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Pregnant Video Game Characters belliesrlovely 04/08/2023 (Sat) 00:04:33 Id:b3ade9 No. 13885
preggernauts from vidya go here
(3.56 MB 2098x2736 samsung.png)
(224.85 KB 1200x1200 wiifitmaternity.png)
>>13887 The one on the left looks like it belongs in a comic or graphic novel.
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(246.73 KB 1191x1684 FmXN2GkakAEQRVx.jpg)
(849.90 KB 2881x4096 FizWNipWQAIkKiN.jpg)
>>13885 I could probably post for days on samus alone
(2.42 MB 1920x1080 20230404192840.png)
how about modded video game characters
>>13890 I’m gonna need more Samus, chief
There isn’t enough pregnant bayonetta art
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>>13924 Who is the artist of the picture of re4?
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>>13927 Me, using img2img stable diffusion
>>13932 How did you make that?
>>13932 How? i don't even know how to use that AI
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>>13922 coming right up
(101.14 KB 808x1200 FjOzi-lXwBc7FkJ.jpg)
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>>13890 isn't there a follow up for the last pic?
Spoiler'd for furry. People are drawing Ashley from RE4 as a mouse, and so far this is the only preggo art I've found.
Should've put this thread in /b/ so furry can be allowed...
(125.49 KB 1177x679 pregsona.jpg)
>>14081 *recognizes source* Based
>>14083 Would you care to share with the class?
(708.32 KB 3035x3287 E_QfAu_XoAM2xc2.jpg)
(2.82 MB 1920x1080 Cortana Preggo.webm)
>>14111 whos the artist who did the lara croft image?
>>14115 Seems like an old MetalForever work for me.
(1.56 MB 1190x2103 BR55 Anne.png)
>>14114 W-Why does this exist...
>>14119 Considering everything else on this site, that's your limit?
>>14119 It's like a visualization when his suit is jacking him off.
(35.21 KB 800x450 Wait. That's Illegal...jpeg)
>>14123 I'm sorry but you can't impregnate a fucking holographic AI.
(46.21 KB 750x564 programming.jpg)
>>14126 Programming.
>>14126 How do you think copy/paste works?
>>14119 I can ask the same about your pic anon and it would make more sense
(2.00 MB 2480x3508 kirijo.jpg)
The most unbeatable character in P4:Arena and Blazblue CrossTag Battle.
(2.05 MB 1764x2508 9npg3xq7u.jpg)
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Fiona from Haunting Ground. I don't know much about the game, but from what I've seen, one of the villains wants Fiona to give birth to his reincarnation. There's a bad end in which she does end up getting pregnant, hence the pics.
>>14456 The bad ending is even worse than you think: see, it turns out that the main villain has been cloning himself for decades, with Fiona's father being a clone that escaped and had a life of his own. Another villain is a deformed failed clone that, in the bad ending, is responsible for getting her pregnant. In other words, she was raped- most likely more than once, to ensure it took- by a man that was genetically her father.
>>14456 yes this bad ending happens if your level of frienship with the dog she met during the game is not high enough from what i heard.
Character from some stupid mobile game, there’s a whole thread about it over on /f/(I don’t know why, they aren’t furries, they’re fucking biscuits)
(29.43 KB 720x395 6ppwju.jpg)
>>14126 Counter argument.
(2.38 MB 1279x910 pauline-birthing-mushroom.gif)
>>14465 >biscuits Imagine being bri'ish
>>14472 Being British than drawing porn of some dumb mobile game about sentient gingerbread people, the artist is so good but they limit themselves to this series-
State of this thread...
NPC in Cyberpunk 2077
(3.30 MB 1920x1080 twins.webm)
VGErotica coming through once again.
Advance Wars remake is finally out
>>14559 Damn, that was a quick one.
>>14139 >he doesn't know about Pregnant Anne Frank-Halo crossover lore
>>14572 This should be an internet rule: for every thread post, the likelihood of someone randomly bringing up Anne Frank increases by 1.
(1.41 MB 3125x2500 Pax-Confederada.jpg)
>>14573 >the likelihood of someone randomly bringing up Pregnant Anne Frank increases by 1. *fixed that for you :)
>>14572 This isn't cursed. It's not even blursed. It's a blessed thing indeed to have read this. And I'd kinda like to see how they replace the rest of the names.
>>14592 Okay, seriously, what the fuck is up with this shit?
that's not even in the theme of the thread, if we look past the fact that's its fucked up as hell
>>14594 Looks like another butthurt libtard, boys.
>>14605 Aren't you so happy that your entire life revolves around "owning the libs" (tm) like it's 2016? I'm glad you've peaked so early in life (at 39)
>>14605 >Spams the fucking thread >People don't like it >"DUURR BUTTHURD LIBRUL" Microbrain.
Friendly reminder that this is a thread about video games.
>>14665 *Specifically pregnant video game characters.
(311.98 KB 2000x2100 ashley.jpg)
>>14665 So this is what many women feel this is what pregnancy entails?
(229.11 KB 2048x1382 maiden.jpg)
Yae Miko enouraging Kuki Shinobu's confidence in cultivating babies
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(717.44 KB 1049x1200 shantae.jpg)
(742.54 KB 2532x3100 spider_mom.jpg)
Kafka just about ready to give birth to the Trailblazer in the new Honkai: Star Rail game.
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>>17051 whos the artist who made the girl in the black dress? its amazing
>>17054 thank u
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I wish the new Zelda game allowed you to converse with pregnant Gerudo.
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Tifa by OlympicDames
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(1.26 MB 2926x4096 rosaria.jpg)
>>17585 Maybe it's just me but the second Image looks like Pastry Cookie from CRK
(310.05 KB 322x932 TP_Uli_Model.png)
Midna stole the waifu spotlight, but Colin's mom in Twilight Princess was pregnant.
(964.47 KB 2643x3511 vamp.png)
>>17586 Nah, it's Rosaria from the hit MMO fantasy video-game adaptation of Monster Girl Encyclpedia
(372.60 KB 2048x1697 planned_parenthood.jpg)
Kana from FE14 and Tifa(from Lunch Time Gaming Club, Lugame for short) enjoying some quality time together.
(420.33 KB 1216x1210 tifa.png)
In fact, here's official art of Tifa actually pregnant, drawn by the character designer of the game herself, Dojipan.
Canon pregnancies make me wonder why there isn't more preg xeno art.
>>17833 Relatively recent+ spoiler + can't have mah waifus bein inseminated by another man...! (last one is speculation on my part)
>>17838 I guess that makes some sense, but it was hardly a spoiler to me because I saw it coming. What with the NG+ title screens have Mio looking almost exactly like Nia. I just put the obvious things together. Meanwhile I legit can't find that much pregnant art of these girls. I also figure they saw all the NTR xenoblade art and decided to go "You know what? Fuck this NTR bullshit, Rex FUCKS actually."
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I wasn't expecting it, but I found me a pregnant koala in Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2.
>>17891 Any footage?
>>17912 Nope i don't got any, sorry mate
(256.43 KB 1481x2048 FqQO2eSWwAMDDxM.jpeg)
(329.70 KB 1926x2048 FzpfawJWwAAYTO_.jpeg)
>>17846 Pregnant Xeno girls give me life
(1.34 MB 1882x2048 Fy39hcoWcAECyli.jpg)
(1.43 MB 1920x2048 Fy39gMuWcAEhKLa.jpg)
(1.32 MB 2048x1846 Fy39fYuXgAILjv7.jpg)
(1.35 MB 1638x2047 Fy39emHXwAEysXI.jpg)
Junker Queen from ZERO-THL
(1.10 MB 1638x2047 Fy3-H0cX0AEsgkp.jpg)
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(1.15 MB 1664x2048 Fy3-QZSWAAIgLKo.jpg)
(1.37 MB 1869x2048 Fy3-Om3WYAEYqDE.jpg)
>>18120 To clarify, she's from Overwatch 2. The artist is ZERO-THL
Great Fairy!
(2.29 MB 3113x3144 DD commission.jpg)
Grave Robber
(133.76 KB 1006x2048 FmM2bwMagAA8dD6.jpeg)
(2.43 MB 3650x4550 tae.jpg)
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>>18229 Post in the AI thread instead
>>18232 real
>>18233 Yes really Unless youre saying its real which it aint because I can see in its details, res, fake signature and the fact it says "Prompt Matrix"
>>18237 nah I was just agreeing with u, real as in thats real
>>18238 It’s AI, I can see the screwed up hands. AI can’t do hands unless specifically prompted to. So it always leaves them deformed or blending into some part of the picture.
>>14465 >There's a whole thread about it on /f/ Oh you mean Fossil’s containment?
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Dr. Worm / Lewdlemage's famous Samus art.
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Fun fact, both Hilda and Beidou are voiced by the lovely Allegra Clark.
>>18626 In the middle: that's cream soda, keeping my baby safe and the sugar will make them kick! (I had to say that, but I love all the artwork here).
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>>19116 Hmm...what's the fanfic about?
>>19116 Based on the content of said fanfic and the pictures provided for context... Yes.
>>19120 Mario finally has sex with Peach and then Rosalina with some interesting descriptions of the action then in twist end it turns out that he got the both pregnant with twins. It’s a very short fanfic only around 650 words.
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(1.49 MB 1786x2322 miss fortune.jpg)
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>>19347 ;P remember editing the miss fortune
>>14465 Same artist made one of the bosses into a pregnant chick like two hours ago
The dwarven goddess in Divinity: Original Sin 2 needs more content
Some of Schpog/Sapphic Bump's best Zelda work.
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(1.63 MB 2268x3063 Zeldas Mom (2).jpg)
(997.06 KB 2533x1695 shinobu.jpg)
>>20012 Artist?
>>20032 mrhunking on r34
>>14537 How has this model not been used for porn yet? A damn shame. Even the exact character model with nothing changed is already hot as fuck, a tall pregnant latina makes my dick go insane.
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Kayle from league of legends
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>>14126 >program AI to look pregnant would ya look at that, a pregnant AI
(3.79 MB 4032x3024 IMG_9151.jpeg)
Not exactly a video game, but here’s Yuris, Pirate Instructor Myron’s mom from the MMORPG MapleStory. So far, she’s the only preggo I’ve seen in the game
>>21592 *Kyrin’s mom actually (goddamn autocorrect)
>>21592 Holy shit you sent me back to '09 with that one pal
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>>21797 Drakengard is so wholesomely kid-friendly Five and Zero are proud to bake buns in their ovens
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hate to be like this but you think someone could update clara/travelersan's kemono party for the new cammy upload she did? dont know where else to ask this as the old thread (for good reasons) was purged, pics unrelated
(67.57 KB 1400x700 Wind-Waker-Memes.jpg)
>>22777 >>22778 >Tears of the Kingdom
>>22779 It was an alright game, idk why it gets as much hate as it does. Short haired Zelda and Sonia are cute.
>>22780 it gets hate because its popular and has a fair shot at winning goty
>>22780 >Same world >Sky is as barren as Skyward Sword >Depths are copy paste >Dungeons are somehow worse than the devine beasts >stupid crafting system shoved into a game that shouldn't have it >said stupid crafting system slows gameplay to a standstill and isn't even useful for traversal >sidequests somehow even more tedious >climbing in rain is still busted >story is somehow worse and just a rip off of Ocarina of Time again >Zelda becoming a dragon is laughable and brings into question why she didn't do shit to stop Calamity Ganon >Multiple other retcons Literally the only thing that was improved was boss fights and even then Mucktorock is so fucking terrible he might as well drag down all other bosses.
>>22783 Terrible take.
(8.40 MB 4100x2900 Sonau_Gift_twobellies.png)
>>22777 At least have the comple image
>>22783 >>22783 Accurate take.
>>22784 Wow you sure refuted that 'terrible take' with those brave two words!
>>22794 There's no point. >story is somehow worse and just a rip off of Ocarina of Time again >Zelda becoming a dragon is laughable and brings into question why she didn't do shit to stop Calamity Ganon Because they obviously did not play the game if this is what they gleamed from it.
>>22783 there's items to avoid slipping when it rains if you're not too dumb to avoid it somehow also according to who there shouldn't be a "crafting system" in the sequel of a game where we have technology allowing you to teleport, lift metal with your phone, stop the movement of enemies and objects, and many other things (also the crafting system is so fucking easy to use and not even necessary to progress if you somehow don't know how to use it efficiently) side quest are not tedious at all, its just that the answer is not shoved down your throat like you're a toddler
>>22817 >there's items to avoid slipping when it rains if you're not too dumb to avoid it somehow Those items do little to nothing to avoid slipping. you can have the full frog suit and the strongest non sticky potion and You will still slip in the rain regardless of whether you're taking it slow or jumping up cliffs. The no slip items are a busted joke and you're either lying or too stupid to even realize nothing has changed. >hur dur crafting system is lore accurate Was never an argument. >It's super fast and efficient Even if you have Ultrahand plus, an ability I will point out is completely optional and players can go entire play sessions without having, You still are forced to find components or slowly remove them from the inventory. Sure you can use zonite to bypass this but that creates weaker shorter lasting materials that negate the use of ultrahand plus. On top of that until you upgrade your battery the building materials are mostly useless given their short use. >The crafting system is not even necessary to progress It is absolutely necessary, it's required to finish Minoru's mini dungeon, the worst sequence in the entire game. >side quest are not tedious at all The Great Fairy Quests. That is all.
>>22810 The Story was a rip off of Ocarina of time. It literally has the same "sages imprisoning Ganon" story only this time it was somehow at a point before skyward sword (Zelda timeline is a hollow argument I know) And is told to us 6 separate times as if we're too stupid to remember. Hell this plot was recycled from a Link to the Past if you want to get technical. If you're really going to pretend a game's narrative is good when the main antagonist has less of an established goal than his OoT counterpart, Major character assassinations have literally no build up and happen out of nowhere, and where the main protagonist is beating on his love interest to collect crafting supplies than you're blind. And yes Zelda turning into a dragon was the most laughable shit I've seen in game in a long while. Weird she could help Link out against fighting Dragon Ganon but couldn't be bothered to help her future self and Link beat Calamity Ganon 100 years prior to BOTW, sure could have used those guardians and divine beasts to beat Ganon proper.... Wait how does the Demon King exist if its established in BOTW that Ganon is ditching his reincarnation ability? Oh well just another retcon/plothole to add to the pile.
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Kirishima from Kancolle @kyougokutouya
>>22819 Proving you didn't actually play/pay attention again. >Weird she could help Link out against fighting Dragon Ganon but couldn't be bothered to help her future self and Link beat Calamity Ganon 100 years prior to BOTW, sure could have used those guardians and divine beasts to beat Ganon proper She was charging the MasterSword you mongoloid.
Can we maybe not fill the thread and/or the front page with arguments like this, people?
>>22838 No no, I want to see which one is right
>>22834 She was literally doing that for over 10,000 years at a bare minimum. Would it really have hurt the master sword to have not had that 1 fucking percent of charging? For someone bitching about not paying attention to the story you sure as shit didnt.
>>22846 bro, she was literally mindlessly floating around, like all the other dragons if you didn't notice
>>22848 >mindlessly floating around >actively assists Link in defeating Dragon Ganon So which is it?
>>22849 AFTER the sword was removed. Good lord, do you even know how to read?
(279.91 KB 1731x1414 Rosaria.png)
>>22850 Might I offer you a nice bat Rosaria in this trying time?
>>22850 >the master sword makes her mindless Where is this ever implied? Supposedly Zelda loses her mind the moment she transforms yet Zelda actively communicates with Link telepathically throughout the game. More importantly Zelda leaves a final tear for Link to access after he collects the other tears which implies cognitive capabilities of some sort, why else would she do this? You can't argue this only occurs after getting the Master Sword as the tears quest line can be completed prior.
>>22849 Instinct, animals fight each other all the time. >>22852 That was the fake Zelda trying to lure Link to his death.
>>22853 >Animals fight eachother all the time They coordinate attacks midair with other sentient creatures? For a dumb animal Zelda sure knew that only Link could finish off Ganon with the master sword. >Fake Zelda There were multiple instances of the Real Zelda communicating wirh Link, not the puppet. For fuck sake Zelda specifically says to "Find Me" something Ganon's puppet was using to his advantage.
Chan retards bitching about a good game definitely isn’t what I expected looking through my pregnancy porn site today
>>22858 Because you lack any reading comprehension, I'm going to explain this for you. After Zelda found out that the only way to heal the sword was to infuse it with light for an incredibly long time, and that the wisdom stone turned anyone who swallowed it into a dragon, she opted to consume the stone. The important thing to note is that when the user swallows the stone, they gain incredible power and get their wish, but lose their minds completely, instead falling back to their soul purpose or self mission which basically consumes them. We even see this with Ganon who transforms into the ultimate being and tries to kill Link immediately as his primal mind sees Link as a threat to his quest for power. A quest for power was Ganon's soul purpose and his wish. Zelda, in this case, has an overwhelming urge to help and aid link and, in turn, save Hyrule, which manifests as her caring and imbuing the sword with her sacred light energy. This was her soul purpose and her wish. >Supposedly Zelda loses her mind the moment she transforms yet Zelda actively communicates with Link telepathically throughout the game. This is not the case. Whenever you hear Zelda saying "Find me" it's actually down to Zelda's final words as a human echoing through time. This happens several times, and she even repeats the "Find me, Link" line right as she transforms into a dragon. It's literally her words echoing through time. >More importantly Zelda leaves a final tear for Link to access after he collects the other tears which implies cognitive capabilities of some sort, why else would she do this? This is supposed to signify that Zelda is deep inside there still, somehow. Her residual sadness and emotions are stirred up again by the events of Tears of the Kingdom, and her subconscious leaks out. It's implied throughout the game that this "irreversible" dragon transformation may actually be reversible after all. >mindlessly floating around >actively assists Link in defeating Dragon Ganon >So which is it? It's her soul purpose again. You know, the one she takes on the moment she becomes a dragon. Her wishes to help aid link and save him are granted, but at the loss of herself and her being. She doesn't know WHY she's helping him, just that she must. As her soul purpose. >They coordinate attacks midair with other sentient creatures? For a dumb animal Zelda sure knew that only Link could finish off Ganon with the master sword. Her soul purpose. It was to aide and save Link, which in turn saves Hyrule.
>>22865 That's a lot of words just to explain your headcanon. Never is it described that Zelda's soul purpose would overcome her dragon form's mindlessness. Don't you find it really weird that despite losing her consciousness which is what is implied by Minoru that Zelda still directly helps Link in his defeat of Ganon? None of the other God Dragons seem to give a fuck despite one of them literally being corrupted by ganon in the past. But you know what let's go ahead an pretend your head canon is true. If Zelda's soul purpose as an eternal dragon was able to drive her assistance of Link to defeat ganon then why exactly didn't this ever cause the Light Dragon to attack other incarnations of ganon throughout the 10,000 years she was a dragon? If your explanation is because those weren't her version of Link then why didn't she assist him during the great calamity? Are you gonna argue that the Light Dragon was cognitive enough to know the difference between assisting Link with defeating calamity ganon and the demon king ganon? Because if you make that argument it essentially throws out the whole idea that Zelda is completely aloof and implies she's fully aware of what she is doing. The reality is that Nintendo didn't think any of this narrative through and made Zelda a dragon because they thought it would make for a badass end boss which sure it does but at the cost of all narrative cohesion.
(156.07 KB 948x843 Zelda.jpg)
the supply of pregnant zelda images is already critically low and you've spent more time arguing over how a magic dragon's brain works more than actually posting
(189.06 KB 1000x736 twowolvesidiot.jpg)
>>22880 Well it IS very Channish behavior.
>>22783 You took a long time to say you didn't like the $70 vidyagem you bought.
>>22890 Jokes on you, they didn't even buy it
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>>22890 >>22984 So he's allowed to complain about it if he bought it, but if he bought it, then he's just being bitchy? Why even bring this point up? Just makes it seem like pirating is the only "smart" decision if you want to criticize a game.
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Not even in her post-timeskip appearance and already a mom ready to pop! It seems lots of people like to make baby-brewin' Bayonetta a fine cum bucket!
(3.10 MB 3242x2108 Ilustracion3dd.jpg)
I have some Xenogears art as well. This one I paid for a commission.
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My favorite Hilda, from Under Night In-Birth!
Lilith has got to be one of my Favorite characters in the Binding of Isaac only problem is there's barely and Preg art of her
>>24801 who made the second one?
(215.77 KB 1584x2048 F_WojBobEAAVhXy.jpeg)
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Fran from Final Fantasy 12!!
Some Prego Madeline from Celeste
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credit by lewdlemage / dr--worm
>>27580 This game got to be the most frustrating I've ever played
(2.30 MB 498x418 ok-celeste.gif)
>>27580 SEEEEEX
(401.99 KB 2000x2388 1705582096897.jpg)
Alice Madness Returns secret ending
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Pick your Preggo Fighter!
>>28746 pregnant wii fit trainer is seriously underrated
(2.39 MB 1259x944 Redfall.PNG)
Anna Creelman from Redfall
(1.51 MB 990x802 Metal.PNG)
Kerrie St-Germain from Heavy Metal F.A.K.K 2
>>28832 someone on that team has a preg fetish for sure
(1.37 MB 654x941 Anya Oliwa.PNG)
Anya Oliwa from Wolfenstein 2
>>29069 A rare case of "strong female character" not turned into something shitty like Rey Palpatine
(155.82 KB 2048x1919 vs5aagdaccyb1.jpg)
(1.32 MB 4000x2800 CO1190_@DataGravyTrain1.png)
Ibaraki Dōji from Onigiri
(956.93 KB 832x1216 2962210531.png)
Kairi from Kingdom Hearts
Shadowheart, Karlach and Lae'zel from Baldur's Gate 3
(631.32 KB 2450x3840 t88pp1dzducc1.jpg)
(620.72 KB 3840x2160 ao2d21dzducc1.jpg)
Even More Karlach
(63.03 KB 1280x1256 6.jpg)
(116.68 KB 1280x1431 8.jpg)
I think it's cumflation, but a belly is a belly
(169.74 KB 1170x1462 GF6RRxDXsAARozn.jpeg)
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(170.16 KB 1231x2047 GF_JrnAXAAE4Sb-.jpeg)
>>29620 >>25857 >>23244 >>23141 Hatsune Miku is not a video game character.
>>29631 what about project diva, sekai etc.
(628.21 KB 912x1280 Hatsune_Miku_00.png)
>>29631 Yes she is.
>>29632 Licenced games don't count. By this logic, Goku is a video game character because he's in Dragon Ball Budokai, Tenkaichi, Xenoverse, etc. Hell, Android 21 counts more as a game character since she debuted in a video game. >>29633 She's a mascot for voice synthesis software, not conceived as a game character. Also, not pregnant.
>>29637 I still wouldn't mind seeing pregnant Goku tho
>>29638 Extremely based. Goku can do anything say his fans, and giving birth is something considered equally dangerous to war in ancient times. so why not self reproduce?
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(592.37 KB 1018x881 contract 1.png)
(825.45 KB 1018x881 contract 2.png)
gave daz3d a shot and dumped some cash into it, might do requests, might not. kinda working on a progression sequence
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(18.00 KB 83x91 ellie side 14-2_png_icon.png)
(922.29 KB 806x881 ellie side 19w forest.png)
(608.75 KB 921x881 test.png)
(924.47 KB 806x881 ellie side 14w-2.png)
>>30185 sorry, uploaded the wrong file, not really sure how to remove just one
>>30181 I'm trying not to spam here, probably not going to post anymore unless people want to see it. Don't want to clutter the board.
keep it going its hot
>>30195 >>30181 >>30182 >>30185 anon these are fantastic, pls post whatever else you make if you feel bad about clutter, post the best and dump the rest into a mega folder, even the rejects love daz me
>>30196 >>30198 thanks for your support, I will work on some when I can this weekend and if I feel it's excessive I'll just buy a mega. Thanks for the advice.
(2.81 MB 881x1860 ellie 23w walking side1.png)
>>30199 working on the pants because they get caught up in the morph, have to learn hexagon, going not well so far
>>30204 moar
>>30229 these are awesome man, dont worry abt "spamming"
(1.28 MB 906x881 ellie 28w window climb.png)
(2.83 MB 881x1860 ellie 25w leaning side1.png)
(1.20 MB 906x881 ellie 28w desk crouching.png)
(1.25 MB 913x881 lara test positive.png)
>>30236 alrighty, i think i might take a break tomorrow, maybe try some other characters at some point
i need to see birth or water breaking maybe clothed birth
>>30272 agreed
>>30272 ditto
>>30271 these are all amazing, keep at it man
(2.68 MB 3090x2532 20240203_220619.jpg)
>>30272 tbh it's a pretty frustrating process and I don't know if I'd make something I'm actually happy with. here's severe labor contractions tho.
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(307.53 KB 815x1090 nometroid.png)
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>>13890 here's a metroid-less edit I did of one of my favorite samus arts
>>28832 if that model hasn't been ripped yet, i might go do it myself
(1.13 MB 1534x790 Hadley.PNG)
>>30620 U mean CAYNE right?
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(1.28 MB 2836x4096 GISUbeeWcAAsctj.jpg)
>>30620 This game had potential, if only a bigger studio made it more interesting
New Schpog/SaphicBump art
(200.44 KB 1181x1436 birbnalis.png)
You know, for a "robot" game inspired by Evangelion, Blame!, and Monogatari, none of the Replikas ever got pregnant. So I took the risk and made the Storch a literal mom! I wonder what the kids would look like?
(126.13 KB 600x642 gIY6mjp1L.jpg)
>>31396 I wonder whose art of Sora Donald and Goofy old Sabs stole for this image way back when
>>31402 Probably from the manga
(215.56 KB 945x1529 hilda_wight.png)
Hilda learns that womens' bodies store extra lipids for baby-brewing, much to her delight upon turning wight!
Trying to clear the front page of bullshit
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Cowabunga to the giga-chad who commed me to draw Atago, Takao, Choukai, and Maya enjoying movie night with puppies on the way!!!
>>31995 Cute!
(276.17 KB 2051x1242 aegir.png)
The new Godzilla movie looks hot as hell and twice and titillating! Enjoy Aegir from Iron Blood's Dragon Milfs!
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A commission of the renowned belly dancer Shantae showing off every curve!
(221.40 KB 1550x1011 takember.png)
A very stoic swordswoman being loosed up by herself from a alternate timeline! Enjoy Takao and Ember(Takao META)!
(244.80 KB 1481x1383 maya .png)
Maya of the Takao class! While she's not quite as um, big in the upstairs area like her sisters, she's also the biggest DOWN STAIRS!
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Ankhira is more gentle than you think, she's going to make sure both she and Lyca are going to have a fun time with their pregnancies!
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Azuma and Maya in their finest mating dresses hoping to get it on with the Commander!
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(104.45 KB 1240x1754 GL4ahWjWoAA2pzM.jpeg)
(398.90 KB 1851x1141 takao_birth.png)
The Takao sisters are recruiting more ships into the Sakura Empire fleet! Please cheer on Maya, Takao, Choukai, and Atago everyone!!
