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Site suggestions and bug reports

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Artwork posted without my permission Chao 02/01/2024 (Thu) 23:43:56 Id:b6580e No. 604 [Reply]
Heya, so some dirtbag posted some work that was private from a discord server. I need to know if any of the mods can help me remove the piece in question. I'd really appreciate it as I had no idea until someone recently brought it to my attention.
Just report it.

Question/Suggestion: Editing Posts Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 01/30/2024 (Tue) 18:08:23 Id:0ecde4 No. 600 [Reply]
Can you edit a post in Pregchan? I can't edit it while it's already posted. T^T
Click "more" below "files." You can enter a password. If there's a problem, you can use that password to delete the post and enter a new one.
>>601 'Kay.

Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 12/31/2023 (Sun) 02:24:54 Id:7446c4 No. 588 [Reply]
Will there be a new pregchan website?

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Blocked by Malwarebytes again Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 12/24/2023 (Sun) 08:07:58 Id:478a10 No. 585 [Reply]
Malwarebytes is going apeshit on this site again claiming it's due to a trojan. Any other MWB users experiencing this?

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Golden account? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 11/30/2023 (Thu) 04:05:03 Id:8f9159 No. 554 [Reply]
So i get this pop-up saying that VPN users can't make a post/thread/reply due to "abuse" (thought i haven't been in this site for a few weeks) then there's this pregchan gold account user can bypass this, so what is this account?
>>554 Probably a reference to the old 4chan gold account meme, before it became a real thing.
I hope Couchy or any admin/mods lift the VPN ban soon, some users can't access this site without VPN cuz it's blocked in the place they live (some can't even bypassed with DNS). I'm relying this reply through a friend who can access this site without VPN.
>>556 You can read the site with a VPN you just can't post on it while one is active you mong. I turned my VPN off to reply to you now I'm going to turn it back on and continue reading
>>556 >>574 You just need a verified password to post with VPN, no need to turn if off, admins are doing it to stop the pedo spam
>>575 I should say specifically in the gold thread, it doesnt have the VPN rule

Pregchan Spoilers Thumbnail Bug Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 11/27/2023 (Mon) 15:35:39 Id:7a429d No. 551 [Reply]
I posted in /f/ three drawing of King K. Rool Mpreg by DemDen (FA) in the Mpreg thread. The images I posted has switch into spoilers thumbnails. Is this some kinda bug?
>>551 I assume by default all Mpreg has spoilers

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Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 09/15/2023 (Fri) 17:54:05 Id:6e7740 No. 494 [Reply]
Can we please for the love of god move that one Cookie Run thread to /d/ and not /f/, im tired of watching people constantly bitch at each other over it, i just wanna jerk off
10 posts omitted.
>>525 LOL, you really never learned how to post here, even after I and others repeatedly tried to help you.
>>526 I could be doing a lot worse
>>497 Are we talking about FossilDiggerStudios?
>>548 Not anymore, we’re all just… sick and tired of the drama so we're just letting him post whatever so long as its not CP
>>549 Ok, I thought I recognized that name from somewhere

Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 11/22/2023 (Wed) 13:12:28 Id:918a0b No. 545 [Reply]
Yeah so when is Couchy or another mod cleaning up the /c/ post that's just devolved into agendaposting ad infinitum.
fr it's been three weeks, at least cp bots only post their bile once
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>>546 >fr

Front pgae / home broken? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 11/21/2023 (Tue) 21:37:39 Id:f79492 No. 544 [Reply]
Seems like the front page didn't update any latest image or post/replies

Bug report for mod 'rich house' of HnP Bug report 11/19/2023 (Sun) 17:17:31 Id:4ed748 No. 543 [Reply]
I encountered this loading error when trying to go to the Rich House.
