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Pregnant with Aliens Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 02/14/2023 (Tue) 08:51:41 Id:95b5be No. 11275
Women acting as brood mothers for horrors from beyond the stars
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Here's a personal favorite of mine. And if anyone else happens to know who made this and where I can find more, please give info, thanks.
>>28421 Where did you find this?
>>28506 Somewhere on TubeSafari I think? Or maybe Xvideos.
End of a comic by shia
>>29200 Chestburster doesn't kick. Unless........... It's a hybrid!
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Quick sketch "A Healthy Mother"
>>29299 Given the difference in width, xenos should be less painful to birth than humans (except for all the sharp edges)
>>29304 well they seemed to all have came out at the same moment so it must hurt even more in her case (at least the aliens were nice enough to spare the kid)
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Being part of the hive is...
>>29584 Think of it as the continuation of those birth scenes. The restart of the cycle.
Artist is hentai rat Also posted here: https://pregchan.com/d/res/27842.html Link to sample gallery: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/109346070 Internet-translated description: Xia Peng, the pregnant knight of the seventh pregnant woman heterogeneous town riot team, was arrested after a failed mission, and was extraordinarily stuffed with a different fetus in her body and then thrown into the pregnant women's competition arena, can she survive this catastrophe safely?
That's it. I apologize for the large file size, which meant I can only upload one image at a time. If the author has a problem with me posting his works, he can request their removal. I hope you guys enjoy this content.
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Duke Nukem drawings by Lynncorp
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That's pretty much all the preggo ones Other art and pre-pregnancy on his pixiv (there's a lot) https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/51744052
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Alienz by depuceleur
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"A display of sex will be seen as offering of mate by the xenos, and this male seems to accept the offer." Just an idea if the AVPR hospital scene has this type of bed instead. The Predalien variant will soon come.
>>31525 Reminds me of that CG porn video on a spaceship with Aliens getting out and impregnating female members of the crew. Earlier on, one heavily-pregnant blonde woman lies missionary on a cot in an isolab being purposely mated (over and over again) by one of the aliens. It's assumed that she's pregnant with an alien, and even that she volunteered her body towards being impregnated - although maybe she was forced into it instead?? It's never answered... the movie just moves on to the aliens raping/impregnating the female command staff.
>>31527 Sounds like you're describing "Icarus" by The Nest Labs https://rule34video.com/video/3071604/icarus-episode-one/ Been a while since I've seen any updates from them unfortunatly
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>>29299 "After months of gestation, she finally delivers. She has brought the hive a batch of healthy children. Unexpectedly, she also delivers her own kind. The infant is crammed and entangled with her slithering brothers. The brother's spasm tightening his grip on her neck, a reaction of being born. She lets out a faint cry that the mother hear in regret for bringing a familiar life into the hive. The breeder's mammaries are being prepared by her inseminator. As her breath and heartbeat fasten, she sweats. From her spilled womb fluid, the male senses a nutritious female, and she lactates as expected. As the male stimulate her lactation, he feels her heart pulse as well. Grateful for the fitness of the breeder, a sign of vigorous gestation, a well distributed nutrition to their children, and so is the milk she spurts, the groom continues to incite the feast for the infants. The pain of childbirth strikes her like a lightning, but the arousal sensation sends another primal reaction. In the moment, they are a family. When she finally pushes the last one, she has reproduce the future member of the hive and the future breeder of the hive."
>>32807 gloombone i think
>>32807 yup. thats gloombone alright.
>>32810 >>32818 Thank you
>>24302 >>24303 >can impregnate any living thing they fuck I love their OC species so much
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The husband returns home after his service to be engulfed in his mate's presence. Liquids exchanged and breath and pulse were harmonized. In the brief moment, the bride, the groom, and the offspring are one. Despite already inseminated, the internal seed release is to mark this breeder as his. Likewise, her odor from her sweat. milk, and womb mark him as hers.
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Alternate X-Ray of the fetus
