/d/ - Drawn

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Anyone save art from League of preggos? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 03/30/2024 (Sat) 08:29:37 Id:4e2019 No. 32263
Anyone saved more pictures from the site of league of preggos? I know that there is a pixiv profile, but the author had his own website about of his art.
>>32263 I'm happy to see a preg Kai'Sa with the suit almost fully intact. So much of it has the suit peeled back, which just feels boring and wasteful of a unique design to me?
>>32266 Yeah bud, i'm looking for more art of this guy, specially the picture of Irelia Myth maker.
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Someone has the complete picture?
>>32263 Anyone have the website link?
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Saved a ton of them so im just gonna share them here
>>32401 From the website? Can you share it please?
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