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Halo Thread Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 05/09/2023 (Tue) 12:07:04 Id:b58b58 No. 15316
baby halo
>>23537 Somebody took the short schoolbus when they were a kid
I love how in the end the whole argument amounted to nothing. Everything was pointless from the start.
>>23511 >>23512 >>23514 >>23516 >>23525 >>23549 >>23571 >t. Self admitted kid diddlers I'm 100% sure that you're jerking off to realistic drawings of children too. "They're not real", "I like adults that look like children, but I'm not a pedo, I would never ever ever ever EVER fuck a child, I pinky promise!", "actually they're 30 years old, they just look like they're 10" yeah right, what other mental exercise you're going to show to prove you're totally not pedos?
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Motherfucker, even the original dude arguing fucked off. Enough with the shitty baiting attempts. I'm like 95% sure you're the same fucking retard who tries this type of low-effort bait in every other political discussion that's popped up, because your manner of speaking is practically identical. Go troll somewhere else, you troglodyte.
>>23686 The irony is that there's literally a loli thread and for some reason they decided to start an argument here. A thread for girls with halos.
>>23700 Tbf this thread might as well be the Blue Archive thread, and most of the girls posted here are lolis, so. Personally, I wish there were more preg drawing of the hotter underrated ladies like Saori at >>16499 or Aru like in the tankoubon at >>19939. Fuck, the 5 page Saori comic where she gives birth is hot af, can't believe that's the best Saori preg content I'll get.
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>>23676 Bro, stop ruining my favorite fucking thread with your deluded namecalling.
>>24523 Sauce?
Tbh Loli stuff is weird imo
>>24786 Looking for who asked.
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>>23704 What Saori comic
>>23686 If you don't want people to laugh at you then go somewhere you can block them. Now, any of you child predators have a coherent answer for why you're totally not diddlers? "They're emotionally mature 50 year olds who just so happen to look like preteens" and "I beat my meat to lolis but I would never rape a child" aren't arguments.
Just ignore em, they make their own fair points. But i doubt it changes anything anyways. If whatever we say cannot constitute as an argument then it's pointless to deliberate further.
>>25385 Like a normal pregchan conversation
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Keep em coming
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>>26227 I thought this was Amiya from Arknights
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>It's 2024 >There are still CP threads on the site (including this one) So the thing I'm supposed to take from this is that pregnancy fetishists are also child molesters lol.
>>27125 anything that helps you sleep at night bud
>>27125 It's still 2023 where I am fuckhead. 2D lolicon does not equal fucking hurtcore rural Philippines rape/murder camps genius.
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>>30212 The only flaw here is that Saori isn't in her original outfit which would've made this hotter, but I get it. The world needs more pregnant Blue Archive women, especially Saori.
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Seeing many halos on a belly is pretty hot
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Sleep paralysis demon
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Mari in her athletic uniform
