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Alternative Pregnancy: Human Edition Gadget 02/27/2023 (Mon) 22:28:50 Id:3a3ff5 No. 12031
What it says on the tin. Anything nonstandard goes here. Breast pregnancy, ball pregnancy, etc. Personally I'm looking for a series of oral birth pictures that I had but seem to have lost at some point. They looked like they were drawn with colored pencils, and the subject was a woman wearing tribal-like clothing. Grass/leaf skirt, fang/claw necklace, etc. I don't have many more details, unfortunately. If anyone does manage to find it, I'll be eternally grateful.
>>25856 Neat! I am very interested to see what else you’ll do in the future, what other kinds of alt preg and such.
i know not everyone likes full body preg but it needs more love
>>25993 Do you have more of em? Where did you get those?
How does a full body pregnancy work?
>>26077 It just does. That's the best part.
>>26077 Logic isn’t the thing to look for there! Even if basically any other spot/organ could have some logic to it.
>>26077 Even though there is no logic behind it, mere explanations behind could make it more attractive, for some of course
>>26199 Absolutely! That is part of the sexy factor to explain the details.
>>18870 B U M P bro this would be hot af
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>>26264 not a request thread
>>26077 It doesn’t, it’s just retarded sphereniggery
>>26425 It’s not my cup of tea either, but that’s a pretty harsh reaction.
>>26426 Thats pregchan for ya
>>26423 reminds me of Brenda from slither
>>26426 he's a school shooter so that's normal for him he'd be a lot cooler if he turned the gun on himself though
Personally I like full body pregnancy or sphere pregnancy as some people call it
>>17332 Have you drawn anything else like this before in the past or do you have any type of social media/art gallery? I'd love to see what else you've drawn
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>>26432 imagine if you only successfully conceived in one breast and just had to go around getting more and more lopsided for 9 months
>>17523 >>17332 >>17316 Is there another place to see your work?
>>28132 Overcompensating and getting the other breast even more knocked up, leading to a desperate balancing game as you get your breasts increasingly knocked up, unable to balance them properly still.
>>26426 It'd be better if you spherefags got the fuck out.
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>>28791 forgot to post the other 2 pictures B')
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Hip to be sphere
Yeah I wish for sphere pregnancy art to be more common than it is because it's pretty underrated in my opinion
Honestly I think sphere pregnancy deserves it's own thread
Also for those that complain about sphere pregnancy having no logic to it and thus being completely illogical do I need to remind you people that logic doesn't apply to this entire thread
>>31497 I'd be inclined to keep posting it here to piss that one dipshit off more
>>17332 This reminds me of this on alt-preg pic with tails I saw ages ago
>>12074 It's so hot~ Is there another oral pregnancy arts? (or whatever it's called)
Any recursive pregnancy enjoyers?
Yes I also enjoy recursive pregnancy
Anyone find anything new?
I'm curious as to what breast-mpreg would look like.
