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the pixiv acc got removed 馬里達也 04/21/2024 (Sun) 09:32:14 Id:add992 No. 33600
If anyone has, can anyone share this artist's paid art, as i saw there are births in the paid arts
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>>33600 boy, do i have something for you. I supported Baritatsu for a while before he became a hack fraud AI guy. He was a good friend, but oh well. This mega link contains all his work except for the weird amputee and bestiality shit. Enjoy, share it with everyone because i KNOW he ain't gonna reupload it. Cheers. https://mega.nz/folder/U5xnmDQb#thaEN5nbm9RPaBkaJ_XTng>>33600
>>33611 That's not the same artist.
>>33615 damn nigga replace your eyes. its literally all his work from his fanbox that I went through to archive. you can compare OP's images and reference some of em in there
>>33625 OP didn't ask for Baritatsu, their pixiv account is still active. OP asked for 馬里達也 (umazato.fanbox.cc) whose pixiv account was removed. Read the title of the thread.
>>33625 Forget what I said, I'm retarded.
This is a certified "All DAZ artwork looks the same" moment.
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>>33676 he changed his name to Umazato when he was moving toward the shit ai stuff, but you prob know that now lol. he did it all to get tons of views, what a moron.
