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Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 06/20/2023 (Tue) 14:51:34 Id:82fff3 No. 17083
Can someone tell what the password is?
⏳⏳⏳ english ⏳⏳⏳
>>31408 There's many machine translation options out there, could always try it yourself.
>>31409 I can't use them... I don't know how to do it.. and i don't have a PC/Laptop
There is no problem if it is not translated into English or not
since when did these need passwords to open the files?
Does anyone have the new series?
>>31809 Always?
There's something new, it's one of my favorite fau drawings, it's the new pregnant elf https://twitter.com/fau85159478/status/1774049089539453245
looks like their fanbox got taken down
>>32346 April Fool's!
Anyone have the password of those chapters? https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/50610582/post/6892750
>>32415 yeah, I figured it would have been posted by now, but I get translator anon moved on
>>32428 I know but i want the japanese version, if it weren't such a bother
Um...wtf is that Plz help me
>>32428 I'm here I've just been really busy, the way it reads now it's very, what's a good way to put this.. it's very mechanical. The way this guys write his japanese is very pseudo intelligent I guess I'd put it. Like for instance, the epilogue uses a lot of terminology that just sounds stupid so it needs to be punched up. The way he describes her being unable to give birth to the quadruplets is to say something to the effect of "After giving birth to the horses Mami's belly was to distended making it difficult for the human fetuses to come out" this sentence clearly terrible. If you were to localize this it would read something closer to "Mami's womb was so utterly distended from being pregnant with 5 horses and 4 humans, that it was unable to properly contract. Thus, the quadruplets remained inside." So yeah, the whole thing has to be localized so it doesn't read so terribly lol.
>>32461 If I'm not mistaken, the folder that has the chapters and other drawings has the name like this
>>32415 Click on the fancards tab on their kemono page and look there.
>>32481 it work, thank you
>>32462 This explains why localizations can change how dialogue flows.
Anybody know why fau in kemono not update??
>>32481 I had no idea about the fancards page. Thanks so much!
>>32547 Presumably the usual person(s) who connects their fanbox to kemono hasn't done so yet (either haven't gone to kemono in a while, or isn't paying for fanbox currently) It's not automatic, it'll be done when it's done
>>32554 Oh i see, okay
Pasword: 1327658kf
>>32579 Is that password from the new series?
Does anyone by any chance have Fau's new works?
>>33379 You don't get what you want in this thread. Cause in this thread people will ask you wait for the update in kemono site. Like or not.
>>33537 Is Kemono busted again? It seems like nothing is updating
>>33563 some artists do update but not fau
>>33565 And because that.. i think this thread will be used just like before when fau's work is not update in kemono site
>>33589 Good point but there was a person who put on the second season of the horse woman before it was on kemono
Importing again, should be updated soon.
>>33632 thanks man, importers are busted currently for whatever reason so it probably won't update
>>33639 If it doesn't work, I'll drop a MEGA link or something here.
>>33642 awesome, you're the best
>>33632 I think it's been updated :D
>>33669 it hasn't
>>33642 Where is the update?
>>33642 Just drop the mega link, that should kept this thread satisfied
Here's everything that hasn't made it onto kemono yet. If any of them ask you for a password, it is 1327658kf. https://mega.nz/folder/pLdhQYRJ#H-n7E59mSTTPGhJPlTJI4A
>>33793 Thank you so much. See you all next month
>>33793 Thanks man, weird kinda nothing chapter
>>33884 yea but amazing BA stuff
>>33913 Blue Archive
>>33947 oh is that what those characters are from?
>>33999 neat, never heard of it before
>>33793 importers working again
