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Lewdlemage / Dr. Worm Edit Thread Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 05:35:04 Id:0cd1b3 No. 29191
Another thread for sharing/requesting edits of Worm's non-pregnancy art. Twitter: https://twitter.com/lewdlemage?lang=en Tumblr: https://lewdlemage.tumblr.com/ DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/dr--worm Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lewdlemage
>>33363 Clara is tied with Heidi for hottest girl, need preg edit bad.
Hey does someone know what font worm uses
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>>33562 Wish granted only problem idk what font he uses
Still can use some touch ups
>>33567 He uses "Anime Ace" if I recall right.
>>33567 Very good, this pleases me.
>>33575 Perfect
(1.08 MB 1700x2300 Untitled49_20240420213044.png)
>>33579 Well I did some improvements on the edit and added one new line
>>33567 >>33581 Great job! Maybe a mini missed opportunity to edit the cupcake thing to mcpreggo tho
>>33581 Even better, I like, I like.
I’m still glad to one of the best anonymous worm editors. Tho I wish there was a metal forever edit thread
>>33555 It was going down because they were running out of money to keep the servers running. Apparently, they have enough for one more year of operation.
Did anyone have the pregnant version of this Rias pic?
>>33671 Sort of unrelated, but it's actually canon that Akeno gets pregnant first, followed by Asia, and Rias is one of the last. Pure devils have low fertility. There's a one-shot spinoff where some of Issei's kids go back in time, and it's mentioned that he has kids with all of the girls.
Do we post popping edits here? Edits of rapid pregnancy which end with a bang...
>>33678 please no
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>>33671 Not a preg edit as far as I know, but here's one with visible kicks. Also, here's two of SCP-811
Please yes
>>33671 Do you want I edit this draw for make a pregnant version?
>>33678 If you do it just make sure to spoiler them, OR preferably actually post it in the bursting thread. Also spoiler them
Does anyone have the edit from the old thread that was just a kicky animation of Gardevoir?
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>>33739 Hi original editor of the animation and here it is
>>33739 I also have 2 more edits of gardevoir I can repost.
>>33774 sounds great
>>33700 I'd love to see it if you felt like making it. Kicky and non-kicky versions if I was being greedy.
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Here are my other edits of gardivoir
>>33773 Hey thanks!
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managed to finish another frame edits
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Worm's alright! They posted a lil' Granblue vore(What is Granblue?). The next big fish sketch stream is soon, too. Also, Sisters and Brothers of Preg, OUR month is almost upon us!
>>34022 Gran blue fantasy (GBF) a game franchise, the only games i know is their web gacha game and fighting game, back in early 2024 they announce DLC with 2B from nier automata which give us more great 2B scenes
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>>33797 Speaking of edits, I remember there were edits of this...
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Some of my edits
>>34044 Gawd dayum Good job
>>34044 that's a really good edit, who else you can edit their head with?
>>34044 What's even the original for Kawakami? I don't recognise it. That means, good work.
>>34049 Took me a bit but I think it’s totally used from one of Jake Jaccobus’s drawings of his girl Becca and that sunset girl, just with added details
>>34042 That I was not responsible for
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>>34042 This one?
>>34056 No kidding because this wasn't an edit at all; this was the original pic. >>34069 Yes, but I also remember one where she had a smile on her face.
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>>34071 Good news I did edit that. Tho I’m not proud of it especially with how outdated it is. Might make a re-edit of it
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(1.48 MB 2200x2000 Untitled58_20240429003718.png)
Two new edits ripped and not ripped
Seeing all these cool edits is inspiring me to up my game. What programs are you guys using?
>>34216 Well when I first started I originally used pixlr. But the photoshop programs I recommend are gimp or if you don’t have a computer ibisPaint X.
>>34216 And thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about editing. I’ve been editing worm art for I think 2 or 3 years now, yet no ones asked about editing. Also heads up if you are editing don’t start off drawing belly buttons take a belly button from an existing drawing.
Hey, does anyone have the one Worm stream sketch of Akko from LWA accidentally pregging herself with a spell? I don't have it saved, and the it seems the Imgur link on Patreon/Kemono leads to a 404 error page.
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>>34361 holy shit when did he draw this
>>34365 Iirc like 5 years ago during a stream?
>>34361 Thanks! It has really good quality too.
>>34361 Wrong spell! XD
