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Pregnant Superheroes Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 07/07/2022 (Thu) 19:29:12 Id:f6d932 No. 888
Crime fighting won't stop these mommas
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>>16996 In the movie, Gwen says "Will you adopt me?", I would have asked "Please sit on me."
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Jessica Drew by Duck4Lunch
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>>5207 Please, refrain from badmouthing Disney.
>>18909 They deserve it.
>>18909 Fuck Di$ney they can go straight to hell
Imagine this situation, you are a Kaijin created by a criminal organization or a Kaiju come from space, both to subjugate humanity, but being brutally humiliated by a pregnant heroine who rides a motorcycle with a grasshopper helmet or a pregnant heroine the size of a large building that shoots laser beams. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Again, by me...
Wish more spider Gwen preg art had her with her mask on tbh
(3.40 MB 3680x4200 SPOILER_1628654331950-1.png)
Thanks, Couchy. Now, back to business as usual.
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Even in the DCverse, "Cream-Pie" here would probably make people, well. Come like her. Name: Cream-Pie(real name Hilda Berykake.) Age: Heheh. As long as your old enough to read doujinshi ;) Powers: Can command globs of semen to slow down and incapacitate enemies. While being hit by flying goops of baby-batter hasn't really hurt anyone, even supervillains would elicit an "Ew!" response pretty quickly. Motivation: Make the dreams of couples come true and help them bring new life. Ironically enough, Cream-Pie herself is infertile. Her womb simply stores the sperm until use.
What happened to the My Hero Academia thread?
Anyone got more Supergirl/Power Girl pregnancy pics?
>>22586 Check the edit thread bud in a minute
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>>23852 Bump with content, my guy >>22586 Here's a Supergirl
Knocked up Catwoman with the Joker's children
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Looks like Batman got his pussy swollen!
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>>29353 Who the fucks saves thumbnails?
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I favorite background pregnant alien from Spider-Woman Vol. 6.
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>>33659 She could be Strontian because of her mohawk, but her skin is too blue, so she looks Kree.
>>33660 There needs to be more fan art of this character.
