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Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 01/06/2024 (Sat) 07:11:03 Id:ced1b6 No. 4532
>Tfw the people who share your niche fetishes are also the shittiest artists alive Or alternatively: >Tfw the actual good artists who share your niche fetishes throw their other fucked up fetishes in their art that turn you off
>>4791 Nice facebook meme grandpa.
complaining about societal degeneracy on a porn site is like pitching a fit about how terrible the food you ordered from a restaurant is, knowing damn well it was gonna be shite. I can’t jack off because these “degenerates” are ruining my own degenerate fantasies! Fucking lol
Can't we just be happy that a majority of Trans can't procreate? Let them live their fallacy. Kay? Who cares if the mechanic missed a few parts? It's not your car, or your mechanic so fuck off.
>>4811 Yeah, people like that exist. They're hardly the fucking majority. Every single trans person I've met who at some level has wished they could get pregnant hasn't gone anywhere near that point, because, unlike what you seem to believe about every trans person on earth, they do still confront reality. They know full well that biologically they're still the sex they were born as, transitioning simply helps them ease the disconnect between their mind and body. There are a few legitimate crazies out there; that's true of every group. That does not in any way mean they're all like that. >>4810 Low-effort bait, try harder. >>4814 Exactly, it's the stupidest fucking shit. Like, I know I'm perpetuating it by even bothering to respond to them, but they're seemingly hell-bent on turning anything even remotely tangential to trans people into a shitshow. Mention an artist that's trans, it's a clusterfuck; post mpreg or futa art (both longstanding fetishes in their own right), they throw a fit. And then you've got Maofag, who adds another layer of insanity on top of it all with his tankie retardation. Honestly think that fucker is prime ban material; he doesn't contribute anything and just stirs up shit. Even I've at least shared content on the rare occasion I have something relevant to contribute on hand.
>>4809 >nobody is seriously trying to fucking claim that someone who is born biologically male can get pregnant We live in a world where the term "birthing person" exists so as not to offend trans people with the word pregnant woman https://nichq.org/insight/exploring-nonbinary-approach-health
Ey remember u can hide threads Peace out
>I don't think I've ever, *EVER* seen someome legitimately try to argue that someone can entirely transform their biological sex with current medical technology, because it's obviously not there yet. >Yeah, people like that exist. They're hardly the fucking majority. Every single trans person I've met who at some level has wished they could get pregnant hasn't gone anywhere near that point, because, unlike what you seem to believe about every trans person on earth, they do still confront reality. They know full well that biologically they're still the sex they were born as, transitioning simply helps them ease the disconnect between their mind and body. Literally every trans person, trans rights advocate and progressive insists on that. "Sex/gender reassignment surgery works 100%, men can get pregnant now, stop being a reactionary, sweaty. If it doesn't work, it's the fault of literally everyone around me." >There are a few legitimate crazies out there; that's true of every group. That does not in any way mean they're all like that. There it is, No True Scotsman Eats Sugar. I bet if I asked you "Is everybody who isn't chanting "Trans Right are Human Rights, Fuck The Cistem, Down With Patriarchy, Punch TERFs, Die Cis Scum" a transphobic bigot?" you'd respond with "Yes, they are, and they deserve to die". >post mpreg or futa art (both longstanding fetishes in their own right), they throw a fit. Why would you post futa and mpreg outside their respective threads? >There is no rule saying "man" and "woman" HAVE to be biological terms. You'd have better results using "male" and "female", because those ARE accepted technical terms for biological sex. Again, this argument is entirely coming down to semantics. Then get ready to fine/sanction/arrest 90%+ of the world's population for being transphobic and using outdated and inaccurate words.
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Dunno if it counts since it's not art but "Rando writes a preg story and it goes unfinished/the Writer disappears right when things start to get interesting" like all of InvictusVoxfini/Pregknightone's stories have this problem
>>4823 All of this is somehow a worse attempt at baiting than even the shitty wojaks you were posting earlier lmao
>>4826 >get btfo by multiple anons >hur dur youre all just baiting! This coming from the mouth breather claiming the words man and woman have no relation to sex.
>>4827 Go ahead, keep derailing. I just got a chuckle over the wojakposter's latest pathetic attempt to stir up shit. Post IDs are a thing. You seem to think that you're somehow "winning" some nonexistent competition. Newsflash, fuckwit, all you've done is made a nuisance of yourself and derail threads. Nobody's fucking leaving just because you vomited up the same horseshit everyone's heard a million times before and made some edgy jokes. So either learn to shut the fuck up, or go find an echo chamber to whine about trans people somewhere else.
>>4826 >>4828 Do you have an argument or will insist that everyone who disagrees with is just baiting or being edgy? Do you honestly think everyone all time is "Trans Rights! We won't use words like man and woman anymore, they're inaccurate"?
>>4830 They're clearly trying to disengage from the conversation, because even the most oblivious of autists can see you retards aren't worth talking to at this point. They're right about one thing though; trans people aren't just going to up and leave because you tried to hurt their feelings. If that's seriously your goal, you're wasting your time.
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>>4833 No, they clearly lost the argument and are now trying to cover that up by pretending to be smug and superior when really they’re seething.
>>4833 This dude made the asinine claim that man and woman are terms disassociated from biological sex and was rightly chastised for it. They then went on to claim basic viewpoints from the trans community were only subscribed to by its member's crazy fringe and once again got called out and provided evidence from multiple people proving otherwise. They absolutely lost the argument which is why they are so desperately trying to disengage from the conversation by claiming all the arguments against them are just bait from edgelords. It's fucking sad.
>>4835 Having actual close friends who are trans, no, those are in fact almost entirely fringe views. You're obviously basing your views entirely off loudmouths on the internet, because that's all you're pulling from. I actually have fucking personal first-hand experience in the matter, and your arguments are patently incorrect. Most trans people only really discuss it actively amongst themselves, the idiots you see on Twitter are often chronically online fuckheads to begin with. Like, you idiots keep bringing up "men can give birth now hurr durr", which is obviously almost entirely exclusive to FTM individuals, who, yes, in my experience, do tend to be the ones who are much more mentally ill. MTF individuals are generally legitimately just happy that they look more feminine, and studies do show that transitioning tends to be more effective for them. My entire argument regarding "man" and "woman" was that they are not technical terms, which is objectively true. "Man" and "woman" outright do not have the same strict biological meaning that "male" and "female" do. And again, you retards are doing this ON A FETISH BOARD. Not only are you not in a position to judge, *this is not the fucking forum for it*. If I "lost" the argument, it's a loss in the same sense of trying to reason with an anti-vaxxer; I made the mistake of trying to argue with someone whose head is too far up their own ass to listen. Some of us have lives to live, with better shit to do than stay wrapped up in arguments on a fucking porn board. So yeah, I'm fucking done engaging with you now. Continue squabbling amongst yourselves, I genuinely don't fucking care anymore.
>>4836 You've used that blatant anecdotal evidence in every damn trans debate on this site and it doesn't make you right. Anecdotal evidence is retarded and never actually provides broad information about a topic. Hell anytime you keep bringing this up it reveals your obvious bias and constantly makes you easy to spot out in these threads almost as easily as Maofag or the wojak poster. It's hilarious you disregard half the trans community as insane while talking about how stable the other half is too. Great way to prove your point by literally agreeing half the trans community is insane. If only those pesky MTF trans people weren't giving my personal friend who is FTM a bad name! Then you keep falling back and arguing Men and women aren't technical terms when their definitions literally use the biological terms Male and Female to describe each one respectively. You bitch about semantics then actively use it for your own arguments. And the audacity to act holier than anyone else in regards to arguing about this shit on a fetish site is irony of the highest degree. You rush to trans defense every fucking thread it is ever discussed regardless of whether it was antagonized or merely questioned. Yeah that "my trans friend" shit has made it real easy to tell who you are. And you keep fucking debating people and devolving threads because you actively lavish in debating this topic despite this "not being the appropriate forum" to do so. You're a hypocrite. Sure you say you won't engage anymore but that's an obvious lie because next time a thread merely mentions transgenderism you'll be there to white knight because you're "girlfriend" is probably trans and you don't even have the fucking balls to admit that "she" has more balls than you.
>>4838 I'm autistic and don't know when to let debates die, fucking sue me. I don't WANT to debate this shit, I really don't. I'd much rather find some good preg art and move on with my day. If the site had sufficient moderation, I wouldn't even feel the need to debate this; I'm just pissed that it keeps coming up over and over again. Also, I could maybe let it slide if some of these idiots could learn to fucking sage their posts to at least keep this shit off the front page. Seriously, that's what bothers me the most about this bullshit half the time. And with regards to Maofag...I will admit to getting some entertainment out of fucking with him, because he's a special kind of insane. Clearly you in particular are paying enough attention to all this to be able to recognize me from other discussions, so let me just put it this way. Yes, I do have a partner who is trans. All my anecdotes have been based on her and several of her trans friends. I don't deny that there are people under the trans umbrella who are absolute lunatics, because there absolutely are. But it pisses me off when people make such broad sweeping statements about the whole group when I know for a fact that it's not true for everyone. Can you blame me for being upset at what is akin to insult and wishes of death being hurled at someone I deeply care about, even if indirectly? Like, I'm genuinely tired of having this discussion. I would like nothing more than for this to stop popping up. I will HAPPILY drop it as long as long as you can do the same. Let's just all go back to jacking it to bellies, alright?
>>4838 >Anecdotal evidence is retarded and never actually provides broad information about a topic. "The plural of 'anecdote' is not 'data'."
Honestly anyone who argues on an imageboard is a mouth-breathing retard. I'm being a fucking tard for even writing this shit out. It's a god damn anonymous imageboard, I can say whatever bait I want and some stupid cunt is going to bite. If you actively fall for any of the bait then you deserve to be laughed at. There's literally no reason to try to have a moral discussion to change people's minds because no one's going to care. They want to watch you seethe and will respond with more bait that you're just going to latch onto like the carp-brained motherfuckers you are. The key to never derailing threads is to just ignore the bait. Ignore it. Don't respond to it. Don't even reply with a shitpost. Just move on. By taking the bait, you prove that you're not the bigger person and that you're an easy target, and you're going to get shit on in return. Your essays are just feeding those looking for reactions. Remember the Anne Frank poster(s)? We always used to feed into the bait, and then whole threads would become derailed because of it, and Hitler would welcome you every time you loaded the front page. Nowadays we mostly ignore them, and shit moves on completely unimpeded. However, when one of you cunts sees an obvious trans bait post, your single-celled organism brain takes the bait. Every. God. Damn. Time. You aren't going to change anyone's minds on this matter. There's no point in trying. Don't bother standing your ground. Don't be the obnoxious moral crusader. You're going to make every single trans person look like a tool with your constant bait munching, and that's not helping anyone prove that trans people are as "cool and collected" as you say they are. If you're all the bigger people like you all fucking say you all are, then you wouldn't even respond to the "troon bait" in the first place, so either admit you're all not the bigger people and keep screeching like monkeys or grow the fuck up and learn actual chan culture.
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>>4839 >"I'm autistic" that explains the gigantic walls of text lmao
>>4839 >Yes, I do have a partner who is trans. So you're gay and are ashamed to admit you're a faggot so pretend that you're dating a 'woman' to hide your insecurities. If just admit you're gay and in a relationship with a gay man then there wouldn't be a problem but one of you has to cosplay as a woman and deny reality. Just admit you're gay.
>>4839 >Can you blame me for being upset at what is akin to insult and wishes of death being hurled at someone I deeply care about But you get upset at people who simply don't align with you're biased preconceived notions and go on tirades regardless. There are individuals simply stating biological truths that aren't driven by hate or fear and you still get upset and go on long rants almost as if you're not trying to convince others but convince yourself of something. I know someone else already said this as an insult but legitamately you and youe partner need to actually reconsider your sexualities because it definitely looks like you two are indeed gay and would be happier off juat admitting it and running with that weird femboy fetish shtick. I know the idea of never actually being able to experience the thing you're attracted to will be devastating but you should just rip the damn band aid of and accept you're gay and so's your boyfriend.
We never got an explanation for why "man" and "woman" are archaic, incorrect and transphobic terms, but "male" and "female" are ideal. Where's the source? The definite scientific proof? Are we supposed to use them because you personally said to?
>>4847 It's because "male" and "female" are Latinate and therefore somehow more legitimate than the supposedly lowly Germanic words "man" and "woman".
>>4854 "Legitimate because it's Latin" sound like something the Church would have said in medieval age. I'm not saying the fuckers with the trans agenda is just a dressed up modern day missionary, but...
Saying all this now not to rant or argue, but as genuine attempts to explain my viewpoints on the topic. I'm alright with genuine civil discussion of the matter if anyone gives enough of a shit to engage in that. I would greatly appreciate it if we could keep this discussion saged as to not flood the front page though, alright? >>4844 I'm bi (technically pan, but bi gets the point across well enough here) and never stated anything to the contrary. I'm fully confident in my sexuality, I refer to her as my girlfriend simply because she's far more feminine than she is masculine, and because that's what I see her as. In her case, the matter is more complicated due to the fact that she genuinely has DID, and some of her alters vary in their gender and orientation. >>4847 It's not that "man" and "woman" are inherently transphobic or somehow incorrect; the point I was trying to make is solely that, strictly speaking, the technical terms you would use in like a scientific/academic setting to denote the biological difference would be "male" and "female". "Man" and "woman" absolutely still do have the connotation of meaning biological male or female, I just personally believe that there's more wiggle room in their definitions, and that's not an entirely uncommon view when it comes to trans people. It helps to try and make the concepts of gender and biological sex distinct from one another.
>>4856 Again, why should "male/female" be used instead of "man/woman"? No reason except "I feel like it and everybody should comply". >It helps to try and make the concepts of gender and biological sex distinct from one another Aren't they the same thing? Haven't been following this shit for years, it changes so often. "Gender is the same as sex and it's a spectrum, no, wait, they aren't, but both are a spectrum" etc.
>>4857 "Male" and "female" would be used exactly the same way you'd use them already: if for whatever reason you need to refer specifically to biological sex. Meanwhile, the only change to the usage of "man" and "woman" is just allowing it to include trans people. If the situation requires you to specify whether someone is trans or not for one reason or another, that's where you apply the whole "cis" and "trans" thing as modifiers. Realistically speaking, it honestly doesn't change much about how they're functionally used on a daily basis. In all likelihood, unless you're directly interacting with a trans person, literally nothing will be different than normal. For the second part, a brief explanation based on how I understand it: Gender and sex, while often linked, are not the same. Gender is much more of a spectrum, since it's a part of your identity mentally. As for sex, it's less that it's a spectrum, and more that science is starting to understand that the process of sexual development gets messy more often than we initially thought. It's basically just a matter of saying "hey, maybe if a kid is born with both bits, we shouldn't arbitrarily lop one set off before they're able to tell us which one is the right one". I'm fairly certain this has more or less been the primary view for quite some time now, although I know some particularly loud fringe groups have definitely claimed WAY crazier shit.
>>4858 >the only change to the usage of "man" and "woman" is just allowing it to include trans people >it honestly doesn't change much about how they're functionally used That is still requesting a huge definitional change to the use of those words by society that runs counter to their standard meanings. Once again Masculinity and Femininity both cover the percieved definitions you are looking to utilize in such a scenario. >Gender and sex, while often linked, are not the same. This argument falls apart because as first mentioned trans people are using biological identifiers to describe themselves. Identifiers that are binary and actively stomp on the notion of a spectrum. You can't use the terms man and woman to describe a spectrum as they are actively describing a dichotomy. Even more damning to this argument is the active encroachment of trans individuals in spaces designed specifically for one biology or the other. If gender is seperate from sex then no transgender person would be demanding to use the men's bathroom as a biological woman and no one would be demanding to compete in women's sports as a biological man. The idea that gender is a multifaceted spectrum seperate from one's biology is ironically being ignored by the vast majority of Trans people. >science is starting to understand that the process of sexual development gets messy more often than we initially thought Aw yes the intersex argument. One that ignores that intersex individuals are suffering from a genetic abnormality, are rare, and most importantly do not validate transgender people who were born with perfectly healthy sets of genitals. Using intersex people to justify the trans community is akin to pretending to need a wheelchair because paraplegics exist. It makes a mockery of people suffering from a legitimate health issue that comes with a large set of health concerns.
>>4858 So it has to be used because you personally want it to? >Realistically speaking, it honestly doesn't change much about how they're functionally used on a daily basis. In all likelihood, unless you're directly interacting with a trans person, literally nothing will be different than normal. So why should the use of words change?
>>4839 Your pedo faggot partner would stop getting death threats if he did the right thing for everybody and killed himself.
This thread just cracked my egg. My transphobic egg!
>>4859 Honestly the funniest thing is just how insanely sexist a lot of trans rhetoric is. You’re not stereotypically masculine/feminine? You must be trans!
>>4872 Just as a heads up for future reference, to sage properly, you type sage in the email field. I do genuinely appreciate the attempt, though.
>>4893 There is no email field, just the name, subject and text.
>>4896 Click on the little "extra" button below the reply section to access it; it's kinda annoying like that.
Ironically, 90% of people here (and pregnancy fetishists in general) are people who don't want children (because they're too poor, too disease ridden, too mentally ill, care about the planet too much), people who can't have children (because they're faggots, they're tranny pederasts who've been sterilised as part of transitioning, they're eunuchs) or leftoids (who are universally faggots, eunuchs or retards who think every pregnancy is a result of incestual rape) and have an aversion to real life pregnancy. What a shitty gay website. Also you're all pedophiles, judging by the existence of teen, loli and shota threads.
>>4940 Nice rage bait, where'd you get it?
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>>4940 Schizophrenia
>>4940 Hold on. Let him cook.
>>4941 It's old bait, the leftoid part is new but it's popular to blame everything on the left these days regardless if they've done anything or not
Christ, people, I'm usually the one falling for this bait, and even I know the fucker isn't worth acknowledging at this point. Don't give the retard more attention.
>>4941 >>4943 >>4944 >>4945 >>4948 You niggas literally believe that men can get pregnant, penises can be feminine and vaginas can be masculine and that using terms "male" and "female" is akin to killing trans people, and I'M the retarded one? Simply unreal 💀
>>4949 You're the one who came over here, are you bored because your wife left you and took the kids?
>>4949 bro is trying so hard, gotta respect the bait grind frfr
>>4950 Big talk from the virgin
>>4949 The thread's been dead for weeks, and suddenly you come along and start slinging shit. Even my autistic ass can spot bait that obvious. So yes, if you think we're going to fall for it, you are in fact a retard. Try harder, numbnuts.
He's right, you know? The vast majority of you are retarded commiefaggots who most likely aren't even attracted to women.
