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You ever think about what it must be like to be these kids in 15, 20 years? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 05:09:07 Id:18915f No. 3060
Sometimes I get taken out of the experience when I'm jerking off and an intrusive thought pops up about this. Imagine learning in like 20 years that your mom showed off her pregnancy for fetishists, when she was pregnant with YOU. That's gotta be such a weird feeling. Would you feel violated? or would you just not really care because its not like it actually had anything to do with you. but sorta like its gotta be weird, right?
Yes, I do. It's weird, but also makes it hotter sometimes. On one hand, we've built a mass humiliation machine with the Internet. On the other hand, I would've masturbated to myself already, if I'd had the option.
Yeah, that's why I mostly jerk it to pregnant anime women. Doesn't give me those bad brain chemicals.
