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Pregnant Noodle (& Other Tomboys) belliesrlovely 02/13/2023 (Mon) 18:05:56 Id:d84288 No. 11215
If you're a fan of Gorillaz or tomboys in general, share your favorite pics here. AI art is also welcome.
(629.05 KB 512x768 school1_by_pregai_dfh5h77.png)
(760.50 KB 512x768 beach1_by_pregai_dfh6u1k.png)
(766.86 KB 512x768 beach2_by_pregai_dfh6xbw.png)
(742.56 KB 512x768 beach3_by_pregai_dfh7krl.png)
Let's see if THIS tomboy thread can stay on topic. A topic I very much enjoy but there's not a whole lot of relevant art about, for probably-obvious reasons. As in tomboys; Noodle, I'm indifferent about, but if she can start a thread like this, that's +1 point for her.
(525.61 KB 1257x1211 mermaid tomboy 0.png)
(639.50 KB 989x1255 mermaid tomboy 1.png)
(800.58 KB 1127x1961 mermaid tomboy 2.png)
(855.83 KB 1931x1263 mermaid tomboy 3.png)
Transferring these over proper.
>>11218 NO AI!!
>>12511 >AI art is also welcome. (>>11215)
(305.39 KB 1020x1360 1678123662131.webp)
(399.40 KB 664x880 105022264_p5.jpg)
(182.90 KB 1062x1280 Helleth 3.png)
>>13614 I know what you're thinking. She is supposed to be pregnant... with an egg, but still.
(1.05 MB 1049x2048 OC1.png)
Pretty tough looking preggo woman.
>>20094 I saved the one on the Left...I want to rub her big belly...you could feel her baby kick hard while I'm touching her...and a hug and kiss to Mom and baby.
(357.18 KB 512x768 IMG_1350.png)
pregnant lois lane!
(253.51 KB 1406x2048 F3V1e19aEAE2hJS.jpg)
(2.88 MB 2508x3541 1484.jpg)
(227.45 KB 708x1000 104026546_p2.jpg)
does frankie here count?
>>21401 Always has.
>>22656 Some tomboyish looking gals
>>19630 spicy-river is my new favorite artist.
>>22656 The last looks really cute. >>22808 >>23433 >>24091 >>24849 Yeah, they have good art.
i know aria isn’t exactly a tomboy but she definitely has the energy for one
(303.03 KB 1085x1838 FrankiexBloo_A01 (1).jpg)
(320.85 KB 1085x1838 FrankiexBloo_A02 (1).jpg)
>>26166 where’s the pregnant part of this?
>>26167 You have have to use your... imagination.
>>27018 >>27019 I think you posted in the wrong thread.
(2.65 MB 2102x4176 gamer oc3.png)
>>27226 Never really saw Nikki as a tomboy, but it's good to see her nonetheless.
(85.95 KB 510x680 GHXkmsOWwAAqWTY.jpg)
(1.52 MB 1024x1024 doc1034.png)
>>31288 sauce?
would farm girls be considered tomboy ish? seeing as how they’re more rugged and act like boys than most other girls?
>>32030 I say, sure, why not. It's a different flavor than, say, the skater or jock tomboys, but yuh.
(86.18 KB 723x1115 fancyelena_alt.jpg)
(573.82 KB 2500x2000 not_a_word_by_zombina983_deuptmy.png)
>>32861 Who is the artist?
>>32862 Hellbrain
>>32864 Thanks
>>25381 I just love the poses this artist draws
(93.18 KB 1222x2048 FuxOqRYXoAA0zjw.jpg)
(69.29 KB 1112x2048 F0JwMhdXwAE9iLp.jpg)
>>12511 >Pissypants anti-AI crybabies Get with the times, loser.
>>33945 You're just jealous that some autistic kid a few boards over is drawing better than you ever could
>>33954 I'll take AI over BigBellyBirdy any day.
>>33973 Not who I was referring to bud lol
