 i'll do more if i find
(1.89 MB 1920x1080 Edit 470.png)
>>24274 it's not much but i hope it's worth something
>>24707 Oh damn. That's my thing! Thanks man
(1.06 MB 1920x1080 Edit 473.png)
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(415.94 KB 1280x720 Edit 442.png)
>>24815 That’s gotta be your best MHA edit yet, damn.
(338.55 KB 1280x720 Edit 454.png)
(2.22 MB 1920x1080 Edit 476.png)
(1.57 MB 1016x1992 Edit 479.png)
>>24828 thank you
>>24970 Even more fantastic edits.
(1.10 MB 1353x720 Edit 485.png)
(339.88 KB 640x480 Edit 483.png)
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(2.32 MB 1920x1080 Edit 486.png)
>>24973 thank you very much
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>>26901 Good to see you back Morpho, great work on that Lucy!
>>26911 Chet's morphs are another level.
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>>26919 thank you >>26911 these are great edits
>>26927 Source of the 4th pic? I know the other one is copelion or smth but what's the last one
>>26932 The Apothecary Diaries
What episode is this?
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(1.51 MB 1440x1080 Edit 599.png)
Preggo Nagatoro plz
>>27585 video source?
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(1.18 MB 1920x1080 Edit 536.png)
(1.22 MB 1920x1080 Edit 607.png)
One of >>27810 's I liked because it makes it look like she suddenly went into labor and had to be driven to the hospital while they were in the middle of a shootout
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>>28615 The emotional damage will never cease
>>30627 Gotta say, your MHA edits are usually really on point
>>30811 glad you like them i try my best on them
>>30811 glad you like them i try my best on th em
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(1.32 MB 1920x1080 Edit 636.png)
(1.60 MB 1920x1080 Edit 624.png)
>>30839 damn, these are top tier morphs
>>30832 They look "real" for lack of a better word. One question though, and I know this is weird, but have you ever considered making only one girl preg'd in an edited screencap containing multiple girls? It's just an interesting "contrast" I think is cool, seeing regular tummies against a giant one that you wouldn't expect normally.
>>30627 Like the second one here, didn't even notice it at first, my bad.
(801.59 KB 1276x720 1.png)
(792.89 KB 1276x720 2.png)
(809.98 KB 1276x720 3.png)
>>30842 all girls are edited individually in most edits i do of any anime/cartoon if there's one specifically you'd like to see you can just ask
>>30847 do you accept manga panel morph request?
>>30847 Nice! That's cool to know.
>>30850 great, i have sent you my request in your request post
(804.38 KB 1280x720 Edit 690.png)
(1.01 MB 1920x1080 Edit 682.png)
>>31278 She laughs at the sight of a man who displays his affection for pregnant women (do I feel that way).
(388.81 KB 1280x720 Edit 722.png)
(635.29 KB 800x1600 Edit 724.png)
>>31324 The anime didn't come out yet and you already edit this, good work
>>31538 Where is the original?
>>31538 Pretty sure that's not an edit, and it's actually Malmarkze's art
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>>33375 Damn, a peasant like me only wishes that you did birth edits too
>>33375 Oh Marcille ! Please do more of her.
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>>33376 i do every now and then >>33478 i have a few more edits of her
>>33517 I'm still waiting for mine in your request post
>>33517 Marcille The big belly fits perfectly
>>33375 Damn, I love how you even edit the boobs in those MHA pics. You put real effort into these.
To the lovely Mr. Morpho, this might be a repeat question but, is there anywhere aside pregchan we can view your morphs? Also if my voice has any sway may i recommend some more MHA morphs from the later seasons? From what U remember there are at least a few good scenes where a nice belly would be great.
>>33885 don't they have a deviantart profile?
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>>33885 i post both in twitter and deviantart under the name Morphtothetop
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>>33963 Original image of the third one, please?
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>>34011 it won't let me post it
>>33902 >Increases Ochako’s boobs like that to be bigger AND have that noticeable heft Goddamn. You’re getting real good. Sometimes your bellies look a bit odd because of the position or lines added that indicate the belly is soft instead of firm. But for the most part, your edits are great.
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>>34182 yor finally popped
