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Photographs, videos, and morphs of 3D women

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Teen Pregnancy Somedude 08/07/2022 (Sun) 17:53:14 Id:d4268d No. 536
New site, new thread! Time to start over
Why do you kid diddlers exist?
>>5941 stfu, gtfo
Pedo thread tho.
>>6015 Go suck troon dick then, faggot
This is cheating. She is actually 22, but the photographer made her appear younger than what she was.
(2.26 MB 608x1080 m2-res_1080p.mp4)
I am somewhat confused by this one. On one hand she is very short and has a very childlike face, even for a teenager. On the other hand, how many people that age have boobs that are this big. Like those are quite a lot bigger then most adult women even adult pregnant women.
>>6040 Well, apparently eating food, particularly meat, with growth hormones does its job. Heh, old meme "She looks at 20, her butt at 30, but mind at 15"
>>6038 Source?
>>6039 Do you have any videos that aren't loud and annoying?
>>6051 There exists the mute button. Use it.
>>6057 Fuck off. The mute button doesn't load in until the videos start playing and that little bit of audio that gets out is loud enough to blow out headphones and be heard across the room. There is no reason for you to crank the volume up so fucking high and you know it.
>>6038 >She is actually 22 So what's the point of posting it here?
>>6060 Thematic reasons. The photographer's intention was to give the impression that she was young. That, and I also didn't know where else to put it.
>>6039 You have source?
>>5941 >>6015 Hello there closet pedos. Please have a seat
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>>6107 >admitting to busting a nut to a teenager this fucking website
Please stop engaging with the obvious troll
They're right though, you're all pedophiles.
ignore trolls; post moar
>>6243 I bet your a troon, faggot
Nah seriously, some pics here would put y'all on the list
>>6312 right? the topkek one would put us all on, at the same time
>>6311 Not all pedos are trans, I know a lot that are not.
>>6327 You know a lot of pedos?
100 of years ago it was pretty normal and its still pretty normal depending on where you live its just that these day and age every pretends to be civilized (read pretends to be better) we also have this things called gypsis in state and pretty normal to see female going with 6-7 kids where the 2 oldest one are already prego and that actual ki not a teen
It’s ephebophilia, not pedophilia. Ephebophilia is attraction to fully developed young women, pedophilia is attraction to undeveloped prepubescent girls. No one would argue that the latter is anything other than inappropriate, whereas attraction to developed teenagers is completely natural and biologically just makes sense. The issue is with judgment. In a society that devalues having children, young women are generally less prepared for raising children at a younger age—this is a very recent sociological phenomenon. Some 16 year olds are capable of making good decisions as parents and often with the benefit of guidance from extended family, as has historically been the case. Other 16 year olds, or 36 year olds for that matter, simply should never have children to begin with, and when they do, it’s the children that suffer the most. tldr; stop fixating on age and pay attention to actual physiological and sociological maturity.
>>6340 the cope is immeasurable
>>6334 Did you know that Jeffrey Epstein, Roman Polanski, John Wayne Gacy, Carlos Coy and R. Kelly are not transgender (even if at least two of them are dead)?
>>6342 All those fucking degenerates were pedos
>>6341 Shout at nature, incel
How can you goon to pregnant teens and call people who correctly point out that you're diddlers are all incels or fags? Are you retarded in addition to being pedos?
>>6425 This shit is not even close to my cup of tea, but you do realize that by definition, pedophilia is an attraction to *prepubescent* children? I would hardly call these girls prepubescent. While it's definitely not great to be getting off to people that are legally considered underage (understatement of the fucking year), there's a big fucking difference between a 10 year-old and someone who'll be fully legal anyway in like a year. So, one, you're not actually correct in the first place, and two, you're going on and on about this shit to people who evidently don't care to begin with. It's like walking into a fucking crackhouse and yelling at the methheads about how they're all addicts; it doesn't exactly fucking accomplish anything.
>>6427 this is what a pedo says to not sound like the real pedo lol, I bet your your a troon
>>6428 >broken English and the same few repeated insults That you again, Kisame? Did you learn a new favorite word from the soyjaks, is that it?
>>6429 You seem to bring that faggot up all the time, you seem to forget that faggot was a troll, right
>>6430 A man being attracted to females is not being gay.
>>6428 That person could be anything, it could nit even be trans.
>>6439 I mean, not
>>6440 not not nit
15 / 16 is marriage material by nature, history, and European laws. All you blind authority parrots fixated on American puritanical law need to sit down and shut up about your hangups and stop bashing attraction to fully grown women who are clearly ready to have babies.
>>6454 Funny considering the birthrate in America is higher than all of Europe
>>6461 Literally has nothing to do with anything, but thanks for trying to contribute I guess
