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Overdue bellies 2 Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 08/13/2022 (Sat) 16:20:28 Id:250e23 No. 3006
A thread for those stubborn kids that don't want to come out. it is recommended to indicate the age and number of children (the girl in this picture has 4 children aged 2 years) Overdue bellies: https://web.archive.org/web/20220419063631/https://pregchan.com/d/res/85113.html
>>30755 Morphtothetop on deviantart
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More Lazy Mama just dropped
>>30747 >>30749 These edits are really cute and only make the scenario hotter
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>>14939 Good fucking lord
>>30962 I don’t like what’s happening in the inside. Like ew.
>>30962 firstly, gross secondly, where did you get this? do they have a fanbox?
>>30962 I like this very much
>>30962 Wombcest is always something I found hot, shame it's as rare as a left coiled snail
>>30970 >>30972 Its pretty arousing personally too I enjoy it as a result of such overdue pregnancy too
>>30978 >18 year fetus >have twin of opposite sex >fuck twin >profit
>>30969 It was on their pixiv yesterday but its gone now. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/17660179/illustrations
>>31000 what on god's green earth are ye talking about, its still up- and they didn't bother putting the incest tag for it. what a fucking idiot.
"No, I'm not going into the vore genre. This is the result of a baby overdue for 15 years. She once even doubted herself if she was carrying a stillborn, waiting to be ejected from her womb. To her surprise, that wasn't the case. The fetus kept growing and growing, eventually reaching the size, and developmental stage, of a 15-year-old, distorting Ayunda's already massive belly. Imagine, a 15-year-old boy living rent free inside her mother's womb (it's free real estate)" https://www.deviantart.com/legdragger/art/Request-Ayunda-Febrianti-Susana-1028807916
overdue bump
Three Year Delivery - Summer Commission
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>>31499 Artist?
>>31742 >Three Year Delivery - Summer Commission Silent-Artist97
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Not really sure if it's overdue preg but Clone66 dropped another Makima piece and it's beautiful.
Makima not just pregnant, but an actual mother. What an arousing and terrifying thought. Just like her...so it fits.
>>32285 Its extremely beautiful Im imagining she's overdue with the teen sized and aged horsemen in this Just so enticing
>>32294 Considering her powers, I think she's keeping herself overdue on purpose.
>>32297 Absolutely As a way of being as overprotective as possible while her powers completely suppress labor pains
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The latest DimPixelAnimations is about an overdue pregnancy, this one at 12 months. I hope for more overdue content from them tbh https://www.deviantart.com/dimpixelanimations/art/Rihanne-True-Full-Term-Pregnancy-Animation-1040159330 https://itaku.ee/images/801551
Dim used to be on yt but unfortunately their channel was terminated for guidelines & rule breaking tho
This seems to be the longest running unpinned thread on this site. I think, we can be proud?
>>32946 Hot take: Dim’s anims used to be good until they weren’t.
>>33086 the animation quality definitely gone up from his earlier stuff. The story kinda fell off and are legitemately cringe sometimes.
>>32946 >he doesn't make the baby kick at all in the video I've never been able to play any of his interactive animations on any of my computers. >>33091 >The story kinda fell off and are legitemately cringe sometimes. I must agree. There's too much magic, for one. Normal pregnancy sizes would be nice, with hyper in moderation.
>>33083 This is a big niche for me so I'm proud, decades overdue pregnancies are hot
4th trimester!
>>33095 Problem is the hyper has dominated the polls And birth has stopped existing ( I respect the decision tho ) ~ at least the Milky saga was finished
>>33091 its fetish content, of course the stories are gonna be wack
>>33302 its not that it stopped existing, its more than his patrons seems to generally dislike it so any story proposed with birth don't get get pick in the polls. but there are times where he animates birth without their approvals
>>33091 Even I can’t get behind the newer animation style, I personally prefer the 2020-21 style tbh
I remember that this character had an art of giving birth. Does anyone have more art by this artist?
>>33301 Kick!
big overdue x-ray warning
by melkyda
