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Western Animation Fan Art Thread belliesrlovely 08/18/2023 (Fri) 22:25:52 Id:e5b56a No. 19898
This is a place for posting fan art of Western animated characters. Disney and Simpsons characters have their own threads, linked below. NO AI ART. Animation clips/screencaps: https://pregchan.com/d/res/288.html Simpsons thread: https://pregchan.com/d/res/980.html Disney thread: https://pregchan.com/d/res/11525.html
>>28283 was edited by morpho anyone have a higher quality version like they normally post?
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>>28301 don't bother with that, that's the quality i edited the image, it's the same quality my friend sent me
>>28310 dang alright
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>>29184 Marco got around. Damn.
Apparently this goes here. I wouldn’t mind seeing more from Hazbin, there are some cuties.
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how it should have been in that one episode
>>32856 Much better than the original 👍
Yes for sure
>>32872 Did Butch have an Mpreg fetish while making that episode where Cosmo was pregnant with Poof? If so, that's very ironic considering the fact he's been a born-again christian since 2000.
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>>32890 Agreed wtf
>>32872 >>32887 Forgot to mention that it is canon that the male fairies get pregnant. Aaaaand aldo the fact that fairies can't givd birth unless someone wishes the baby out
>>32887 It's Butch's attempt at humor for a show that went on for way too long.
>>32903 Iirc the reason the birth was via wish was because it was so long between the birth of two fairies was so long the doctor just... forgot how to deliver one
>>32904 If Butch's idea of humor is Mpreg fairies, then i'm concerned for what is going on in his head
>>32907 That has got to be (in my opinion) the most dumbest reason why fairies only give birth via wishes
>>32887 In fact, the chapter where evil poof comes out, he came out for a beautiful woman.
>>29744 Found a couple of Lilith
>>32967 FUCK. Someone delete that random pic of traffic please
>>32969 Gotta say though, that's a sluty-lokking Liberty
>>32967 Lol just delete the post and repost it, sans traffic
>>32967 im more interested in the traffic photo now, whats the backstory behind that?
>>32967 Nah bro, you get my interest. Something happen to that white Jeep?
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>>32974 >white jeep >O.J Simpson died today Hmmmmmmmmm.... Anon, What are you planning?
>>32903 I remember watching those episodes when i was younger and being super weirded out. I had already developed a strong preg fetish by that point; and it felt like i might as well have been watching gay porn. pretty much stopped watching the show after that. To this day I'm put off by Mpreg in any media.
>>32980 Yeah, not too fond of Mpreg. Mpreg is gay. Now before y'all decide to derail the thread because of this, i'm just saying that the concept does sond gay
>>32980 >>32983 Distended bellies on men are just gross anyways Women look great with them though, almost as if it was literally meant to be And yeah the whole mpreg shit in the fairly odd parents also gave me the ick as a kid
>>32967 Lil bro so getting datamined with this white jeep photo.
>>32967 I don't know what just happened but that white Jeep was mysterious.
>>32992 Yeah big belly good on wamen. I just wish women could stay like that
>>34082 Perfect 👌
(2.26 MB 4871x6242 connverse.jpg)
>>34082 Who's the artist who made this one?
