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Noisy Bellies 2 Somegirl33 12/21/2023 (Thu) 21:05:49 Id:2283a1 No. 26603
Since previous thread got Deleted yet again it's time to make another one
>>26603 Wonder why it got deleted.
>>266005 Look man it's what I'm into ok?
>>26684 Don't worry, you're not alone
>>26684 Hey it’s all good. I’m into noisy bellies too
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By GloomBone
Hitting a Bump Because I love this Stuff.
>>28645 What's the context behind these?
>>28647 No context really, artist just drew zelda with a noisy pregnant tum
>>26603 Too bad gloombone is a tranny faggot now, I used to like his art. Come to think of it, lewdlemage and lemon-man have also both become trannies.
>>30924 Being a bigot must be exhausting. Having to hate people just for being different, and their mere existence offending your view of the world. Grow up.
>>30946 Nigga, you're on an imageboard, I'm allowed to say whatever the fuck I want about whoever the fuck I want and no matter how much you cry and scream and shit yourself there is nothing you can do. Go outside and touch grass, and realize there's more to life than arguing with strangers on the internet about trannies, pussy.
>>30947 Brilliant self-own, my dude.
>>30924 All you have to do is ignore gloombone's twitter (I certainly do) and only look at the art. Worm isn't a tranny that's just you being a snowflake because traps have been preg'd >>30946 All you have to do is ignore what was written because you're not going to change his mind I diagnose you both as faggots. Kindly commit die.
>>30924 nigga went trans because he gets off on it, rather than changing his life for the better. yet another autogynephile case...
I don't why some of these artist troon the fuck out, it just makes not like them as a person
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