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Lewdlemage / Dr. Worm Preg Thread belliesrlovely 03/24/2023 (Fri) 19:35:44 Id:59442d No. 13356
A thread for posting Worm's pregnancy art. NO EDITS. (There's another thread for that: >>13354) Twitter: https://twitter.com/lewdlemage?lang=en Tumblr: https://lewdlemage.tumblr.com/ DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/dr--worm Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lewdlemage
>>31866 ok anon
>>31866 Vore is easily better than stuffing at least.
>>31879 I personally prefer preg/chub/weight gain because it involves a more integral change in a person's body, as opposed to having simply swallowed something(or someone).
Vore can literally involve death of a person, so it's worse than many fetishes.
>>31827 Axel was definitely a big contributor with his “E-Bottles and Pellets” comic being one of the earliest fetish works I remember being into, but it was one among many influences. He had mostly declined, but every now and then he puts out a banger, like that Panty and Stocking set with a Preg/Stuffing comic and Preg/Stuffing alts for individual characters (I say alts but really full individual pics tailored to the fetish). Or that god tier Bulma preg bathing sequence. >>31833 I’m not certain if it’s true in terms of his output ratio, but the way he talks about it and the love he puts into it at least gives me the impression that he has a slight preference for it over the other fetishes.
>>31893 You know vore also have weight gain?
>>31894 It's a drawing schizo, no one is getting hurt. Take your fucking meds.
>>31445 I've seen two videos with Sound effects on YouTube. One was amateur, and the updated one was closer to the animation. Do you have one in particular?
>>31905 >>31905 >It's a drawing schizo So I guess if someone gets off to a drawing of feet they actually don't have a foot fetish because it's just a drawing? Yeah sorry bromigo but getting off to a drawing of cannibalism still means you're sexually attracted to cannibalism.
Ngl I’m glad I’m not interest in vore and if I do see good art but it’s vore I’m just gonna edit it
why does this thread always end up with people argue over petty things
>>31911 This is the same logic as liking violence video games means you like killing in real life. It's a retarded argument cause that's clearly not the case.
>>31935 No one tell him that there's a correlation between the demographic that loves violent videogames and the one that commits violent crime.
>>31940 Well said, we wouldn't want liars here.
>>31924 Because they're retarded and have nothing better to do.
If you love pregnant bellies then you love the fetus that's inside.
>>31866 Look, faggot, vore isn't really my thing either, but can you shut the fuck up already? I genuinely don't understand what's so difficult about letting people just jack it in peace.
Can’t we all agree as long as it ain’t lolly or furries it’s ok just as long as it’s tame. So like just have some slime or non violent vore
>>31963 What are you on
>>31810 The most perfect bellies for me personally
>>31974 Using the same dumb logic as >>31911
Guys, I bring some new alts for the most recent Worm works and I think y'all be VERY pleased.
>>32039 Pregnant vore? Don’t see that combination often, I can maybe get behind this?
>>32042 Pregnant vore preds are a personal favorite.
>>32039 I know, right? I never thought it was possible, but Worm did it. Low-key reminds me of a horror movie plot, tbh.
>>32039 She just killed someone and it's a hyper size. Massive boner killer combo.
>>32051 Skill issue.
>>32052 more like kill issue
Aight this argument must stop now, if you want to continue, go vent it in /b/ or /c/ instead
>>32062 yes daddy
Dropping the Samus birth animation (via Mega cuz file size junk) because peak and also I edited it the tiniest bit cuz there was one tiny thing that bothered me https://mega.nz/file/EKM3lRIL#1q2hgNvOqCxJtOTETjcC0QF_WxYppzkjGdalxFBT_Fc
>>32269 The edit is that moment where her belly kinda "flickers" right?
>>32278 The single frame it changes yea I made two edits one I just cut the frame (one I sent) and another where I covered it for that frame
>>32269 In where exactly does "flicker" on Samus' belly occur exactly? I wanna know for future reference.
>>32324 It’s right before she says “gotta be quiet”
>>32269 does it exist in another format than quicktime?
>>32359 For the one I edited no, but here’s the original sta.sh link https://sta.sh/22p18h3rkck
>>32374 Scratch that, wrong one (was still a worm piece tho) https://sta.sh/2fzhxmgvigk
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Brace yourselves, Ladies and Gents. This new art is intense.
>>33060 Well someone just ordered an ass kicking.
New post is up.
in the light of recent events happened in pregchan, in case the worst happened we move to bbw-chan here to post worms latest posts: https://bbw-chan.link/bbwalt/res/327.html let me know if you want a dedicated thread for new posts only in /preg/
New post anyone?
>>33546 What recent events happened?
>>33916 nothing new so far
My best guess is that Worm is finishing up that one Makima animation, which would require a higher deal of effort. Hopefully, they're just about done or they have a sketch to tide us over.
>>14190 >Ovenonymous
